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Oct 22, 2018
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Seriously what I think is someone powerful is trying to make the things go his way or making Imran Khan resign. Just hear the statements from PML-Q and the statement by Nabeel Gabool of PPP . Something is cooking up . Maybe Dharna was a part of it . It's really concerning . Too much political destability . Don't have much time to do a detailed analysis . Things aren't going the way the were supposed to .

Note: I don't mean to demean any forces or political character . Peace .
If u take nabeel gobal seriously than Allah he hafiz aap ki political understanding ka
Just saying . Not taking seriously . And I mentioned a series of events as a base for my analysis .
And Just for your this small comments/concern you created a new thread ........ WTF

Seriously what I think is someone powerful is trying to make the things go his way or making Imran Khan resign. Just hear the statements from PML-Q and the statement by Nabeel Gabool of PPP . Something is cooking up . Maybe Dharna was a part of it . It's really concerning . Too much political destability . Don't have much time to do a detailed analysis . Things aren't going the way the were supposed to .

Note: I don't mean to demean any forces or political character . Peace .
There's no conspiracy against Imran Khan.
Imran Khan is unpopular due to misgovernance.
This person can't manage already running operations. How he's going to improve on any thing.
Its imran Khan's own fault. Instead of destroying the old status quo, he became part of it and now they will bury him.

I read an article when IK won, saying he needs to exercise power in the beginning and not get carried away. He should have brought wrath upon old bureaucracy, police and much more but instead he just went with the flow. Now his house is full of snakes and its just a matter of time before he gets bitten.
Seriously what I think is someone powerful is trying to make the things go his way or making Imran Khan resign. Just hear the statements from PML-Q and the statement by Nabeel Gabool of PPP . Something is cooking up . Maybe Dharna was a part of it . It's really concerning . Too much political destability . Don't have much time to do a detailed analysis . Things aren't going the way the were supposed to .

Note: I don't mean to demean any forces or political character . Peace .
Would you be kind enough to change from WTF to WTH?
Or may be things are going exactly the way they were supposed to. Have some faith in the system.
Isn't the system itself a problem in Pakistan because of all the loopholes and stuff? How can we have faith in such a system? :(
Isn't the system itself a problem in Pakistan because of all the loopholes and stuff? How can we have faith in such a system? :(

The system works exceedingly well for those who control it. The faith of the public is only a secondary consideration, to be honest.
Seriously what I think is someone powerful is trying to make the things go his way or making Imran Khan resign. Just hear the statements from PML-Q and the statement by Nabeel Gabool of PPP . Something is cooking up . Maybe Dharna was a part of it . It's really concerning . Too much political destability . Don't have much time to do a detailed analysis . Things aren't going the way the were supposed to .

Note: I don't mean to demean any forces or political character . Peace .

4 weeks ago, I have written that Chaudhry brothers are in the fray. They have been brought to do the dirty work as they have always done. On the surface they were brought to advice IK and mediate between him and Diesel.
But in reality they had been put in motion.
1- The old hags, master of trickery and Sazishs, knew IK's number is up and those who are the real puppet masters are at play. Chaudhries saw which way the wind is blowing, therefore, they issued the statement that Nawaz should have been allowed to leave the country immediately. IK and PTI should have taken the hint.

2- Yesterday, MQM Pakistan join the chorus. We know who pulls the strings of MQM now.

3- These two parties withdrawing their support means the game is up for IK and PTI.

4- From now on IK is on borrowed time. He should wise up and start reading people and situations carefully.
Lol, ease.

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