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What is the biggest problem facing China according to you people?

- India's 2014 GDP is 1.60 trillion USD (in constant 2005 USD)
- China achieved this figure between 2001 and 2002: 1.54 trillion in 2001, 1.68 trillion in 2002 (in constant 2005 USD)
So the statement: India lags behind China by 10 years, is WRONG

- India's 2014 GDP is 1.6 trillion in constant 2005 USD, or 2.07 trillion in current USD.
So the statement: 2.5T GDP of India, is WRONG again.

See, your both foundation stones are fake! Understand?

BTW, all data mentioned above comes from World Bank. Maybe you could write them an email to ask them to correct the data.

Why would you measure something on prices 10 years ago? WB can use whatever base they want from an analytical perspective. They are interested in ratios in most cases.
Why would you measure something on prices 10 years ago? WB can use whatever base they want from an analytical perspective. They are interested in ratios in most cases.

We need to do an apple to apple comparison! We need to eliminate the interference from inflation!

how could we use the data in 2005 USD to compare with the data in 2014 USD? Do you think it makes sense? One USD in 2005 equal to one dollar in 2014? Are you sure?
We need to do an apple to apple comparison! We need to eliminate the interference from inflation!

how could we use the data in 2005 USD to compare with the data in 2014 USD? Do you think it makes sense? One USD in 2005 equal to one dollar in 2014? Are you sure?

It will be apples to apples only if you use the same base for China too. Published GDP figures of both countries by their respective economists is about 2.5 in 2005 for China and the same for India in 2015. I personally find it acceptable number. It's a very average number and nothing to be proud of. If anything it only shows what kind of deep shit both countries where, not how much each has progressed.
It will be apples to apples only if you use the same base for China too. Published GDP figures of both countries by their respective economists is about 2.5 in 2005 for China and the same for India in 2015. I personally find it acceptable number. It's a very average number and nothing to be proud of. If anything it only shows what kind of deep shit both countries where, not how much each has progressed.

fine. Lets stop the useless back and forth here. It's Friday!
fine. Lets stop the useless back and forth here. It's Friday!

Have a great weekend man!!!!

Guts and leadership like Putin

China shall send jets to bomb Isil, together with Russian. The biggest problem we have is we compromise everything for development, even principles.
@Hu Songshan Can you please clean this thread from 111 onwards?
I don't see the necessity to clean the thread. Lots of people outside China pointed the one party system as the biggest problems, while we also see some Chinese explained the political system of China. They are both good discussion, hence no need to clean it.
I don't see the necessity to clean the thread. Lots of people outside China pointed the one party system as the biggest problems, while we also see some Chinese explained the political system of China. They are both good discussion, hence no need to clean it.

I am asking to clean the whole "how much India is behind China" thing.
I am asking to clean the whole "how much India is behind China" thing.

Have a great weekend man!!!!

May I ask you a question?
I have just been watching the travel experience written by the other Chinese.
楼主在班加罗尔市和本地治里市,都因为楼主说自己是中国人,而被拒绝入住过。虽然这种情况少见,但也存在。他们讨厌中国人。 ※translation.
"I travelled in Bangalore and Pondicherry,I said I was Chinese and because of it,I was refused to live in the hotel.Although this situation happened sometimes,but it still existed.They HATE CHINESE."

True?@Mr.Nair @Guynextdoor2 @Odysseus

May I ask you a question?
I have just been watching the travel experience written by the other Chinese.
楼主在班加罗尔市和本地治里市,都因为楼主说自己是中国人,而被拒绝入住过。虽然这种情况少见,但也存在。他们讨厌中国人。 ※translation.
"I travelled in Bangalore and Pondicherry,I said I was Chinese and because of it,I was refused to live in the hotel.Although this situation happened sometimes,but it still existed.They HATE CHINESE."

True?@Mr.Nair @Guynextdoor2 @Odysseus

I'm not so sure that their being Chinese was specifically the problem. I don't even think the average man on the road knows that much about Indo-Chines conflict, that's a footnote. Among educated middle classes they know more but then are more polite because of it. My recommendation is to clearly plan out whatever you want to do- book hotels ahead of time, cabs/ transport etc, Because a lot of inconveniences that happen on a routine basis might be interpreted as 'racist'. Like before uber if you wanted to take an auto you'd find it an extreme pain. You'll think it might be because you're Chinese, trust me even average bangaloreans get very agitated. Even for Hotels, make sure that you're picking out the better known ones and fix them ahead of time.

I find these are problems that most foreigners will find in other countries. When I went to Turkey I booked a well known Hotel ahead of time. Same with Transport- see from what I gather if you just hail a cab they might try to extort you and act rude (basically done deliberately to fleece you). While I might walk away from that experience thining I'm being targeted because I'm an Indian, it's something that they try with most foreigners. Otherwise I don't think you should have no problems.

I might go against a conventional line of thinking but I never considered India as an 'easy place to just backpack'. I know that there are a lot of americans and Israelis who do that. The misconception is that they have an easy time coz they're 'white'. In reality these are people who get thru coz they're very street smart and a lot of the time actually end up paying more than locals. Travel it ahead of time and plan out your visit and transport and I think you should be just fine.
Are you talking about the Japanese and South Koreans?











Another song dynasty is forming.cowards have occupied the learderships.Even our sovereignty is challenged,we might not resist.This is the mentality of current leaders.Have Japanese and Korean leaders say such shameless words?
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Another song dynasty is forming.cowards have occupied the learderships.Even our sovereignty is challenged,we might not resist.This is the mentality of current leaders.

You are an idiot. Your current leadership is actually quite good. Everyone has to keep good relations with their neighbors.
You are an idiot. Your current leadership is actually quite good. Everyone has to keep good relations with their neighbors.
That is a taboo in china,cuz it go against the entire education that every chinese have receives.It's you indian should shut up,none of your business.
That is a taboo in china,cuz it go against the entire education that every chinese have receives.It's you indian should shut up,none of your business.

This is a public forum, and if you have problems listening to outside views, it is perhaps you, who should quit.

Also, a person should keep an open mind.

And I didn't understand. What is taboo in China?
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