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What kept India united after the British left?

Well said!!!
Man you pinched salt in their wounds and now be ready for old tape to play "India has 10000 year of history" in loop for hours.
Hee! Hee!

Logical or illogical, factually correct or incorrect, you have to give full marks to both Indians and Pakistanis for hilarious entertainment with their comedy and amusing posts.

I have begun to come here for this comedy.

If only the mods pay heed to my friend @Bharat Muslim's and my request of allowing abusive posts, it would be awesome. In fact, Bharat had started a thread on collection of abusive posts, but moderators having no sense of quality removed it.
My own feeling is the BCs group [40% of India] will gravitate mostly to Hindutwa or or other radical Hindu groups. The SCs/STs [30% of India] or Dalits/Tribals will feed the leftist radical groups like Naxalities. I also think the Indian state will cultivate links with Hindu right wing based groups to fight the leftist groups made up of mostly Dalits/Tribals and this is already happening with Naxalites.
You are far away from ground reality ..
Hee! Hee!

Logical or illogical, factually correct or incorrect, you have to give full marks to both Indians and Pakistanis for hilarious entertainment with their comedy and amusing posts.

I have begun to come here for this comedy.

If only the mods pay heed to my friend @Bharat Muslim's and my request of allowing abusive posts, it would be awesome. In fact, Bharat had started a thread on collection of abusive posts, but moderators having no sense of quality removed it.

Well, if you want, we can relieve you of your sorry existence on PDF :azn:.

How do you feel that your utter obsession forces you go to a Pakistani forum because no indian forum is worth any Pakistani member so you have to come and fart your frustration out but only to vitiate the already stinky atmosphere of your little dark damp and mouldy cabin and shyt slithered keyboard of which you are warrior?
Well, if you want, we can relieve you of your sorry existence on PDF :azn:.

How do you feel that your utter obsession forces you go to a Pakistani forum because no indian forum is worth any Pakistani member so you have to come and fart your frustration out but only to vitiate the already stinky atmosphere of your little dark damp and mouldy cabin and shyt slithered keyboard of which you are warrior?
cause if we left you guys alone, it would be just a bunch of guys jerking each other on......no debate, no discussions, no differing view, nothing. It's more fun this way :smitten:
India is a cultural entity known as Bharat varsha since history is available. It was divided in various Janpad ruled by various kings. SO india was there and India is here today. Earlier it was rulled by different kings but today it is ruled by a central government.
The next 50 years for India will decide the fate of largest number of humans on earth. Traditional society tends to be stratified and stable. The upper crust fights, quarrels, rules, wins or loses. The rest of the layers of society just keep living like they always did.

However modern world brings change. It rips and shakes up the stratified order - this causes chaos and internal instability as each seam in the stratum tries to arrive at new order that provides it with political and economic rights. Eventually after much tussle it all reforms into a stable new order. Pakistan right now is going through the internal instability caused by the old stratified order being broken and ripped around in a vortex. Thus the TTP, religious groups, ethnic groups, sectarian groups etc all pushing and shoving. The entire core of society is disturbed until things eventually reform into a new stable order.

India is just now about to enter this phase and next 50 years will decide where she goes. The Naxalites are a harbinger of what is to come. At present over 50% of India is still tied like frozen layers but soon they will begin to shake loose. Imagine for a second 300 million Dalits get mobilized and shake the present order to get a better deal?

Right now whjat you call India is mirror of 30% of the population at the top. Wait till the bottom 30% are freed from the shackles and demand their rights and you will see chaos in India.


Myth number 1:

The upper-caste population is huge. The fair, tall, vegetarian, confident men and women of the priestly Brahmin, warrior Kshatriya and trading Vaishya must be more in number than the dark, short, servile Shudras and the Untouchables. The latter kind, Shudras and the Untouchables, who subsisted on farming, cow-herding and manual labour, whom historians such as Romila Thapar call the original inhabitants of India until the Aryan invasion in 1,500 BCE, are still around as Backward Castes (BCs), Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). But they’re only a few and live afar, in the villages and forests. This myth on the number will be broken with the caste census. We will see the BCs, STs, and SCs forming the majority, somewhere in the range of 70 percent of the population. It’s just that this population is still so servile, and invisible to the national mainstream, that many mistake the visible as the majority. Now, the invisible will make the majority.

Let’s look at this popular misconception of visibility and invisibility another way. If you’re an Indian, or a foreigner who is familiar with India, the chances of you recognising one or many well-known personalities with the following surnames are plenty: Mukherjee, Ganguly, Mishra, Sharma, Iyer, Murthy, Joshi, Rao, Namboothiripad, Kamath, Haksar, Kaul, Goswamy, Tiwari, Vajpayee (Brahmin); Rathore, Raju, Singh, Sisodia, Rana, Bedi, Jadeja, Tanwar, Adhikari (Kshatriya); Mittal, Gupta, Singhal, Goyal, Patel, Khanna, Kapur, Vohra, Shetty (Vaishya). In India’s prevailing hierarchy of social status, men and women with upper caste surnames, like the above, generate an image of confidence, power, social dignity and omnipresence among us—omnipresence, because they’re everywhere from politics to cricket; and even the educated and well-exposed make no attempt not to use their caste names.

Juxtapose those names with the following surnames, or caste names, that don’t come so easy to our tongues, primarily because we don’t hear them in the national mainstream: Adi Karnataka, Shendurnikar, Valluvan, Tirkey, Khakha, Adi Dravida, Paraiyar, Kaibarta, Namasudra (SC); Santal, Paniya, Kurichiya, Oraon, Kumre, Naitam, Bedar, Bhumija, Mala Araya, Bhil, Yerukala (ST); Kamati, Yadav, Maso, Ezhava, Jatab (BC).

