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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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Commander T

Jul 7, 2012
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Guys what do you think, What should be done to increase religious tolerance in pakistan?
Do we need changes in constituition or we need to deal with these unwanted elements with Iron Hand?
Guys what do you think, What should be done to increase religious tolerance in pakistan?
Do we need changes in constituition or we need to deal with these unwanted elements with Iron Hand?

Are you serious ??? No one gives a horsesh!t about these things in south asia ( except for the high profile political drama). . .

Change the Mindset of the ppl. . . educate them. . . let the ppl incorporate new thoughts.. . .emphasise on science and tech. more. . . ask ppl to see the motive/logic behind the things . . . ask questions.. . make it a free will society :enjoy:
Guys what do you think, What should be done to increase religious tolerance in pakistan?
Do we need changes in constituition or we need to deal with these unwanted elements with Iron Hand?
eliminate the taliban , increase education.
teach that in the quran it says there is no compulsion in religion and anything contradicting the quran has to be false for ex. death for apostates, letting others build their places of worship ect.
1. Make religion personal affairs and control & regulate Mullahs and hang them for non-sense fatwas & hate speeches.
2. Mosques should be for prayers and teaching Quran only - no sectarianism should be allowed there, any kind of sectarian rituals should be held at designated places not on roads or public places.
3. No religion, sect, ethnicity, language based political party should be allowed.
4. Scrap blaspheme law and introduce new laws to punish nuts who play with religious, sectarian & ethnic sentiments of people without any discrimination.
5. Make education mandatory and allocate resource for it.
stop believing conspiracy theories...
Stay away from Bangladeshis....
Stay away from madrasas...
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Manticore @nuclearpak can we please get this thread cleaned because it is a good topic to discuss and please remove the Indians because they know not the scenario nor have they even been to Pakistan to know ground level issues!

And some will just twist the thread to a different direction...I for once would like to have a discussion with the people of Pakistan about how they feel and what can be done so Indians please leave this thread in peace! We dont want you opinion nor do we want you to ridicule our system/ people/ country...We just want to discuss the issues in our country...Go discuss your issues in another thread please!

Thank you!

1. Make religion personal affairs and control & regulate Mullahs and hang them for non-sense fatwas & hate speeches.
2. Mosques should be for prayers and teaching Quran only - no sectarianism should be allowed there, any kind of sectarian rituals should be held at designated places not on roads or public places.
3. No religion, sect, ethnicity, language based political party should be allowed.
4. Scrap blaspheme law and introduce new laws to punish nuts who play with religious, sectarian & ethnic sentiments of people without any discrimination.
5. Make education mandatory and allocate resource for it.

Totally agreed with all the points mentioned! Especially point no.2

I dont understand how a mosque in which we pray to the same GOD can be of different sects ....
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Manticore @nuclearpak can we please get this thread cleaned because it is a good topic to discuss and please remove the Indians because they know not the scenario nor have they even been to Pakistan to know ground level issues!
Agreed that we dont know much about ground realities of pakistan, but is it our fault to be enthusiastic to share our thoughts?
You are behaving like a dictator:sick:
Also Mods should edit the title saying that indians are not allowed...
Agreed that we dont know much about ground realities of pakistan, but is it our fault to be enthusiastic to share our thoughts?
You are behaving like a dictator:sick:
Also Mods should edit the title saying that indians are not allowed...

I am only doing so to keep the thread clean...You can share your thoughts but mind you there are a number who start competing, boasting, chest thumping and then a whole set of them pick up old stories or individual incidents and stuff like that...1 such post brings the whole thread down to ground zero...Instead of it becoming what should be done to increase religious tolerance in Pakistan...It becomes a competition on which country has more of what or who is the better one!

Hence, I would prefer asking all Indians to be out then allowing 1 or 2 and then causing the thread to be derailed in having to prove why!

Furthermore, I am not interested in whatever an Indian has to say, because like you agreed you do not know grass root realities so no matter what you say may not be applicable nor as simple as saying it....While when a Pakistani puts forward some material we all can relate to it ..

I dont mean to offend you but just so that I myself can understand the reality I would prefer people living in the country to contribute and explain it than people from abroad commenting or giving ideas which may already have been implemented, failed to be implemented, be in the law and not seen in action or even ideas which are not currently possible due to many reasons...I can write more but it is already derailing the thread!

Please understand this bit

Thank you!

@shan brother a humble request to let the thread run with ideas on the topic and ignore anything else...Please and thank you! :)
My question goes to those strong on their "fiqh"

Why divide the masjids when there is not much differences in the prayer and who we are praying to...

I mean if we can stand shoulder to shoulder at Mekkah, Madinah with whatever sect then why not in our own homeland?

This is just a simple question I have

@Armstrong @FaujHistorian @Secur @Zarvan @Aeronaut @HRK @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba @Slav Defence @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Leader @Jazzbot @PiyaraPakistan @Commander T @Oscar @Ehsan Abbas @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pboy @liontk @qamar1990 @RazPaK @PWFI @Silverblaze
@Pakistanisage @LoveIcon @air marshal @airmarshal (not sure which one of you is which member)
@p(-)0ENiX @JonAsad @Aether @A.Rafay

No idea who I am missing....I dont recall kiskay saath Islam par baat hui thee ...or if there is anyone out there like me who would like to know why ....and sorry no long stories! Keep it short and concise so we all can read and not skip it (esp to @Zarvan @FaujHistorian and @Armstrong )!

An advice to all please keep within the topic, no name calling and def no degrading the other sect! I want to know why so we can find what should be done and how...
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I have read Namaz behind a Barelvi Imam,a wahabbi, and even a shia even though I ascribe to none of these groups. To me dividing mosques is stupid and especially in Pakistan's case all mosques need to run by the state and open to all sects.
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