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What is a teaching philosophy

I myself was a teacher at a computer institute when I was 20 or 21
Wao man...I was very shy at that age, and perhaps still not that macho.
That is the crux of Eisenhower assigned commission report., that to make a liberal/enlightened/civilised society, we need Higher education. "Education cost money, but so then ignorance"
Indeed. It is a two-way street. The students must be questioners as well.
That is another thing. Yes, our teacher are not good geenrally, but students are lame too. Our society is passive/relax in many ways. See our office behaviour, and our breaks fro toilets, smoke, and tea. Even during working.
I think we need to devise a new HE education system, without the need for exam marks, with the students becoming apprentices during their education.
That is another communism thought in HE :D , but exams grade your effort. Also, this approach is better for children like till 5 class, when students cannot handle pressure. So yeah, valid for primary education.
But I too am a college drop-out and can call myself the prominent designer in classical computing. Some years ago I wrote a simple operating system and this, however basic, was the first in India. Now I have been designing, for some years, the first microprocessor local to India and also its OS.
Good luck man. as you said before, apprentice/vocational training is different and may be preferred. As mostly chinese are expert machine handler. So they can produce quality products.

May be our education system is for 20th century only. I think there was news in India where an electrical engineer cannot repair the fan, and the mother burnt his degree, as the electrician did within 10 minutes. I know different things, but a common man doesn't need degree holders but workdone. Like democracy or not, public need justice, basic rights, etc.
That is another communism thought in HE :D

Heh heh. ;)

but exams grade your effort. Also, this approach is better for children like till 5 class, when students cannot handle pressure. So yeah, valid for primary education.

An interesting thing about Finland :
There are no mandated standardized tests in Finland, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions. Finland’s schools are publicly funded. The people in the government agencies running them, from national officials to local authorities, are educators, not business people, military leaders or career politicians. Every school has the same national goals and draws from the same pool of university-trained educators. The result is that a Finnish child has a good shot at getting the same quality education no matter whether he or she lives in a rural village or a university town. The differences between weakest and strongest students are the smallest in the world, according to the most recent survey by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). “Equality is the most important word in Finnish education. All political parties on the right and left agree on this,” said Olli Luukkainen, president of Finland’s powerful teachers union.
just see post # 3.. Even our HE is till application level. Our HE (higher education, Uni) projects are copy paste. No real research, and hence no paper.
post #2 is about how we teach our students, mainly.

post #5 is about what I propose to prepare our future generation. We don't have scholars/time/money to teach world class education in our institution. So just focus on preparing them for HE in western university.
Juts find (a must) on fb 'scholarship network' by Waqar Baig. A closed group. And see how many free opportunities are there. for our young people.

It can be interesting read for you that why our system kills analytical capabilities. If we don't apply/analyse, we can't develop critical thinking.

Even some BS and MS degrees people obtained by reviewing past papers or summary notes (khu-lasa books)...

Not well written.. I post my original document.
The idea of switching system is very relevant as our students are not taught independent studies in lower or higher secondary. It is similar to the UK system. However, UK higher education retain the same routine and forcefully teach students through exercise/tutorial sessions. It is also annual system.

Semester system is for more independent students and is borrowed from the US. Not suited mainly for Pakistanis student who think it is teacher job to teach, and their is to attend the lecture. In addition, it is not annual.


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Not well written.. I post my original document.
The idea of switching system is very relevant as our students are not taught independent studies in lower or higher secondary. It is similar to the UK system. However, UK higher education retain the same routine and forcefully teach students through exercise/tutorial sessions. It is also annual system.

Semester system is for more independent students and is borrowed from the US. Not suited mainly for Pakistanis student who think it is teacher job to teach, and their is to attend the lecture. In addition, it is not annual.

Let me have a read, but now I guess I understand your point.

This is actually what I saw during my university days too. In the first and second semester, students from the matric/FSc route adopt the same approach of learning the material right at the end and passing the final or mid term exam. While A level students adopt a more spread out approach, dividing the learning into small chunks all throughout the semester. The FSc students though eventually come around and get to grips with the semester system.

And this I am talking about one of the top universities of the country, baki walon ka phir haal khud hi andaza kar lena.

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