The figures that will emerge from Census 2011 can’t be very different from those of 1931. When the British last counted caste, Brahmins accounted for only 6.4 percent of the population, Rajputs 3.7 percent and Banias 2.7 percent. The backward castes, excluding the Dalits and tribal people, came to 43.7 percent. In 2011, as a block, the Shudras and Untouchables could reach 70 percent of the Indian population.


What does this all mean? Real India is hidden away. Speechless. Not represented in media. It's a shadow, a huge shadow that will begin to make it presence. Whether that bring chaos to India sufficient to rip it apart is to be seen but chaos is around the corner.
How do you explain the disintegration of Soviet Union despite all the factors of stability present?
1. The right density of population: I surmise this from the hearsay that Soviet Union had completely abolished unemployment. In fact I have heard there was shortage of manpower. That means the ratio of population to material resources was easily sustainable.
2. Absence of SC/ST/BC kind of people: The percentage of SC/ST/BC kind of people was negligibly low. That was the case in at least European side of USSR like Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Azerbaijan etc. Why did these European countries break away then?
My own feeling is the BCs group [40% of India] will gravitate mostly to Hindutwa or or other radical Hindu groups. The SCs/STs [30% of India] or Dalits/Tribals will feed the leftist radical groups like Naxalities. I also think the Indian state will cultivate links with Hindu right wing based groups to fight the leftist groups made up of mostly Dalits/Tribals and this is already happening with Naxalites.

Quite contrary. Naxalism won't survive more than 5 - 10 years. Casteism is a harder nut. But one thing is sure, I see more intercaste marriages now than a few years ago. Indians are definitely looking at a future with better living conditions. The situation is not as grave as some of the members here projecting it to be.

Neither it is united nor its stable to begin with.

The large part belongs to the fact that status quo hasn't changed much in India. Which fought two aggressive wars on your tiny neighbours and the fact you keep them harassed by use of terrorism be it the Tamil Tigers or TTP or Mukti Bahani.

Every time you make a booboo at home your establishment starts a war.

Aptly named hypocrite and mother of all terrorism.

Once a hipsters paradise. Now the rape capital of the world.

Incredible India

A mob masquerading as a nation.

Hatred coupled with selective knowledge. For once, try to be objective.
Quite contrary. Naxalism won't survive more than 5 - 10 years. Casteism is a harder nut. But one thing is sure, I see more intercaste marriages now than a few years ago. Indians are definitely looking at a future with better living conditions. The situation is not as grave as some of the members here projecting it to be.

Hatred coupled with selective knowledge. For once, try to be objective.

You are welcome to refute.

Every political turmoil in India has seen a war or conflict.

Feel free to object.

The question asked is more of a mirror to the situation.

I know your avatar is peace not war. I get it.
How is the country that has historically been divided into so many small states has been so united and stable since 1947?

The answer perhaps is in technology and modern means of communication and transportation - telephones, print media, railways, airplanes, television, radio etc. Perhaps these are the things which kept India united for 70 years and consolidated the unity. Technology wasn't there in the past when 'India' consisted of many distinct small countries.
Could it not be the burning desire of a few motivated people who wish to see Akhand Bharat once more before the End of History?
Whats kept India united uptil now is attributed to several najor and trivial causes, let me state a few major one's.
I) Islamic invasion and formation of govt.."The muslims were the technological, political and philosophical superpower of that age, they introduced the concept of the nation state to India by formation of singular govt over large swathes of indian territory, they introduced the philosophical cradle needed for unification of a nation to India, like for instance the courts of muslim mughal emperors had a large num of hindus hence the hindus realized that diff religion can work under the banner of the same state.
2) British invasion and govt... The british advanced the already foundational concepts introduced by the muslims ,more and more indians got influenced by british education and way of govt, the british parlimentry system and political parties gave voice to different ethinicities hence they all continued to adhere to a united india.
3) The formation of Pakistan..Hindus are wary and touchy about the 1000 yrs of muslim rule on india hence the formation of an islamic ideological republic right at their door step formed a threat in their minds of history repeating itself after the british left hence that threat has kept India united uptil now.
4) The regional interests of the west..The war between the west( largely christian) and the muslim east is 1400 yrs old and both sides have battled through the ages to hold the upper hand in global dominence, the muslims dominated this fight for a better part of this struggle yet from the recent 2-2.5 centuries the west has had the upper hand, more so in the past 100 yrs and they want to mantain that upper hand hence they need a unified hindu state in the east to keep the muslims in check in atleast asia hence they have not tried to break or disintegrate india like they try with Pakistan.
5) Brutal and decisive force used by the Indian govt...example include khalistan, nagaland , kashmir etc, the military is used with a decisive brutak manner to crush rebellions.
A unified India is very fragile with serious sepratist elements in multiple states and history is trestament to the fact that brutal force can not be decisive for ever.
this is an interesting question posed by an Indian member.
India was not united at all and to this day it has the most amount of secessionist groups in the world. It had to take many regions by force and often committed horrible acts of atrocities to silence dissent, such as the invasion of Hyderabad in which 200,000 civilians were killed.

In recent times; it's mostly Hindu nationalism, a false perception that there was always an "India", cultural factors, what Indian children are taught at school and a young educated population who believe in an "Indian" identity.
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