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What Pakistan Army Should Do To Redeem Itself?

Mutiny and eliminate the entire command structure.

Then get the hell out of politics and real estate business.
3-4 generals can take the matter to the extreme to save their skins and their crimes.
We may get to that point. It will be done by juniors, mid-level.

I have no doubt traitor generals care.
It will get redeemed itself. Army has a breadth in the setup which will recover it among people by itself.. and you will see it for yourself in next few years.
How, though?
You support generals does not matter what.
Generals don't care consequences.
Yes, they might be thinking same curriculum of 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000, shall work.

ایک وقت آتا ہے لوگ اپنی ذلت برداشت نہیں کرسکتے۔

دیوتا بننے کی حسرت میں معلق ہوگئے
اب نیچے اتر آئیے اور آدمی بن جائیے
Just stick to the exact job parameters laid out for it by constitution and its own charter and just do that well. Frankly, that is exactly what every Pakistani should do - do your own job well before interfering in anyone else’s.
send the crore commanders bila-wardi to kabul khushbo laga kay. only then . joh ho, woh hum pay per view per daikhan. mulk ka qarza khatam ho jaye ga.
Help pak and it's nation and bring stability in every decision and help reduce defence budget for time being
Just stick to the exact job parameters laid out for it by constitution.
That's it - follow the constitution like the Americans follow their constitution (I love this part of American culture)

If every Pakistani respect the constitution like Americans respect their constitution - we'll be a force to be reckoned with

If we continue with the low IQ thuggery than sorry it'll be more of the same, I just hope we as people learn to respect the rule of law
Help pak and it's nation and bring stability in every decision and help reduce defence budget for time being
Biggest help would be stop interfering in politicization, depoliticization, govt.

Bajwa really sunk this prestigious institution to the Pitts of hell.
It was good in a big way, otherwise we would still be worshipping these habitual traitors.
In the past I was in favor of martial law over democracy in Pakistan. Historically, the economic growth rate has always been highest during army rule compared to political rule.

However, it’s clear now that the army has been ruling for all of Pakistan’s history, either openly or from behind the scenes. When they leave they install crooks, like Bhutto, Nawaz, Zardari.

Between the generals and the feudal scumbags Pakistan has been utterly ruined.

Like someone mentioned, if the end result had been a prosperous country then it could have been tolerable. But they’ve turned Pakistan into a failed state.

I don’t see a solution without the military being brought under civilian control. Corrupt generals, politicians, bureaucrats, judges etc. need to be arrested, tried and jailed for life.

The solution is not hard to figure out. But who will do it?
  1. Suspend all officers who are involved in murder of Arshad Sharif and attempt on Imran Khan
  2. Register FIR against these officers
  3. Hold a clear, credible investigation
  4. Convict these officers, if found guilty
  5. Demonstrate that army is with nation not with criminals

If these officers are not caught, and army blocks every avenue of investigation, it means it has a crime to hide.

Pakistani people will never forgive this betrayal. Army stands with nation and nation stands with army. Army's biggest strength is the nation confidence in it. In this case, army stands with the criminals. There is no way people can forgive this. On top of that, the army command is standing behind the officers whom Arshad's mother has named.

This is the only way it can redeem itself. Otherwise, there is no chance.
Army as a whole has lost love of Pakistan.
Please Give one liner what Pakistan Army can do that it can redeem itself and get back the love and reverance of the people.
Please only positive responses you genuinely feel, no acrimony.

For me -
Get back Jammu & Kashmir in next Five Years.
Including Laddakh.
Himachal Paradesh too.
Army should help eradicate corruption from Pakistan. They have absolute power in Pakistan.
They can start by re-reading their oath and we should pray that they actually understand the words.
Traitor is always be afraid and will look over his shoulder but unfortunately people of Pakistan don't have what it takes to free themselves. They are waiting for Khan to fix everything and refuse to make a stand. I pray people of Pakistan get off their lazy *** and go stand in front of GHQ.
Army should help eradicate corruption from Pakistan. They have absolute power in Pakistan.
They dont have absolute power.. remember when musharaf made NAB and started catching all the thugs.. politicians got united against him and ..all the propaganda against him on TV was used to portray him as a guy killing fellow brothers in Afghanistan and turning pakistan secular... he was held responsible for all the chaos that the politicians were themselves creating.
He had his share of mistakes but the lawyers movement and media was used by politicians to deflect and derail the governance and anti corruption practices he tried to bring in.
One example is how he turned whole baluchistan into Area A back in 2008 and raisani threw it in the UN and got it reverted.
They dont have absolute power.. remember when musharaf made NAB and started catching all the thugs.. politicians got united against him and ..all the propaganda against him on TV was used to portray him as a guy killing fellow brothers in Afghanistan and turning pakistan secular... he was held responsible for all the chaos that the politicians were themselves creating.
He had his share of mistakes but the lawyers movement and media was used by politicians to deflect and derail the governance and anti corruption practices he tried to bring in.
One example is how he turned whole baluchistan into Area A back in 2008 and raisani threw it in the UN and got it reverted.
Musharraf was going very well , till he away from politicians. His tenure was destroyed by Gujrati chaudries. They forced him to give NRO to all politicians. A reason why they got highest post during PPP era and Nawaz was extremely ungrateful to Chaudries who setup the whole game plan. Yes, Geo played dirty role and corrupt Iftikhar Chaudry by the backing of Nawaz and co.
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