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What if India goes for F-35 Strike Fighters?


Sep 20, 2014
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The Joint Strike Fighter is the most controversial fighter of this century yet. It began its life as a tall promise to deliver 5th fighter at 4th gen costs ie- a cheaper version of the F-22 Raptor. Additionally, it was tasked to replace F-16, F/A-18, A-10 and the EA-18G. No wonder sensible people called it ‘too big to fail’!

Here the pros and cons of a potential purchase of this jet are considered.

The benefits are –

• Advanced FCS – In the words of Sqn Ldr Andy Edgell (UK MoD First of Class Flight Trials (FOCFT) Lead Test Pilot) – “I will never forget my first hover in the Harrier and I will never forget my first hover in the F-35B. My first hover in the Harrier is akin to trying to stay alive on a unicycle and I don’t think I made much of a conscious thought at the time in the hover. It was only once I managed to get her down on deck safely, and then retrospectively, I thought: How on earth did I manage that?. Whereas in my first hover in the F-35B I sat there at that moment, and looked around, realised I was stationary in every axis and thought “Goodness gracious me, the guys who designed this are absolute geniuses.” People say it is a ‘fifth-generation aircraft’ and they are referring to its stealth characteristics and all the nominal mission systems capabilities on board but it is also a generational advance in pure-control law flight control system and reduction in workload for the pilot.”

• Datalink -The F-35 will have the most robust communications suite of any fighter aircraft built to date. The F-35 will be the first fighter to possess a satellite communications capability that integrates beyond the line of sight communications throughout the spectrum of missions it is tasked to perform.

• Sensor Fusion – Unlike legacy tactical aircraft that had “federated” electronic-warfare systems, the F-35 architecture is highly integrated. Radio-frequency and electro-optical receivers are embedded around the edge of the airframe to provide continuous sensing of hostile emitters in every direction, with collections from all sensors fused through a central computer before being displayed on the visor of the pilot’s helmet. The system also merges information from off-board sensors to provide a comprehensive picture of the local electronic environment.

Because the F-35′s EW architecture is fully digitized, it weighs less, needs less space, and requires less power than legacy technology. However, the F-35 provides much greater electrical power for electronic applications than last-generation aircraft, enabling it to collect information and generate effects over larger areas. The radar is designed to generate highly directional signals for jamming so that emitters in specific locations can be disrupted without causing collateral effects elsewhere in the battlespace.

ALIS (Autonomic Logistic Information System) – Maintenance of any frontline jet is a tough, time-consuming task at best. Due to the high amount of on-ground time spent on a plane, the military has to factor the availability aspect while considering how many to induct. The F-35 is the first plane to be designed keeping the needs of ground maintenance teams in mind to ensure high readiness in all conditions. The system continuously monitors various subsystems for signs of fatigue and failure even as the plane flies and transmits the data via a secure link to maintainers and suppliers worldwide via a secure channel based on web technologies. The advanced prognostics feature will be an unseen but crucial aspect of next-generation weapon technologies.

Meanwhile, the cons are as follows

• Reliability issues – A Pentagon report says, all variants have reliability issues with their avionics processors, landing gear tires, thermal management systems, ejection seat assemblies, cockpit display electronics unit, helmet display units, seat survival kits, igniter-spark in the turbine engines, and onboard oxygen generating systems.

• No industrial benefit, late delivery – India would receive these jets as a Foreign Military Sale from the USA which means that neither will we get any technologies of the jet nor will the delivery will happen soon. It is because there are already 10 customers whose needs will be satisfied first.

There were wide reports in Indian media that Lockheed Martin had offered the state-of-the-art F-35 Lightning II fighter to India however Lockheed Martin, the US aerospace giant, rebutted the report. Lockheed Martin spokesperson, Michael Friedman, stated: “The article referencing F-35 production in India was misreported and incorrect. The conversation was in regards to F-16 production.” Further, DefenseNews magazine quoted an Indian defence ministry official as stating: “There is no such plan, and no official proposal has come from US government and Lockheed Martin” to produce F-35s in India in the future. The earlier report, originating from PTI and carried by several Indian newspapers, stated: “Lockheed Martin has proposed to manufacture custom-built F-35 fighter jets in India, which its officials say will give Indian industry a unique opportunity to become part of the world’s largest fighter aircraft ecosystem.” The confusion stemmed from a long-running marketing effort by Lockheed Martin to burnish the older F-16 Block 70 by suggesting that it contains many advanced technologies developed for the firm’s two most advanced fighter aircraft — the F-22 Raptor and the F-35.
With India beeing cozy with the Russians, it is unlikely that Uncle Sam provides access to the Crown Jewels any time soon.
With India beeing cozy with the Russians, it is unlikely that Uncle Sam provides access to the Crown Jewels any time soon.
Indeed. But getting F-35 will be the fastest way to get their hands on stealth fighter. IAF badly need a plan to counter J-20. Rafale will not be able to handle J-20.
Indeed. But getting F-35 will be the fastest way to get their hands on stealth fighter. IAF badly need a plan to counter J-20. Rafale will not be able to handle J-20.

