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What should be Muslim world reaction to new American announcement about Beit ul muqaddas/jerusalem ?

what should be Islamic world reaction toward new American policy in ME ?

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If they were kicked out, it doesn't tally with the fact that 20% of Israelis are Arabs.

But I'll let you carry on believing the version you were indoctrinated with.:)
At one time it was around 90%, I wonder what happened?


The only thing I would do as a Turk is to congratulate Israel and the Jewish people for their new capital city. After that I will smile and be happy that Allah punished the traitors in the best way possible.
When you don’t want to kiss the hand of the Turkish Sultan you will have to suck the Jewish D 100 years after that instead. :D
Very large misconception.

More Arabs fought the revolt than there were Arabs fighting for the revolt.

If you think a small Kingdom in Hejaz represents the Arab world then you are mistaken. You should hold great respect for the Arabs as countless Arabs died for the Ottoman Empire in almost every conflict the Ottomans were involved in. It's about time people like you recognize them for their sacrifices rather than use them as scapegoats.
Even Arabs themselves accept their betrayal...

Start being secular and more accepting of other views. That's the way you gain support in the modern world.
The only thing I would do as a Turk is to congratulate Israel and the Jewish people for their new capital city. After that I will smile and be happy that Allah punished the traitors in the best way possible.
When you don’t want to kiss the hand of the Turkish Sultan you will have to suck the Jewish D 100 years after instead. :D
How a revolt in Hejaz equates to the entire Arab population being considered as traitors?

You do know that more Arabs fought against the revolt than Arabs that fought for the revolt?

Ottoman Arab allies such as Emirate of Jabal Shammar continued to fight against the Hejazi Arab rebels even after the Ottoman Empire surrendered.

Even Arabs themselves accept their betrayal...

That guy is not even Arab, he's an Indian and has Trinidadian nationality.
If they were kicked out, it doesn't tally with the fact that 20% of Israelis are Arabs.

But I'll let you carry on believing the version you were indoctrinated with.:)

And how many million are the displaced Palestinians who are not allowed to return in name of "Security Threat to Israel"?
Now who is indoctrinated with propaganda?
Get rid of Saudis family for betrayal of Islamic principles. Drop the dollar, stop all trade with USA, move towards barter international, gold and silver. Expose Rothschild publicly. Israel is Rothschild project.
There was a time when Turkey needed help too and Muslims answered the call.

Here in Pakistan before partition; our Great Grand Fathers were executed by the British for refusing to fight our Ottoman brothers, our women donated all their jewelry for the Ottoman war effort, we sold our properties to help fund the war, we surrendered our main means of self-defense by sending all our arms to Turkey (which proved to be disastrous when around one million Muslims died in partition), we defected and mutinied; anything to avoid fighting our brothers and if we had to do it again, we would do it without hesitance without regret - because we know that unity is an integral part of our religion and that our Muslim brothers would also come to our aid in times of crisis.

You are right, i am thinking the same. But how can you solve a problem when the problem is the people them selfs? Brother, really you should hear it from me. I have some Maghribi friends when i ask them what they think about the ambargo of Qatar. What i heart, was nothing Islamic. Killing each other and backstabbing, secterian wars acting like a lion against muslims. How can you defeat the strongest power of the world with these crazy people? We should help them, not should we have to help them. But if they don't help them self what would our help do? In 2009 when zionists killed our people that was a chance, really sent another ship with goods. No one of that Arabs did it, they are wasting ther chances and blaming each other. Tiny shit Israel couldn't do a thing when every Arab country had sent a ship with goods. Only condemns like we hear it today!

I will always supporting Palistins against Zionistan, but Turkey shouldn't waste time to much. What Erdogan doing is not good for the economy of Turkey. We are not super power, we have our limits.
How a revolt in Hejaz equates to the entire Arab population being considered as traitors?

You do know that more Arabs fought against the revolt than Arabs that fought for the revolt?

Ottoman Arab allies such as Emirate of Jabal Shammar continued to fight against the Hejazi Arab rebels even after the Ottoman Empire surrendered.

That guy is not even Arab, he's an Indian and Trinidadian nationality.

Who said I hate all Arabs or that I am ungrateful to all those who died for the Ottoman Empire or Turkey? I have nothing against the people from the Maghreb or the Turkish Arabs- I like them a lot. They are not the ones who fought against us, who betrayed us and conspired against us, whose flag symbolizes that betrayal (like in the case of Palestine). They are not the ones whose state politics have in most of their history been anti-Turkish (supporting Greeks, Armenians and the PKK against us), they are not the ones who flood this country with their backward Salafist ideology and etc.

If the 500 million strong arab world can’t solve a problem with the small Israel on it’s own I don’t see why Turkey and the Turkish people should do it for them. Turkey sacrificed enough for those ungrateful sons of... already.
Stalin and Mao were atheist and killed millions of people. So what should have they become to prevent that bloodshed from happening?

There is no stagnation in the atheist thought (like in the Religion where Sharia laws like of Jehad and killing are not going to change till Judgement day)

There is no "reform" in the relgious sharias, while due to evolution, then atheists thought was able to introduce the non religious system of Democracy (where none of the law and right is based upon religion, but only upon the human rational. And all the modern Human Rights, especially of women and even the end of slavery, or even the animal rights for the first time in the history of mankind ... all these are the gifts of atheist thought only.
And how many million are the displaced Palestinians who are not allowed to return in name of "Security Threat to Israel"?
Now who is indoctrinated with propaganda?

They lost a war. They fled to neighbouring countries who kept them in camps.

Israel absorbed 900,000 refugees. The difference is they weren't kept in camps for decades, they were absorbed.
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