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What I saw in New-Delhi

Sure. At least we'll do our bit.

Till now India has managed to get away with all the cross-border terrorism support in the neighborhood, which she provided for more than last 5 decades.

Lets see how long India can play this game i.e. showing herself as a victim and at the same time sponsoring proxy wars in the neighborhood!
- People are more aggressive and arrogant . Quite a few of them are ready to take offense at the drop of a hat.
- Road Rage is real issue, i have stopped driving in Delhi due to this and when convenient take a cab.
- Not safe for lone females at night unlike someother larger cities.
- if not straight out cheating then less than honorable intentions among shop-keepers and Auto - Wallahs

However don't see any anti-muslim under-currents atleast not at significant variance from other cities.

LOL you're right its just he has choosen the right time to visit Delhi , if he would've came here in July with that heat and all someone would've beaten him for just stopping him and asking time :D

People are not that much Anti Islam its wrong there's alot of Bangladeshis here hence people deal with every Muslim with caution and some fools take it for Anti Muslim sentiments actually I've never seen so many seculars at one place than Delhi.:angel:

But yeah if you're a Muslim you can face some trouble renting a apartments mainly because Muslims don't mix up easily(which is a irony cause Muslims does keeps their rented apartments clean atleast in comparison to NE people.).
You forgot Parsis.

Terrible oppression. :pop:

I am a Bihari.

Working in Pune.

Which happens to be the most hardcore Hindu bastion of Maharashtra. :coffee:

And when I went to marry a dye-in-the-wool born and brought up Maharashtrian girl, blood mobs were not unleashed on me either.

Yeah man, I know you are a lot of things.

You are Parsi, you are Atheist, you are Christian.
You are marrying a hardcore hindu girl, you are married to a Christian, you will marry a Dalit.
You are Bihari, you are from Punjab, you lived in Kerala, you work in Pune, you studied in Gujrat

Evey new day brings new revelations, as they say, its is a new dawn, its a new day, its a new world...

.... and everything is milk and honey in India!
We see a very carefully constructed narrative being propagated by Indians around the world to somehow declare Pakistan a terrorist state. Indian govt policy and all her machinery including all of their media work like a symphony in portraying us some how as fanatics, barbarians etc.

And if we counter this with few facts about India, we have selective thinking? Pakistan has fanatics and India has her own fanatics, which outnumber Pakistanis. This is reality!

But my friend, it is perception that matters more than reality. You and me do not matter.

And we Pakistanis have every right to fight Indian dirty propaganda with their own tactics.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat tristique mauris, vitae ultrices mauris ultricies eu. In viverra ut sem eget venenatis. Sed nec ligula non eros ultrices euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget arcu imperdiet, semper dolor in, lacinia augue. Mauris hendrerit vestibulum lorem, non auctor felis dignissim vel. Sed arcu est, posuere pulvinar arcu non, porttitor consequat ligula. Curabitur ac volutpat mauris. Duis pretium commodo accumsan. Nullam ut facilisis velit.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante."

Donec sit amet urna eu nisi egestas iaculis sed ac massa. Morbi interdum nibh sapien, non fermentum diam laoreet quis. Maecenas congue, nibh id placerat lacinia, nisi felis dictum risus, at commodo nisl quam ac libero. Fusce imperdiet vehicula luctus. Sed at auctor ligula. Phasellus a commodo dui, at iaculis odio. Mauris diam eros, tempor at neque eget, imperdiet facilisis mauris. Donec adipiscing nisi vel nisl tristique fermentum. Quisque ultrices justo vitae massa mollis, eu ultricies tortor varius. Nam auctor viverra sodales. Suspendisse ac lobortis sem. Nunc pretium molestie mauris in aliquet. Sed vitae ante porttitor mi condimentum eleifend. Duis at dictum libero, vel pellentesque enim.
Yeah man, I know you are a lot of things.

You are Parsi, you are Atheist, you are Christian.
You are marrying a hardcore hindu girl, you are married to a Christian, you will marry a Dalit.
You are Bihari, you are from Punjab, you lived in Kerala, you work in Pune, you studied in Gujrat

Evey new day brings new revelations, as they say, its is a new dawn, its a new day, its a new world...

.... and everything is milk and honey in India!

You forgot one more.

I am a slayer of pet narratives.
ok, then you may want to edit your post because the way it reads, that's the impression one gets.


( @WebMaster , sorry for the tag... i had mistaken a feature for a bug... i am unwell so my thinking is going slower )

As to rideness, ofcourse, it'd be nice if everyone in Delhi and elsewhere in the world takes a deep breadth and talks softly but at the same time one should not become super sensitive ourselves. As you know in any grouping of people, we will find all kinds won't we? why generalize that much!

well, it doesn't cost extra energy to be polite and it gives the listener/audience a good impression of the speaker and the atmosphere is better.

politeness is a basic necessity.

i am not super sensitive, i must add.

there is no need to be aggressively using words like "tu" when someone is using a "aap".
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- And after they are dealt with.... guess who will be the next one? :lol:

India :angel:

I used to think you had problems with Hindus but it seems your problem is with the dirty politics being played everywhere.(Am I right?)
Well anyways you take too much trouble for something you can't change Relax.:-)

All of you people fighting with this guy with my past experience I'm sure he'll be the last guy standing here :lol: .

