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what if ISISK is the enemy behind you(behind muslims)


Jan 1, 2020
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the prophet SAW said in the correct hadit:

"you will make a security pact with the Romans and will fight together with them an enemy from behind you, you will be victorious and win bounties of war, then the Romans will claim victory to the Cross then muslims reject that then the Romans betray the muslims and kill the muslim who raised the Flag of Islam, then the two parties retreat and prepare for the final battle in Dabiq .. "
the part I am talking about is " the enemy behind you "
many claim its China but now that I see it . its the khawarij of ISISK because they are located behind Afghanistan .what this means if I am right . its that Taliban Emirate will join forces with all muslims countries and all christians also to fight ISISK in a war .That is where we are headed I think this analysis goes hand in hand with the weakning of the US role in the region, the west knows death is coming their way and a collapse into total Chaos will inevitably happen if they do not listen up to the Taliban.
the west is WEAK !
they know it, they can't defeat the khawarij of Daesh with some stupid corrupt gvt like in afghanistan or like a "moderate, funcy hotels " residents like the Free Syria Army in Sham or any Shity Arab army (exept maybe Egypt).
if the Daesh gets into the Arab gulf they will fall harder than the Afghan gvt did.
the only power that can decimate Daesh is Taliban because they are strong and faithful and battle hardened.
EUROPE and The US should and will respect the IEA and Pakistan and all of them Arabs and Turks have no choice but to support the Taliban's fight against ISISK , otherways the evil khawarij will get through every crack they could find to suicide bomb everything that walks.
Inshallah The ISLAMIC EMIRATE OF AFGHANISTAN will be victorious Against the Khawarij as it was against the West and the East .

that's why the west should not sanction the IEA but help it prosper.
the IEA will then take care of the evil khawarij and put them to the sword of Sharia just like Amir El Mouminin Ali RA did.
that's how the muslim world will be united under the leadership of the Taliban. and they should send reinforcements to the groups fighting Daesh in Yemen Iraq and Sham.
if things are left unchecked Daesh will remerge in Syria.
that's why it is in the interest of the west to let the muslims in the Middle east have their own Taliban
@Falcon29 whats your take on this bro ?
I think the enemy is Daesh (not China nor Iran)
the Biden Administration cant protect the west from Daesh unless they accept to put their hands in the hands of the muslim ummah and fight ISISK together
hopefully .
the muslim lobby in the US and in Europe will play a role in this too.
hopefully ISISK do not take a big chunk of the land east of Afghanistan.
but if they do I believe this interpretation of this hadit maybe very much be correct.
@Falcon29 whats your take on this bro ?
I think the enemy is Daesh (not China nor Iran)
the Biden Administration cant protect the west from Daesh unless they accept to put their hands in the hands of the muslim ummah and fight ISISK together
hopefully .
the muslim lobby in the US and in Europe will play a role in this too.
hopefully ISISK do not take a big chunk of the land east of Afghanistan.
but if they do I believe this interpretation of this hadit maybe very much be correct.

I will give you my opinion tomorrow brother since I want to cite some sources and information regarding this.
@Falcon29 whats your take on this bro ?
I think the enemy is Daesh (not China nor Iran)
the Biden Administration cant protect the west from Daesh unless they accept to put their hands in the hands of the muslim ummah and fight ISISK together
hopefully .
the muslim lobby in the US and in Europe will play a role in this too.
hopefully ISISK do not take a big chunk of the land east of Afghanistan.
but if they do I believe this interpretation of this hadit maybe very much be correct.

The narration you cited is unrelated to these events, and there are two prevailing narratives regarding that event mentioned in the ahadeeth. Both would happen far after the bay'ah of the Mahdi so it is not our time or related to events in Afghanistan.
Daish/Isis is not a threat to the world as it is created by the same powers who claim to be fighting it, however it is 100% threat to the Muslim countries and it will be part of the dajaal army. Dont let them fool you, they planted the seed and keep watering it, but at times chop a few old branches off and then continue to do watering. This is perfect plan for them to keep the Muslim nations destabilised.
Daish/Isis is not a threat to the world as it is created by the same powers who claim to be fighting it, however it is 100% threat to the Muslim countries and it will be part of the dajaal army. Dont let them fool you, they planted the seed and keep watering it, but at times chop a few old branches off and then continue to do watering. This is perfect plan for them to keep the Muslim nations destabilised.
the enemies of Islam are weak, they are weak like Chaitan is weak, exept in one condition, betrayal of Allah from within the ummah, the US and Europe are not number one enemy of islam, the munafiquines and traitors amongst us are.
once the muslim umah defeats the traitors inside like the Taliban did, the promised victory from Allah in the Quran will descend upon us just like it did upon Afghanistan, 20 Years in nothing in the scale of Allah swt.
my point bro is that you should stop saying that the US " created " stuff, the US didnt creat nothing bad nor good, Allah is the only one who moves the chess board, biden bush obama putin angela macron ... them stupid weak kuffars, Allah is the one who grants victory to his humble honest servants,
stop the conspiracy bc you r unconsiously making shirk with Allah swt
the enemies of Islam are weak, they are weak like Chaitan is weak, exept in one condition, betrayal of Allah from within the ummah, the US and Europe are not number one enemy of islam, the munafiquines and traitors amongst us are.
once the muslim umah defeats the traitors inside like the Taliban did, the promised victory from Allah in the Quran will descend upon us just like it did upon Afghanistan, 20 Years in nothing in the scale of Allah swt.
my point bro is that you should stop saying that the US " created " stuff, the US didnt creat nothing bad nor good, Allah is the only one who moves the chess board, biden bush obama putin angela macron ... them stupid weak kuffars, Allah is the one who grants victory to his humble honest servants,
stop the conspiracy bc you r unconsiously making shirk with Allah swt

