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What happens when a muslim prays in a public area in US

Rosary is not important for us but for Catholics.. I have seen people use rosary to pray in buses, in public and many other places...
And the question is? To pray using a rosary (Tasbih like thing) Well anyone would mistaken you for a Muslim so am not sure who will prevent you from doing so! :unsure:
i said praying in PUBLIC, geez whats wrong with you people? why u jump at conclusions? i am proud of being a Muslim
Praying in PUBLIC is not a crime, you do not to be ashamed of it. Try praying in PUBLIC once and see what happens!
woah dude, easy there, i pray Jumma and Eid in masjid, its just i dont like the company of many ppl

relax I was been sarcastic :D
well if you do still there is nothing bad in praying in public, its about a person is praying to his creator , even if peoples start making fun of that man , he should not stop because that's what they do , Allah will judge you for your deeds not for what peoples react over your namaz...
I didn't meant legality to be subjective, but it being inconsiderate. I personally don't mind my colleagues to pray next to me in a crowded workplace or someone sitting on a pavement to pray.

Sure, that is nice of you. But it still does not make blocking public rights of way correct.
do you pray jummah an Eid ki namaaz at your house ??
why are you ashamed of praying ??
are you hurting anyone ? any rule is breaking .. I don't think so , even If it was people will say... but if they don't than you don't have to be shy ... I have seen a video where " there was a anti islam protest on going in front of White house , and one old man comes and when he realize its time for prayer , he start praying right there in middle of everyone , what matter for you ? " what peoples say ? or what Allah say in judgment day ?
Sharminda tou na kero! He/she is shy

Sorry to say that you really don't know much about it .
Maybe not the 1 done in India but that is how they do it here!

Heck even in the video 1 of the 2 who followed the prayer asked the guy if he was doing yoga :p:
Here i am not saying anything like that but there are instructions in every worship.
no you cant possibly know that, when we got hundreds of religion across the world.
The only generalization I can dare to make is, its some sort of direct (one way most of the time) communication with god, and more often than not it involves asking for some help or thanking for providing help earlier. The ritual bit varies from person to person and religion to religion.
so u waiting for some one to get irritated ! and then cry islamophobe !
Not waiting...Is that what you guys do? :unsure:

I am answering whoever is asking...isnt that what this platform is for? To exchange ideas, to learn, understand? Oh wait you are here prob to troll :enjoy:
Praying in PUBLIC is not a crime, you do not to be ashamed of it. Try praying in PUBLIC once and see what happens!
i did, in my school, sorry but i couldn't take students looking at me and saying "yaar wo namaz parh raha hai"
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