Good luck All :enjoy:
India has more than enough fanatics roaming around who hijack govt. policy at every level. This is a fact.
If India had more than enough fanatucs then it would have been just like Pakistan a failed state, where a christian is burned alive.
But in India such thinks don't occur because idea of india is bigger than just religion.
Now I agree with you that not all Indians are fanatics, but this "minority" you are talking about is powerful enough to enforce meat ban, destroying historical mosques, enforcing judicial system to go soft on hindu terrorists, exporting cross-border terrorism to neighboring countries etc.
The meat ban was enforced to protect feelings of other minorities so get full knowledge about that even though they were for only 4 days despite that people were getting meat which were distributed by the same fanatic parties in Mumbai.
And if a fanatic like Modi is elected PM, this is clear evidence that this is not just a tiny section of the society who have fanatical ideas!
Yep, don't worry the same fanatic is getting world wide recognition.
Which is bad for Pakistan and I can understand that. So keep you BS to yourself. And Pakistanis should be the last one who should tell us about anything.
Have you ever checked how many hundreds if not thousands of Pakistani songs are being copied in Bollywood? Or how many of our dramas, songs etc are being daily played on your networks?
Do tell me about how many dramas, and songs are played on Indian television?
Last time I checked Indian dramas and television channels are hit and fare in top ten of highest trip channels in pakistan.
I haven't even heard any pakistani songs ever but I can see many Bollywood songs played on national television channels and also so see debates on culture invasion of India.
Now go on YouTube and check how many debates and coverage and discussions have been given to India, where they must be bashing everytime to earn TRPs.
Have they stopped the hate campaign against other Indians such as Biharis, Muslims etc? I guess a Bihari finding a job in Mumbai or a Muslim to find an apartment there should be no problem at all then.
If you have been to Mumbai then you wouldn't have given such absurd comment.
Even though Mumbai is in Maharashtra but in may Mumbai you can see diversity of whole india.
In a local train you will find tamils, Telugu's, gujaratis, Muslims, biharis, Europeans who are living in India permanently.
It is the heart of India.
There are only one or two incidents where such news reported where action was taken. Muslims live in CST, MASJID and whole over India. So first visit and don't spread BS because India is not Pakistan.
And Europeans being fascinated by India, c'mon dude, I don't know which Europeans you have been talking to.
As expected from pakistan . if they can't find any foreigner in Pakistan so why not degrade India to their level.
Have you ever been to New Delhi, which Is NCR including Noida, Gr Noida which are new cities made from scratch and will be next Mumbai also NCR includes Gaziabad, if you haven't so its best not to comment, if you ever go to Mumbai or Delhi sit on a McDonalds or any coffee shop or club you will find more foreigner sitting around than Indians.

- Do the Indians not cry out loud at every small development happening in neighboring countries? Be it a high rise in Sri Lanka, a port being build in Bangladesh, infrastructure developments in Pakistan, a dam being constructed in Nepal or Mynamar. Everywhere I see Indians whining. Every time, it is "security threat" for India. And then comes the hilarious claim, that Indians are not least bothered with neighbors, let alone Pakistan.
When did I India objected to high rise buildings in srilanka?
When did India object to any port being built in bangladesh?
Do tell you Japan is building their new port.
Lol I don't even know what infrastructure develipment ia going on in Pakistan other than CPEC which is going through disputed area as you consider it. But in every debate you enter CPEC, which sometimes indicates that CPEC is the only hope for Pakistan and a gift from god. By your daddy.
When did India object to any dam between Myanmar and nepal? Or is there any Such project.?
Why are you making everything in your desperation?
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Why are you not out enjoying Eid?

And what makes you think I am not enjoying Eid? :azn:

It was a great fun day! Now just chilling and laughing out loud after reading some of the posts Indians are writing, :lol:

For example some claiming India to be a peace loving country and others saying that only Pakistani channels play some Indian songs and India is immune to Pakistani music, :omghaha:
The meat ban was enforced to protect feelings of other minorities so get full knowledge about that even though they were for only 4 days despite that people were getting meat which were distributed by the same fanatic parties in Mumbai.

Yeah right, I don't know if ever these apologists for hindu fanaticism will get their heads out of sand!

BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals | Focus News

Now please do not enforce this to "protect minorities" !!!
Yeah right, I don't know if ever these apologists for hindu fanaticism will get their heads out of sand!

Now please do not enforce this to "protect minorities" !!!
So finally you found something.
Before answering that let you know I am still waiting for your revelation of even one Pakistani song played in india.
Even one pakistani channel in India and all the objections of India against the development in surrounding countries.

And talking on the link.
Even though whatever she said was true but still you have I'll see Indians hating her. So it speaks for your fanaticism but on the other hand your mullahs and countrymen burn the Christians alive if anything is spoken against Islam in Pakistan. So much for proving fanaticism.

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