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What if Germany had won the WW II?

I never talked to you about the "Future" of the coalition. I simply told you that denying the involvement of Grand Mufti with the Nazi's is ridiculous.

As for the neo-nazi's, they know about the National Socialism just like how a Mechanic knows about performing a heart surgery. I've dealt with them personally in different countries and everywhere, and it's the same. 18 year old hopped up teenagers using Neo-Nazism as a scapegoat to secure their insecurities. Different in some cases, but majority consists of illiterate thugs.

As for saying that "One video is not going to work here. But then again it's your belief".

All my life has revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies regarding the Second world war. Professionally, i also hold a diploma in the field. So i'm pretty sure i know what i'm talking about.

What I ment was that its kinda of unrealistic but if you insists, could you provide more evidence. But you didn't. I would have thought with all the augment you put in last post you would at least post some links too read into back it up further,because still I think its propaganda unless otherwise, I am willing to change my views.

All my life has revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies regarding the Second world war. Professionally, i also hold a diploma in the field. So i'm pretty sure i know what i'm talking about.

I too hold a PhD in History of WW2 and World Political Science ,won awards and devoted my life revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies therefore I have thorough understanding in that field. Not mentioning politics revolving on Islam .Therefore I would know EXCATLYwhat i'm talking about . Never asked your credentials thought, but its nice to know and it would be nice and charitable if you could provide links and your studies of your own in that subject to further my studies ?

Its kinda strange that this link with Islam = Nazism started out recently and if i could remember some of the Islamophobes were trying to do that it after 9/11, before that I never heard or read on any of history books and professors, even Jewish professor ever equated Muslims with Nazism, Programmes and Documentations the whole lot never mention Muslim ever involving in the SS. This Idea would have been great for the Israelis to use against the Arabs in many accounts if this was true, BUT IT WASN'T

Also if you hold " a diploma on ww2" why havent you mention ANYTHING about Muslims fighting against the Nazi or Muslim risking their lives to save Jews during WW2 ? But very
adamant to mentioned about the Grand Mufti and SS ingnoring about the true invovlement of Muslims which is constanly being put down in the West.
If this is is true about Muslims being involve in the SS and the Grand Mufti then Im digusted and angered as a Muslims BUT IF IT HAPPENED ! provide proper links not something that an Islamaphobe had cooked up.
Further more I'm all for having portraying the truth about history but make up something just to be with big fish is also disgusting, the events and accounts in WW2 where Muslim help jewish people to escaped against Nazi is forgotten purposly due to the current events

All in all if you could provide other links it would be grateful otherwise the youtube you have provided is ridiculous.

on the topic at hand:

To have the Nazis win the War , D day should have been foiled and defeated and that Hitler should not have made another war front, with USSR. German xplane would have been widlly used
Like the Long range Stratigic bomber that was going to drop the A bomb in New york.
America would have been defeated , then USSR Japan would have most of far east continenet and Austraila.
Germany would have been the first nation to go to the moon as the V5 rockets were shaping up. Many of Germanys X planes would have been seen more often just like the german stealth bomber. With the Nazi Idelogy of white supremecy i doubt very much that anyone except the whites would have survived its brutility.
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Yes, there was a SS-Division called Schutzstaffel Handzar with the Grand Mufti as its head. And a friend of Hitler, Heinrich Himmler was very interested in Islam and saw many similarities between his ideology and Islam. Nazis are shown very bad in the media but they weren't all so bad.

For example they allowed polygamie, they paid women for their work in household, marrying in his own culture was only allowed.....

really? whats the similarity between Islam and Nazism ?

according to Islam everyone is equal, no one is superior to one another.

Taken from Prophet (PBUH) last sermon

I too hold a Phd in History of WW2 and Political Science ,won awards and devoted my life revolved around the military advancements, ideologies, and technologies therefore I have thorough understanding in that field. THerefore I would know EXCATLY what i'm talking about . Never asked your credentials how about other links to further my studies ?