My brother i am not unconsciously committing shirk or as you claimed "making shirk with Allah swt" what does that even mean. It is you who is comparing Allah almighty with Usa. When I mentioned usa created Isis I am saying they supported isis, they trained isis, they supported the terrorist ideology. Please don't blame Allah almighty for it. Allah almighty gives power to his creations and they can also do things with the permission of Allah almighty, it doesn't mean its shirk. For example China provides Pakistan with weapons, we cannot say its shirk because only Allah almighty provides. It may be the same word but has a completely different meaning. Allah almighty is alive, we are also alive. It is same word but with a different definition. We are not alive like Allah almighty. The created word can also be used for humans for example "I created a good impression" This word is not the same as the word created used for Allah almighty. We need to get this ISIS/wahabis mentality out of our minds.
My brother i am not unconsciously committing shirk or as you claimed "making shirk with Allah swt" what does that even mean. It is you who is comparing Allah almighty with Usa. When I mentioned usa created Isis I am saying they supported isis, they trained isis, they supported the terrorist ideology. Please don't blame Allah almighty for it. Allah almighty gives power to his creations and they can also do things with the permission of Allah almighty, it doesn't mean its shirk. For example China provides Pakistan with weapons, we cannot say its shirk because only Allah almighty provides. It may be the same word but has a completely different meaning. Allah almighty is alive, we are also alive. It is same word but with a different definition. We are not alive like Allah almighty. The created word can also be used for humans for example "I created a good impression" This word is not the same as the word created used for Allah almighty. We need to get this ISIS/wahabis mentality out of our minds.
bro, say what you mean like "the US financed ISIS " (even if I disagree)
but don't say created, because then naïve people will think just as many many muslims did throughout the previous years that the US can do whatever it wants in this universe and that their CIA do not miss a thing and that their drones sees everything ...
that mentality is the one I am worried about,
this weak mentality is the one I am warning about,
a mentality in which muslims sadly associate the US or others with Allah swt in making decisions in this universe.
and you know what are the repercutions of this ?
its that we have so many idiots saying out of their ignorance and disbelieve
"Oh you know what , this is not a US defeat and Humiliation, actually the US couldn't be defeated ever, so this must be a secret plan between the US and Taliban .."
many of these idiots know the truth but they reject it bc then they would be addmitting that Allah swt granted victory to the Taliban in which case they would by consequence be forced to addmit that the Taliban are on the right manhaj of islam.
but many others are just idiots who are brainwashed by the conspiracy theories and Holywood movies ...
I am not saying that you are one of these idiots bro
This is not that final fight (ISIS-K, NATO/Taliban), Trust me Dajjal is still centuries away from us, he won't come until the world had enough to religion, we still have people with Imaan but he won't show up until the world is in utter chaos and people lost all hope in religion altogether. (Allah knows best)
This is not that final fight (ISIS-K, NATO/Taliban), Trust me Dajjal is still centuries away from us, he won't come until the world had enough to religion, we still have people with Imaan but he won't show up until the world is in utter chaos and people lost all hope in religion altogether. (Allah knows best)
Not necessarily, whatever traditions surround Dajjal hint he will arrive when muslims will be around in quantity and there will be believers - but the majority will fall before it(the system) and/or him(dajjal). Meanwhile, the sun has gotten closer to our heads(global warming), the Bedouin are building tall buildings and the social structures of families are in complete chaos.

However, every generation: “This the worst of times! Qayamah is here” is both correct but then humanity still has good in it regardless of religion. When that disappears completely is supposed to be the final sign.. that doesn’t mean it will take centuries.
Not necessarily, whatever traditions surround Dajjal hint he will arrive when muslims will be around in quantity and there will be believers - but the majority will fall before it(the system) and/or him(dajjal). Meanwhile, the sun has gotten closer to our heads(global warming), the Bedouin are building tall buildings and the social structures of families are in complete chaos.

However, every generation: “This the worst of times! Qayamah is here” is both correct but then humanity still has good in it regardless of religion. When that disappears completely is supposed to be the final sign.. that doesn’t mean it will take centuries.

Yes but Dajjal showing up will be to obvious, Prophet often said that he will be able to fool believers into believing him to be God (Nauzubillah) but even today if a man with Powers or authority come up to declare himself to be God, people will reject him, What i personally think for him to delude Muslims into believing what he wants, the world has to go through a process of utter chaos, so much so that people will lose all faith in God and religion becomes irrelevant to them, People like that will be easier to fool or deceive.

I think the signs you mentioned such as Bedoins making tall buildings, and Global warming are minor signs which basically leads to major Signs, and Arrival of Dajjal will be the beginning of the major signs to follow, but it could be anything, we can only speculate to the best of our knowledge, when is the hour is only Allah knows, he did not even share that with his Dearest of the Prophet(s). But I had to say we sure does live in crazy times, and experiencing some extremely weird stuff specially in past few years.

1- Pandemic
2- Detail reports of Alien life
3- Major Wars coming to an end
4- New Alliances/New enemies
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