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What is Driving Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes: Trump? Hollywood? Media?

I didn't do that math. The FBI says that 52.1% of the religion-motivated incidents are classified as anti-Jewish (Jews ~1.4% of U.S. population) and 21.9% of them are classified as anti-Muslim. Although their worth may vary, these are from reports collected by law enforcement, not anecdotal as we must classify the congresswoman's incident above. So high-visibility but deliberately un-investigate-able reports like hers demean the rest. Her purpose appears to be to radicalize Muslims, yes?

radicalize Muslims ? What is the causes behind the word? I have deliberately selected “low-end” estimates for Muslim fatalities, so these figures present the “best case” for the United States. Even so, the United States has killed nearly 30 Muslims for every American lost. The real ratio is probably much higher, and a reasonable upper bound for Muslim fatalities (based mostly on higher estimates of “excess deaths” in Iraq due to the sanctions regime and the post-2003 occupation) is well over one million, equivalent to over 100 Muslim fatalities for every American lost.

Some degree of anti-Americanism may reflect ideology, distorted history, or a foreign government’s attempt to shift blame onto others (a practice that all governments indulge in), but a lot of it is the inevitable result of policies that the American people have supported in the past. When you kill tens of thousands of people in other countries — and sometimes for no good reason — you shouldn’t be surprised when people in those countries are enraged by this behavior and interested in revenge. After all, how did we react after September 11?
radicalize Muslims ? What is the causes behind the word? I have deliberately selected “low-end” estimates for Muslim fatalities,

...so these figures present the “best case” for the United States. Even so, the United States has killed nearly 30 Muslims -.
We're not talking about the FBI report, are we?

We're not talking about the FBI report, are we?

fatalities- in the condition of american philosophy.

America killed more then million of muslims around the world. According to FBI or NSI , they made foreign policy what america reserve to do so .
fatalities- in the condition of american philosophy.

America killed more then million of muslims around the world. According to FBI or NSI , they made foreign policy what america reserve to do so .
I'm sticking to the topic. Out of hundreds of anti-Muslim incidents, the FBI reports the number of Muslims killed that counted as an anti-Muslim hate crime can be counted on the fingers of one hand - and one of these was multiply-classed on the basis of sexual orientation.
Hate crimes against Muslim Americans have risen to their highest level since the period following the Sept. 11 attacks, a new report tracking extremism and hate in the United States has found.

The sharp increase appears to be partly fueled by a string of recent terrorist attacks, but researchers also found a disturbing spike in hate crimes after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump proposed a Muslim ban.

Hate crimes against Muslims were up 78 percent during the course of 2015, with a particular increase in crimes that targeted people viewed as Arab, according to a report from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. The Huffington Post received an advance copy of the report, which analyzes official hate crime data across 20 U.S. states.

There were about 260 anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2015, the report notes. That’s the worst total since 2001, when a record 481 anti-Muslim hate crimes occurred. Hate crimes against Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent skyrocketed nationally in late 2001, following the Sept. 11 attacks.

Muslim Americans are widely seen as victims of discrimination, but also viewed by a slim majority as members of a religion that encourages violence, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released Friday. Americans who know a Muslim, meanwhile, are more likely to view adherents of the religion favorably.

Those results come in the midst of a spate of either suspected or confirmed anti-Muslim hate crimes. The shooting of three Muslims in Chapel Hill on Feb. 10 by a killer with murky motives crystallized the moment of fear.

A full 73 percent of Americans believe Muslims face a great deal or a fair amount of discrimination. That total outstrips both African-Americans, whom 63 percent of Americans see as victims of bias, and Mexican-Americans, who are viewed as targets of discrimination by 60 percent.

The general feeling that discrimination exists is further underlined by questions about the motives of alleged Chapel Hill shooter Craig Stephen Hicks. Police initially said the killings appeared to have stemmed from a parking dispute, but also added that they were looking into whether religion was a factor. Authorities have not charged Hicks with a hate crime. However, 45 percent of Americans said Hicks should be charged with a hate crime, compared with 18 percent who believe he should not.

Those supportive-sounding numbers are offset by Americans’ other views on Muslims. Many Americans seem to have adopted the views of Bill Maher and Mike Huckabee.

A majority — 52 percent — of Americans said Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence. Suspicion of Islam was much higher among Republicans (74 percent) than Democrats (41 percent).

“There’s just a lack of access to Muslims, and because of this lack of real-world contact, a number of conservative media sources have biased opinions,” said Robert McCaw, government affairs manager for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“Theologically Islam is no more violent or less violent than Christianity or any other monotheistic religion,” he said. “I think one stereotype is true: that Muslims are being highly discriminated against. So that’s an experience which people have experienced firsthand.”

Knowing a Muslim does seem to alter a person’s impression of members of the religion. A majority (53 percent) of Americans who personally know a Muslim disagree with the idea that the religion is more likely to encourage violence. Americans who know Muslims are also significantly more likely to view them as patriotic.
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@Major d1 , it's accepted practice here to provide links to the articles you post.

It was my own topics.

Hate crimes in Minnesota have been trending downwards in recent years, but there has been a slight uptick in anti-Muslim incidents that have been a cause for concern.
Ok so going by the logic above, fake Jews aka Talmudic Zionists are bringing anti Jewish hate on themselves by doing horrendous things to non Jews/Palestinians.

