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What is behind Pakistan's dramatic rise in executions?: BBC

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I don't use twitter but someone should [HASHTAG]#Shame[/HASHTAG] on BBC for insulting Pakistani's for it's support to terrorists and criminals.
Do not execute so many people. It may proved to be counter productive.
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The weak suffer the worst in nations which show weakness to their criminals.

If you can strengthern the weak by this execution, I will support you but success of protecting the weak lies in empowering them.
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With the largest number of prisoners on death row in the world, they were getting to be a load on the system, then there's the fact that the law was being too lightly and some deterrence had to be established for which guilty parties needed to hang. Its hardly the most enviable course of action, but then again, we are hardly in the most enviable of situations. With a roaring Islamist insurgency nationwide, political violence in Karachi and a violent separatist movement in Balochistan coupled with the presence of belligerent neighbors on our two longest borders, we our bound to develop a propensity for some bloody justice.
load on the system is the most absurd argument to kill off people. Besides I have little confidence in death being a deterrence to people working on religious motivation, and not personal benefit. The neighbors were as beligerent before.
Only thing changed is, pakistani public demand accountability, and rulers think this is a cheap diversion. Most people here on pdf are not poor, and have enough money to fight their case. More importantly they know somebody who knows somebody in power, that will ensure they wont be hanged.
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If UK is ready to accept these criminals then fine, which they will not because they are hypocrites. They can't see other countries progressing lol they are nothing now but US poodles lol.
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