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What happens After Death ? Soul , Body , Consciousness and After life

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Here, Souls wound understand their worldly life has ended, and they are in the grave!! They feel both happiness and sorrow...

Only the Soul of a Shehit doesn't understand he/she has died!!! A Shehit lives in a "virtual" world (from our perspective), created for him, where he continuously performs his duty!!! For example, a Shehit F16 pilot would be running CAPs 24/7......

Of course, Allah-u Azimushshan knows and does the best....

You know for some reason i believe that Soul has its own way of thinking and understanding from our own conscious minds and body, maybe its the struggle between the Body and soul that lead us from finding peace and happiness into more materialistic ways such as money and women, but on the other hand the soul knows that what the body is doing will only lead him/her ashtray and try to subconsciously stop the person .. Man this is getting interesting :D
You know what Fascinate me brother, the two things such as when i watch and hear people describing near death situation and match it with the narration of Prophet where he talks about how a soul of a good human will be taken and how the soul of a evil person will taken, the similarities are striking ..

Second thing is when we sleep our souls are taken, meaning goes out of bodies but our body still functions , that means soul is not the only entity that controls our functions, and to some the idea of our soul coming out to look at our lifeless bodies , what would our soul think ? and do we lose the ability to think once our soul leave our bodies ? trust me bro, i am thinking hard to understand this whole thing for quite some time, and the way i am until i find a satisfactory answer for myself, i will never be able to get peace ..

Sufism , mostly follow up how to cleanse and release your soul from the bonds of materialistic things, but even them have hard time in explaining the soul and what it is, cause the knowledge was not given to us by Allah himself as said in Quran, so for us as Muslims if Prophet can not explain better because Allah withhold it, then we are nothing compared to his knowledge of what is/was/will be hidden from our eyes .
The problem is the matters of the Ruhaniyet are way beyond the capability to understand for the common folks!!! The Zats, who have shown some parts of it, are advised not to disclose it.....
I don't know if this is stupid question to ask but I want to know what people here(Muslims and non Muslims) think of soul in scientific terms.
Although there have been some attempts by scientists towards this...it is just a tiny fraction. The scientific community at large does not bother to study concepts such as soul. Science only concerns itself with things or phenomenon that is quantifiable, measurable...can be studied/observed/detected etc.

Having said that...below is what I think...using scientific knowledge(not a reflection of my religious beliefs).

In quantum mechanics there is a concept of "conservation of information"...kind of like "conservation of energy". To illustrate it using an example...
...let's say u leave a cup of hot coffee on ur dining table and leave for work. A few hours later some other person comes to ur house and finds that cup of coffee that is now at room temperature. This person has no way of knowing if the coffee was at room temperature to begin with...or if it was hot earlier and cooled down...or if it was cold earlier and warmed up. However that information about the coffee's previously hot state(which then gradually cooled down) still exists...if this person could magically become all knowing...and possessed the knowledge of the quantum state of every single atom in the universe at all times...
...he can see how the energy was transferred from one molecule to the next and work his way backwards to figure out that the coffee was initially hot
...kind of like if u record a video of orderly billiard balls that are hit and scattered...and play it backwards.

Now on to the next part...keep the above concept of "conservation of information" in ur head.
Next up...the human brain. Medically a person is pronounced dead...when brain death has occurred. Ppl who are brain dead(no brain activity) can be kept alive on life support(as in keeping their body alive)...but there has never been a case of anyone who was brain dead(and on life support) ever waking up. This means once someone's brain has died...that person is gone for good.

Moreover...a person's personality is also linked to their brain. In some cases ppl's personality has been observed to have changed after they suffered a brain injury. In short ur morality, personality, thoughts, memories, and everything that make u...u
...is basically ur brain.

Now circling back to the "conservation of information"...this means that all the quantum information of the atoms that make up ur brain at every single point in time is technically never gone.

Is that the eternal soul? Who knows...

@Joe Shearer this seems like a topic that might interest u.
...also I haven't had time yet to read that article u sent me...been busy for the most part...will get around to it hopefully soon.
@Joe Shearer
this seems like a topic that might interest u.

Thanks a LOT!
How did you guess that at age 70, this would be of vital topical interest to me?????

Just joking. I'll read it in the morning. Somehow reading it at night alone in a flat with a heart condition doesn't seem like a good idea!
Thanks a LOT!
How did you guess that at age 70, this would be of vital topical interest to me?????

Just joking. I'll read it in the morning. Somehow reading it at night alone in a flat with a heart condition doesn't seem like a good idea!
U scared of death? Well I suppose the unknown could be scary. Not to worry though...my post is not grim.
Topics involving religion, are not allowed on PDF. This is exercised merely to avoid religion based conflicts on the forum and without hurting the sentiments of any segment of society. Any discussion or argument without religious reference will help them everyone to participate or discuss on the basis of scientific research.

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