Again, under the illusion of being gods "chosen people" and supremacists instructed by Yahweh in the Talmud to treat other humans like sub humans...including real Jews.

Everyone must look into Zionism so you understand the psyche of these people whos life is based on pure deception. More interestingly, the best information you will get regarding zionism is from real Jews like Miko Peled and Dr Norman Finkelstein .

Unfortunately for our Jewish friends, their religion has been hijacked by Zionists who consist of mainly non semetic converts.

I know, atleast the first paragraph was on topic.
Hate crimes in Minnesota have been trending downwards in recent years, but there has been a slight uptick in anti-Muslim incidents that have been a cause for concern.
Do you think this Minnesota congresswoman behaved as she has just so she can claim "victim" status?

Ok so going by the logic above, fake Jews aka Talmudic Zionists -
Don't know what "logic above" you refer to. You are a Jew if your mother was a Jew or if you convert - a procedure akin to adoption. Not gonna bother reading the rest of your post.
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Given the questionable nature of numerous unverifiable-by-design reports like the one above, I surmise that many - perhaps most - reports of anti-Muslim hate crimes are inventions to feed the Islamist supremacist narrative that Muslims are somehow unjustly oppressed by non-Muslims and therefore all Muslims need to band together immediately to conquer non-Muslims to conquer/victimize them, which is Allah's intent anyway.

This is patently unfair both to real Muslim victims of hate crimes and other citizens who wish to reduce hate crimes in their neighborhoods for those incidents that are real. But if the last few decades have taught us anything, it's that to the supremacists people are only useful to the extent that they help The Cause, not as individuals with rights and deserved sympathy of their own.
You are such a hateful bigot. I bet if a Jew got even stared at the wrong way, you'd be up in arms and wailing away. The Anti Defamation League - an organization that is Jewish has time and time again stated crimes against muslims are on the up in the US.

So, screw you and your 'inventions'. I can just picture you going Mazel Tov every time a muslim is killed anywhere in the world.

On Topic - Muslims attacking innocents isn't helping matters...be it in Orlando, Boston, Cali. American Muslims killing innocents...whether we like it or not...there is going to be blowback.

I still remember when muslims were cool because Stallone and Rambo told us so...the true evil back then was Communism. Mujahideen were freedom fighters and honorable guys. :lol:
You are such a hateful bigot. I bet if a Jew got even stared at the wrong way, you'd be up in arms and wailing away. The Anti Defamation League - an organization that is Jewish has time and time again stated crimes against muslims are on the up in the US -
Please continue reading. My target is bogus/deliberately unverifiable reports, not genuine ones.
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Muslim Student Who Said She Was Harassed by Trump Supporters Charged With Filing False Report: Sources
By Jonathan Dienst


Photo courtesy of the NYPD
  • Yasmin Seweid, 18, was charged with filing a false report after she told police three men called her a terrorist and chanted "Donald Trump"
  • She addressed the alleged harassment in a Facebook post and spoke with media outlets about the ordeal
  • The Baruch College Student also went missing after the alleged harassment, but was found over the weekend.
A New York college student who said she was harassed on a subway train earlier this month has been arrested, law enforcement sources told NBC 4 New York.

Yasmin Seweid, 18, was charged with filing a false report after she told authorities three men called her a terrorist and chanted "Donald Trump" at her aboard the 23rd Street 4/5/6 subway station on Dec. 1.

The Baruch College student allegedly told police she was approached by the trio and told to "get out of this country," was called a terrorist aboard the train and told to "get the f****** hijab off your head!" She also alleged that one of the men grabbed her bag and broke the strap.

Seweid posted to Facebook about the attack on Dec. 2, saying that "it breaks my heart that so many individuals chose to be bystanders while watching me get harassed verbally and physically by these disgusting pigs."

She called the incident "traumatizing" and spoke with multiple news organizations about it.

She went missing the next week but was found on Dec. 10.

Attorney information for the woman wasn't immediately available.
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Muslim Student Who Said She Was Harassed by Trump Supporters Charged With Filing False Report: Sources
By Jonathan Dienst


Photo courtesy of the NYPD
  • Yasmin Seweid, 18, was charged with filing a false report after she told police three men called her a terrorist and chanted "Donald Trump"
  • She addressed the alleged harassment in a Facebook post and spoke with media outlets about the ordeal
  • The Baruch College Student also went missing after the alleged harassment, but was found over the weekend.
A New York college student who said she was harassed on a subway train earlier this month has been arrested, law enforcement sources told NBC 4 New York.

Yasmin Seweid, 18, was charged with filing a false report after she told authorities three men called her a terrorist and chanted "Donald Trump" at her aboard the 23rd Street 4/5/6 subway station on Dec. 1.

The Baruch College student allegedly told police she was approached by the trio and told to "get out of this country," was called a terrorist aboard the train and told to "get the f****** hijab off your head!" She also alleged that one of the men grabbed her bag and broke the strap.

Seweid posted to Facebook about the attack on Dec. 2, saying that "it breaks my heart that so many individuals chose to be bystanders while watching me get harassed verbally and physically by these disgusting pigs."

She called the incident "traumatizing" and spoke with multiple news organizations about it.

She went missing the next week but was found on Dec. 10.

Attorney information for the woman wasn't immediately available.

Hey has that guy who filed the claim about his son being harassed on the bus ( and subsequently fled the country after his story fell apart) been heard from since?

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