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what is the aim of this education?

I would've gave them the axe and told them "Eat or Starve". Kids learned a lesson on getting too attached to your food.

While you're at it - Why not give them a gun the next time a kid is bullied at school ?

Kids are Kids and they should be sheltered from these things till they're mature enough to understand.
Very insensitive, first encouraging attachment by naming, humanizing experiencing and encouraging the bonding and then making them eat the same being they got attached.

What is the lesson out of this: It is okay to kill you loved and cared for
@yusheng , its not only Japanese that did this, but even the British , too.


Primary school children rear pigs to send to butcher

Primary school children in Suffolk are rearing three pigs to be killed for meat, to teach them the "provenance of food".

The piglets are being raised by the 25 pupils at Peasenhall Primary School, near Saxmundham.

Teacher Sarah Brown says the children will look after the pigs before sending them to a local butcher.

"We've discussed that we're going to feel very sad," she said. "But they've all said 'we like eating sausages'."

The pigs, which are a cross of black and Gloucestershire old spots, were born on a farm in nearby Sibton and will be delivered to the school next week.

The pupils, who are as young as four, will be involved in "every stage" of the pigs' journey to the plate, from making a home for the pigs to marketing the meat.

"They will be involved in designing labels and thinking about how we could sell them, including the posters and pricing," Mrs Brown said. "The older children will be involved in creating recipes.

"Their education is being enriched by that. It's not just their maths and English, it's their personal and social education."


"For many of them this will be the first time they've had an animal and know it's going to go on and be slaughtered," she said.

The scheme is said to have received the backing of the majority of the parents, who have been placed on a rota to feed the pigs at weekends.

The pupils say they are aware of what will happen to the pigs.

Frank Platt, 6, said they had to be killed "so the humans stay alive for longer".

Molly Milburn, 5, said: "We want some sausages at this school."

The Vegetarian Society said it was good to show the connection between animals being killed and food production, but said the school was giving the children an "idealised version of how food gets to their plates".

"Just because your food has been given a name and been kept well, the animal is still being killed at the end," a spokesperson said.

BBC News - Primary school children rear pigs to send to butcher
Is that problem in Japan that the young people today don't like to have work on farm ?
It is hard even for adults to experience this, kids aside :-'(
Is that problem in Japan that the young people today don't like to have work on farm ?

Problem with a lot of children in Japan is that they are too sensitive (spoiled). They see what is processed, but they need to understand how that food was processed, where it came from. The responsibilities of farmers, butchers et al. Its just part of life, human society. Sounds harsh but its life.
While you're at it - Why not give them a gun the next time a kid is bullied at school ?

Kids are Kids and they should be sheltered from these things till they're mature enough to understand.
I don't encourage cannibalism, that's not even related giving a gun to a kid that's been bullied. I think you need a time out you're getting too emotional and acting like I don't care.
Problem with a lot of children in Japan is that they are too sensitive (spoiled). They see what is processed, but they need to understand how that food was processed, where it came from. The responsibilities of farmers, butchers et al. Its just part of life, human society. Sounds harsh but its life.

In Vietnam our kids have to learn how to cut rice in harvest on field.

I don't encourage cannibalism, that's not even related giving a gun to a kid that's been bullied. I think you need a time out you're getting too emotional and acting like I don't care.

Oh come on don't be such a softie that you've taken my comments to heart ! :p:

The principle is the same; the kid needs to man-up !

No he doesn't; the kid is a kid....let him be one. Spare him this gore till hes mature enough to understand that without being traumatized.

Those kids in those pictures that were crying themselves silly didn't seem like they've been taught valuable life-lessons; they seemed as if one of their loved one just died and they saw its body-parts.

No kid should have to go through that.

And @Nihonjin1051 - You Thanked his post ! :mad:

What happened to Asians sticking with Asians ? :cry:
Those kids in those pictures that were crying themselves silly didn't seem like they've been taught valuable life-lessons; they seemed as if one of their loved one just died and they saw its body-parts.
True that's the hard way of learning hopefully they were at least warned it was going to be butchered.
What happened to Asians sticking with Asians ? :cry:
I raised 2 pigs by myself at 12.
I ate pork as well.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

-Nelson Mandela
a smart man, turns his head the other way and see no evil.

I know it is cruel to kill animals for meat, which is why I don't work in a slaughter house, that and it's kind of a deal breaker with the ladies.
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