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What If Attlee Hadn’t Partitioned India?

There was no India (name given to you by the British) before 1947, it was British India, dont forget the word british before India, and before that you were colony of mughals and before that the lodhis and before that the ghurids and so on and before thet you were many small kingdoms.

Even Greeks were number of states that doesn't mean Greek civilization never existed, Indian civilization is well recognized across the word since ancient time.
Partition is the best thing that has happened to India ... period .

These threads about 'If partition has not happened' :blah::blah: are all stupid .
India was named by Greeks, Herodutus gave the earliest reference of India in 4th Century BC.

They called India "Indoi", "India" is given by British.

The term "Indian" was used by the
British to refer to "wogs", "black fellas"
or "natives". That's all it meant to
them. They used it all over the world
throughout their colonies.
To say that the British used the term
"Indian" due to their being awestruck by
the great remains of the Indus Valley
civilisation (which was a largely illiterate
civilisation anyway, not like the Vedic
civilisation which was something
completely different) is really to show
that one is wearing rose-coloured
The diary of Captain Cook (who worked
for the British East India Company and
who in official history was supposedly
the "discoverer" of Australia) refers to
the Australian native on his approach to
Australia as "Indians".
In his logbook he wrote:
Wednesday, August 22nd, 1770
Remarks, &c.
Mod. and clear wea'r; saw a number of
smoaks along shore. At 1 lay too for the
yawl; pinnace and longboat sounding.
½-p't 2, made sail and steer'd for a
passage between some islands and the
main. At 3 fired a gun, and made the
signell for the boats to sound the next
passage to the no'ward of the
abovemention'd. ¾-p't 3, was in the
passage; dist'ce from the east shore, ¾
of a mile; saw several Indians, who
follow'd us shouting.

Interesting, "Indians" as a word was used for savages. And pathetically Indians still are proud to use that word. In fact when they discovered Vedic Civilization they though that cant be possible, most be white european civilization.
They called India "Indoi", "India" is given by British.

Indoi meant Indians.

Interesting, "Indians" as a word was used for savages. And pathetically Indians still are proud to use that word.

Another fairy tale. :cheesy: There is a difference between the historical name and the artificial one invented in Cambridge University's dormitory.
Indoi meant Indians.

Another fairy tale. :cheesy: There is a difference between the historical name and the artificial one invented in Cambridge University's dormitory.


Every name is invented, the difference is the one invented by invaders and local people. "Indoi" mean just that "Indoi", British didnt like it and changed to "India". And i dont need to remind anyone where that "Indoi" name come from :omghaha:
Every name is invented, the difference is the one invented by invaders and local people. "Indoi" mean just that "Indoi", British didnt like it and changed to "India". And i dont need to remind anyone where that "Indoi" name come from :omghaha:

If you think Greeks were invaders, why you guys name your kids as Sikander. :lol::lol::lol:

The English term is from Greek Ἰνδία (Indía), via Latin India. Indía in Koine Greek denoted the region beyond the Indos (Ἰνδός) river in Pakistan.
india is a made up civilization - there has never been and never will be a single indian culture.

Who cares if we Indians do not have a single culture.Did the ancient Greeks have it? The answer is no.Do you have any idea in how many states the entire Greek world was divided into? Do you know how the people from both sides of the Mt.Olympus got united? If you think that a civilization means one race,one language and single religious belief,I humbly withdraw my case.
Even Greeks were number of states that doesn't mean Greek civilization never existed, Indian civilization is well recognized across the word since ancient time.

Greeks used to call themselves Greeks even back then alongside their own city state identities. When the Persians invaded the city states of Greece banded together under the Greek banner to oppose them.

Who cares if we Indians do not have a single culture.Did the ancient Greeks have it? The answer is no.Do you have any idea in how many states the entire Greek world was divided into? Do you know how the people from both sides of the Mt.Olympus got united? If you think that a civilization means one race,one language and single religious belief,I humbly withdraw my case.

Greeks always had similar cultures they just had different types of government depending which city state you were in but despite their differences they all considered one another Greek.

They even worshiped the same Gods. Albeit with different characteristics attributed to said Gods depending on the city state.
Greeks always had similar cultures they just had different types of government depending which city state you were in but despite their differences they all considered one another Greek.

On religious point of view,their belief was similar.In fact it was the oracle of Delphi that permitted Phillip II to be part of Hellenic group which the Macedonians were formerly rejected.But it is not my point. So could be the case of India.For thousands of years this vast piece of land was dominated by Hindu customs and culture which interweaved people from different ethnicity together. I just simply do not understand why people constantly mention that there was no Indian Culture ever.

PS: Greeks called themselves Greeks infront of a foreigner.At the same point of time the mentioned Indians as a multi ethnic society,not something else.
Who cares if we Indians do not have a single culture.Did the ancient Greeks have it? The answer is no.Do you have any idea in how many states the entire Greek world was divided into? Do you know how the people from both sides of the Mt.Olympus got united? If you think that a civilization means one race,one language and single religious belief,I humbly withdraw my case.

People of FYROM(former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) too raise question about Greek identity . They claim that Alexander the Great was not Greek and 'ancient' Macedonians were not Greeks.
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