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What is the progress of India's plan about "overtake China economically by 2020"? Only 13 days left in 2020 now.

Lol. Maybe that's what the little Red Book of Mao says to prevent more Chinese citizens from joining their fellow 100,000 Chinese as refugees in India.

Meanwhile, in the democratic, civilized world - people have freedom of speech. So what a random elected official states is not the word of the Govt or the State. If you can, please ask Chinese refugees in India how democracy functions. They will explain it. Haha
Slandering lying and fake news are not freedom of speech. China is a proper country rule by people with great hindsight unlike India and US where clown and joker can become president to led country to astray as long as they appease the crowd and won the election.

Nobody want to join poor and filthy India. While plenty are lining up to be PRC citizen to enjoy world class Infrastructure and high standard of living :enjoy:
How about your PM's Independence Day speech in 2002?

The 2002 speech says: Our aim is to free India from the curse of poverty and unemployment. It is to make India a Developed Nation by 2020.

Haha. Do you understand the difference between aim and policy? Usually a policy includes actual steps backed by infrastructure and economics. You should ask the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India. They will explain it to you. Hahahaha.
Slandering lying and fake news are not freedom of speech. China is a proper country rule by people with great hindsight unlike India and US where clown and joker can become president to led country to astray as long as they appease the crowd and won the election.

Nobody want to join poor and filthy India. While plenty are lining up to be PRC citizen to enjoy world class Infrastructure and high standard of living :enjoy:
Now please ask a Chinese refugee in India to explain to you the difference between hindsight and foresight - since you seem to have mixed up the two.

Hahahaha. Meanwhile, in the democratic, civilized world we can only laugh at the brainwashed Communist chaps and their fantasies.
Haha. Do you understand the difference between aim and policy? Usually a policy includes actual steps backed by infrastructure and economics. You should ask the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India. They will explain it to you. Hahahaha.
So you mean the speech made by India's PM in the Indian Independence Day could not be trusted and treated seriously with? Or the speech itself is just some random words that the PM uses for the entertainment of his voters only?
At least they have democrazy and freedoom,LOL
Absolutely right. “FREEDOM” to such extent is indeed very very rare outside their country.

you mean the voting right that the Indian people sell for food or alcohol every five years?

You should ask the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India if this is true across the board for all voters. It isn't. But I reckon, you would trust your fellow countrymen more.
Absolutely right. “FREEDOM” to such extent is indeed very very rare outside their country.

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Is this outside a Chinese refugee camp to ensure the Chinese don't feel homesick?
You should ask the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India if this is true across the board for all voters. It isn't. But I reckon, you would trust your fellow countrymen more.

Is this outside a Chinese refugee camp to ensure the Chinese don't feel homesick?
You can challenge the author of the study, who may be bribed by other countries to ruin the fantastic reputation of the democrazy system of India?

But just cite a part of the study for you:
“This figure, when aggregated over a five-year period (to allow for all states to have elections), comes to around 9 per cent of India’s GDP. These estimates are too substantial to be explained by legal public spending and indicate the presence of the ‘black economy’ in Indian elections,” they added.
Is this outside a Chinese refugee camp to ensure the Chinese don't feel homesick?
Maybe it is in front of an Indian school and the fathers are welcoming their kids?
You can challenge the author of the study, who may be bribed by other countries to ruin the fantastic reputation of the democrazy system of India?

But just cite a part of the study for you:
“This figure, when aggregated over a five-year period (to allow for all states to have elections), comes to around 9 per cent of India’s GDP. These estimates are too substantial to be explained by legal public spending and indicate the presence of the ‘black economy’ in Indian elections,” they added.
Indian scholars are usually not up for sale, especially if they are from reputed institutes.

Unlike Chinese umm - "scientists".

Maybe in different cultures, Chinese people can only say it when they can do it.
When Indians say it, they mean, I hope, It is often said, not necessarily achieved.
Interesting. You mean a respectable Indian scholar from reputed institute is making a fake report on the Indian democrazy system?
No. It's accurate - fake reports and claims are the domain of Communist nations. The fact that discrepancies in our system can be exposed without fear of being sent to reeducation camps shows that the system has checks and balances in place. For more information, get in touch with the 100,000 Chinese refugees in India.
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