Yeah i don't think so. Otherwise, you would've known this very simple reality and wouldn't have been arguing against it like a kid, just so that someone doesn't end up linking the Muslims to the Nazi's. What's the big ******* deal anyway? You think nazi's were more evil than EVERY empire that ruled this earth? They all used force and genocide to some degree to conquer land. We consider the Nazi's So "Evil" simply beacuse we live in a Zionist's world today.

13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (kroat.Nr.1)
Handzar SS Division -- Bosnian Moslem Nazi Past

You might want to re-apply for your "PhD" Lol!
Bismillah -Irarahmaan Niraheem.

Yeah i don't think so. Otherwise, you would've known this very simple reality and wouldn't have been arguing against it like a kid, just so that someone doesn't end up linking the Muslims to the Nazi's. What's the big ******* deal anyway? You think nazi's were more evil than EVERY empire that ruled this earth? They all used force and genocide to some degree to conquer land. We consider the Nazi's So "Evil" simply beacuse we live in a Zionist's world today.

Axis History Factbook: 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar (kroatische Nr. 1)
The Role of Muslim SS divisions in Yugoslavia's Holocaust
13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (kroat.Nr.1)
Handzar SS Division -- Bosnian Moslem Nazi Past

You might want to re-apply for your "PhD" Lol!

Thanks for the links

We must have gone on the wrong foot here.
WHats the big deal ? - whats the Big deal linking them in the first place and being aggressive afterwards. You gonna have to accept reactions cus the idea Muslim killing others just because their skin colour different strictly and completely[/i against what the Quran teaches and takes the mick what Prophet Mohammed (SWT) said which he SUFFERD when showing examples of humanity during such prosecution in his time.

And yes i think its much of HUGE deal especially from Muslims, because many Islamophobes used to link it before. and its playing THEIR game. YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I TAKING TO HEART
Like many people will defend against such trashy comments if it tarnish their own group . Second it certainly never been mention before on books, intellects especially Jewish, documents or even Historians its only after 9/11 it started to emerge.

Yeah i don't think so. Otherwise, you would've known this very simple reality and wouldn't have been arguing against it
:disagree: + :undecided:

1) Not been proven properly again thats why I had to argue against it
2) If you are so versed in WW2, why no mention of Muslims fighting against Nazi and Muslim who saved Jews . My Grand Uncle fought WW2 against the Nazi. and was Muslim.
I will not bore you with details. You are quick to play into the Islamaphobe propaganda machine and reluctantly seeing the efforts made by Musilms fighting against an evil ideology thats HAS NO REFFERENCE TO ISLAM WHATS SO EVER.

I tend I struck a nerve there when defending Islam as it clearly shown. The thing is mate , already, you have turned this against into a SAD pathetic match simply you wanted you way I mean look want what you said previously, quite aggressive and stupid.

You think nazi's were more evil than EVERY empire that ruled this earth? They all used force and genocide to some degree to conquer land
Like DUR ! you just figured that out ?

You might want to re-apply for your "PhD" Lol!
Likewise you also should re-apply for your "Diploma" LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
because your knowledge on WW2 leaves room to desire

Nice to see your guilty concious surfacing. All in all, you keep up with your Kid Like tantrums on this forum its kind of way that losers do when they can't win an augment and want to force their opinion on others. I only wanted more proof that was properly documented not some Islamaphobe fantasist, at the time.

PS doesn't take genius to figure that we do live in a Zionist world but neither does it take a genious to figure what the true intention of the NAzi and their hate, THEY ALSO HATED OTHER RACES ASWELL see world Olympics when Hitler ahd to greet a Black man or the books made about how white is so superior - some study you did on WW2 !

Yes, there was a SS-Division called Schutzstaffel Handzar with the Grand Mufti as its head. And a friend of Hitler, Heinrich Himmler was very interested in Islam and saw many similarities between his ideology and Islam. Nazis are shown very bad in the media but they weren't all so bad.

For example they allowed polygamie, they paid women for their work in household, marrying in his own culture was only allowed.....

