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What if Pakistan and China declare war against India today?

We don't hate India. Give Kashmiris freedom to choose their destiny, respect Indian Muslim religious rights, get out of Afghanistan. Besides this we don't give **** about India.

Any ally of Israel is an enemy of the Muslims of the world. Respect your Muslim minority and your secular/democratic guise with which you kept them part of India.
No thanks then.
We will not hate someone just to appease others. Nation comes first in India, so as long as Israel is not hurting our citizens, we will deal with them accordingly.
States come to power on the understanding that they will respect the sentiments of their people. If India cannot respect the sentiments of Muslims, then they have no legitimacy, either in Kashmir, UP, Lakshadweep, Hyderabad, or anywhere else where Muslims live.

By usurping the rights of Muslims and creating second-class citizens of them, the Indian state becomes an illegitimate state which should be overthrown and replaced with another.

This is statesmanship 101 which India's leaders have failed to learn following baboon modi.
OP needs to find a way to protect their own people than to interfere in others minority issue.

Minority has declined in Pakistan in an alarming rate. They cannot even protect their majority. Still they have the right to talk about Muslims in India.

Lol the biggest irony.
OP needs to find a way to protect their own people than to interfere in others minority issue.

Minority has declined in Pakistan in an alarming rate. They cannot even protect their majority. Still they have the right to talk about Muslims in India.

Lol the biggest irony.

Biggest lie perpetuated by India. Hindu population is increasing in Pakistan from previous years.

I was reading a speech by Quaid e Azam today where he stated he opposed the act of the Indian government telling Hindus to migrate to India from Pakistan. This was before Partition.

Pakistan's Hindu population was always around 1%. Sikh population was higher but migrated due to partition violence in response to massive upheaval of all of East Punjab's Muslim population. Most Hindus lived in now Bangladesh. Congress wanted partition of Bengal and Punjab to deprive territory to Pakistan without predicting the consequences of violence which started before Partition.

Indian foreign policy in a nutshell...

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