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What If: J-22 Orao & G-4 Super Galeb Modernization


Oct 6, 2015
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In Serbia for years,if not for decades there has been talks of modernizing G-4 Super Galeb and J-22 Orao while due to lack of funding none were completed. This year prototype of Orao 2.0 was made with improvements, but what if it went a step further?

G-4 has one Viper 632-43 jet engine at 17.8 with two Serbian afterburning variant on J-22 at 22.25 kN which Serbia has license for while 680-43 at 19.57 that with afterburning could peak at 27 kN thus worthy upgrade for J-22.

Both have aluminium airframe and Serbian industry has experience with composite materials(M-84 MBT) that can save up to 20% in weight while also increase strenght of airframe.

Many years has passed since both of these aircrafts have been designed, now it can all be done digitally including simulations of aerodynamics. Redesign would yield better aerodynamics and less parts/complexity for same results with possible yielding 10% more aerodynamic airframe...

If all of these were applied to J-22 and G-4, then both of them would reach and break mach one speed with J-22 reaching up to mach 1.4 when afterburning.

If G-4 had 680-43 that was modified to have afterburning then it could reach similar speeds as J-22 Orao.

Though I wish Serbia designs own jet engine due to progress of technology sjnce designnof these two aircraft was simply massive that they should be capable of designing considerably superior engine than Viper with same tools...

This thread maybe an odd one, but I hoped you enjoyed it with reading of what possibilities these two aircrafts have with serious effort that would yield their potential.
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