Sad to see fellow Pakistanis defending such an evil idolegy just because of Israel.
Defending the Nazi and making good light about them is no different on making good light on Israelies attacking Palistiens in the West Bank and Gaza, and Lebanese including Mosques who get continusly destroyed. ( Mirror image of the Nazi burning down sybgagogs in WW2). I guess if the Nazi did win I donl;t think such comment would be made by Pakistanis, more like being drag to labour camps because of not having Blond hair and blue eyes.
And to point out : Zionist , Nazi, America , British empire and son on are just as bad as each other.
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Thanks for the links

We must have gone on the wrong foot here.
WHats the big deal ? - whats the Big deal linking them in the first place and being aggressive afterwards. You gonna have to accept reactions cus the idea Muslim killing others just because their skin colour different strictly and completely[/i against what the Quran teaches and takes the mick what Prophet Mohammed (SWT) said which he SUFFERD when showing examples of humanity during such prosecution in his time.

Didn't you said you had a PHD? Please try to make some sense in your post so that normal people could understand what you're blabbering about.

And yes i think its much of HUGE deal especially from Muslims, because many Islamophobes used to link it before. and its playing THEIR game. YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I TAKING TO HEART
Like many people will defend against such trashy comments if it tarnish their own group . Second it certainly never been mention before on books, intellects especially Jewish, documents or even Historians its only after 9/11 it started to emerge.


Here's a book written by George Lepre, Published in 1997 called "Himmler's Bosnian Divison". That's just an example so that you can shut up about how everything was created after 9/11. And besides, the links i gave you were VERY credible and they weren't created after 9/11. You're not even willing to research which means that you don't have a point to debate.

Secondly, if you can't even recognize the "Grand Mufti" saluting his S.S division, then i feel sorry for you. You basically have 0% knowledge on the WW2 axis allies.

1) Not been proven properly again thats why I had to argue against it
2) If you are so versed in WW2, why no mention of Muslims fighting against Nazi and Muslim who saved Jews . My Grand Uncle fought WW2 against the Nazi. and was Muslim.

"Muslims saving jews" is a very mainstream topic and you can find TONS of material on that if you know how to use google.

I will not bore you with details. You are quick to play into the Islamaphobe propaganda machine and reluctantly seeing the efforts made by Musilms fighting against an evil ideology thats HAS NO REFFERENCE TO ISLAM WHATS SO EVER.

Islam isn't a country that lies somewhere in the Middleeast. During the times of WW2, lots of different Muslim regions around Europe, volunteered to join the Nazi's. Out of necessity or preasure, is another thing. But it's a fact of "History" that it happened.

What's next? You're going to deny that Iran also supplied OIL to the Nazi's in WW2 for their Industries?

I tend I struck a nerve there when defending Islam as it clearly shown. The thing is mate , already, you have turned this against into a SAD pathetic match simply you wanted you way I mean look want what you said previously, quite aggressive and stupid.

I only sounded aggressive and "Stupid" to you because i placed some hard facts on the table. While you basically have nothing on the "Facts" table except a fake PHD in Military history obtained from Walmart.

Likewise you also should re-apply for your "Diploma" LMAO
because your knowledge on WW2 leaves room to desire

I'm having doubts that you might not be older than 16. I've provided sources and facts to you but your idiotic and childish antics are making it quite clear that you simply don't want to hear that some Muslims were a part of the Nazi divisions.

Nice to see your guilty concious surfacing. All in all, you keep up with your Kid Like tantrums on this forum its kind of way that losers do when they can't win an augment and want to force their opinion on others. I only wanted more proof that was properly documented not some Islamaphobe fantasist, at the time.

Our post numbers are almost the same. People here respect my output and opinion. That's exactly why i've been thanked me so many times. While in your case, i'm sure all your 300+ posts were filled with DENIAL of some sort. And by the way, Lol, what Guilty conscious? Are we talking about the same thing? You don't even know the basics of language comprehension and you want me to believe you have a PHD? I've yet to come across a person who holds a PHD and writes the English language as pathetic as you've displayed.