J 20 is not a fifth generation fighter and it is no cause of wory for india. Any third generation plane shoot it down easily. It scored 3.5:1 ratio against Chinese third generation planes in chinese excercise. Our MKI, Mirage UPG, or tejas can shoot it down very easily.
There were wide reports in Indian media that Lockheed Martin had offered the state-of-the-art F-35 Lightning II fighter to India however Lockheed Martin, the US aerospace giant, rebutted the report. Lockheed Martin spokesperson, Michael Friedman, stated: “The article referencing F-35 production in India was misreported and incorrect. The conversation was in regards to F-16 production.” Further, DefenseNews magazine quoted an Indian defence ministry official as stating: “There is no such plan, and no official proposal has come from US government and Lockheed Martin” to produce F-35s in India in the future. The earlier report, originating from PTI and carried by several Indian newspapers, stated: “Lockheed Martin has proposed to manufacture custom-built F-35 fighter jets in India, which its officials say will give Indian industry a unique opportunity to become part of the world’s largest fighter aircraft ecosystem.” The confusion stemmed from a long-running marketing effort by Lockheed Martin to burnish the older F-16 Block 70 by suggesting that it contains many advanced technologies developed for the firm’s two most advanced fighter aircraft — the F-22 Raptor and the F-35.

The F-35s have been offered to India. But only for FMS sale and not for license production. So LM refuted the license production report.

With that said, IN is going for 4 LHDs and it is quite likely that they would like to double that fleet in the long term. So it would be wise for the IN to look at least 2 or more squadrons of F-35Bs in service after 2030 operating out of these LHDs. Similar to what Japan and Turkey are attempting to do.

The Juan Carlos class in particular will be a very effective F-35B carrier.

While there is little to no chance of seeing the F-35A in the IAF, the F-35B is a really good option for the IN.
J 20 is not a fifth generation fighter and it is no cause of wory for india. Any third generation plane shoot it down easily. It scored 3.5:1 ratio against Chinese third generation planes in chinese excercise. Our MKI, Mirage UPG, or tejas can shoot it down very easily.
LOL.. I can understand the frustration of impotent of IAF against China real 5th generation fighter.

IAF currently are sitting duck against PLAAF. :enjoy:

The F-35s have been offered to India. But only for FMS sale and not for license production. So LM refuted the license production report.

With that said, IN is going for 4 LHDs and it is quite likely that they would like to double that fleet in the long term. So it would be wise for the IN to look at least 2 or more squadrons of F-35Bs in service after 2030 operating out of these LHDs. Similar to what Japan and Turkey are attempting to do.

The Juan Carlos class in particular will be a very effective F-35B carrier.

While there is little to no chance of seeing the F-35A in the IAF, the F-35B is a really good option for the IN.
F-35 has never been clear for offer for India. Even Rafale bought without Tot, so what is the issue?
I think India should go for F-35 its a state of the art aircraft if usa gives india the F35 aircraft that would be a clear imdication that india is firmly commited to the united states camp. Russia and china could make policies keeping this in perspective. After all pakistan china's 5.5+ gen stealth fighter will need an adversary. We hope it wont be a russian plane.
fantastic fighter but it's not for dogfight.very costly and maintenance cost is too much.india can buy them.they are good but i think india should consider su-35.i love su-35.i want pakistan to buy it but we have no money right now.
J 20 is not a fifth generation fighter and it is no cause of wory for india. Any third generation plane shoot it down easily. It scored 3.5:1 ratio against Chinese third generation planes in chinese excercise. Our MKI, Mirage UPG, or tejas can shoot it down very easily.
Tejas flies?
LOL.. I can understand the frustration of impotent of IAF against China real 5th generation fighter.

IAF currently are sitting duck against PLAAF. :enjoy:

Forget about J20. We don't take any Chinese weapon seriously. Junk 1 to 100 shall be a shooting practice for Indian airforce.
ok good luck with that i hope u deploy tejas with chinese border .
J 20 is not a fifth generation fighter and it is no cause of wory for india. Any third generation plane shoot it down easily. It scored 3.5:1 ratio against Chinese third generation planes in chinese excercise. Our MKI, Mirage UPG, or tejas can shoot it down very easily.

LOL.. I can understand the frustration of impotent of IAF against China real 5th generation fighter.

IAF currently are sitting duck against PLAAF. :enjoy:
lol dont spoil the only source of entertainment on this thread .
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