Anyway, you've CLEARLY made it obvious that you have NO knowledge whatsoever about the Nazi's, let alone, WW2! Finish your high school first and pick up a book or two and start from scratch. And please, next time, don't make your self sound like a complete imbecile.
If Germany won WW2 in Europe, they would've expanded their fronts to Middle East and Asia...and probably make allies out of the Turks, Iranians and Afghans to thrust in their respective areas. This would have simply expanded the war front and led into a 3rd World War. Given the nature of Nazism, it is likely that a new Islamic Front would have risen to try and counter it...perhaps going as far as a revived Caliphate to fight the threat.
That is a scary thought if germany won WW2. And they could have, their A bomb development was said to be more advanced that the allies at the start of the war, they had even built the plane to carry the bomb before it was even developed, thats how confident they were. And some of the jets on the drawing board and at near production were truly years ahead of anybody else.
I can only see bad things tho, the world would have been divided up between germany, italy and japan. The eastern and western European countries would not have given up easily, millions would have been killed and some countries reduced to rubble. WW3 would have been foreseeable and would have no doubt resulted in nukes being fired at each other.

The Germans and Japs at that time saw themselves as master races, it would have been bad news for anybody else. Their behavior in WW2 was truly deplorable, simply the worst level humans have ever steeped to. Whoever supports germany's effort in WW2 after knowing the true facts must be a completely evil person.

Humans might think they are the smartest animal on the planet, in reality the are the dumbest.
the Germany empire broken into several piece after Hitler dead.like empire of Alexander.ever piece would be racism at first.but accept more and more people as Aryan.for example Iranian,if they abandon Islam and accept Nazism.but still many nation and people would be extinguished.
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hitler along with propagating his aryan supremacy theory did hold the belief that the Arabs were also a superior martial race...
he used to downplay the blacks and the other races calling them primitive....
The American Jesse Owens made him eat his words and $hit blood during the Berlin Olympics.
Incase of a possible German victory in Europe and NorthAfrica , the Japanese empire would turn out to be victorious in Central and SouthEastAsia . This would have eventually led to a possible Japanese occupation or freedom of the earlier Allied colonies in the south east asia , with the possibility of a truce b/w the pacific powers usa and japan. The whole world order would have changed , the german victory would have eventually led to the extinction of comunism and might have resulted in the division of the Soviet empire by the mid 40s or 50s. (Personal analysis)
hitler along with propagating his aryan supremacy theory did hold the belief that the Arabs were also a superior martial race...
he used to downplay the blacks and the other races calling them primitive....
The American Jesse Owens made him eat his words and $hit blood during the Berlin Olympics.
il y avais même des indiens dans les SS!
even the Indians were in the SS
(Indian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII)

we all would be waiting in the line for our turn to be exterminated in the concentration camps!!!

In the end, that would have been the fate for all those non Arian!!

What if our Generals were more decisive in their decisions on 1965 War?
What if our politicians were more sensible in 1971?

We would be ruling our neighborhood in the world, we would have been a great power.

we would've been in Nazi SS division which is indeed a Muslims division for Nazi and we would've been ruling the world right now

Completely wrong! Turkey and some Muslims were helping Germany directly or indirectly only and only because the British had colonised us and were plundering our land, hadnt it been like that, there would have been no enmity between us and the Brits.

This is a huge load of Zionist propaganda. They wanted to link the muslim "terrorists" to the nazis. But its nice to see some mslims here believe that crap.

I agree, before accepting something, we should have been more wise and researched what that thing was to begin with, what it would imply for us, would we be better off accepting or rejecting it. It seems, blind agreement is our custom these days.

I'm sorry, but the Grand Mufti and his S.S division was as real as it gets. No propaganda here. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" defines the best relation between the Nazi leadership and the Grand mufti.

Yes, it was out of necessity, not out of luxury.

How long would that so-called friendship last ?
NAzi couldn't take anyone who wasn't white, and muslims being multi racial and even having Blacks in our religion is laughable

The Day the Germans had won they would have started destroying all those non-German or non Arian.

PS: Someone said, Blondies would have been ruling the world now. As much as I hate for the Nazis ruling the world, I have to admit, the thought of blondies (and I mean the gals) is a pretty seductive Idea :rolleyes: :lol::lol:

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