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What Happened to San Francisco? Drug overdoses killed more people than did COVID-19 in two years of the pandemic


Nov 4, 2011
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What Happened to San Francisco? Drug overdoses killed more people than did COVID-19 in two years of the pandemic

Sharp fall in life expectancy for Americans is not only because of Covid, drug overdosing, gun violence, vast homelessness all play a part in it.
US population is increasing despite of drugs and China’s is decreasing despite it has no drugs. As long as you produce more than are getting killed you are doing ok. Chinese have no mojo and have lost the race, keep crying 🤣
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US population is increasing despite of drugs and China’s is decreasing despite it has no drugs. Keep crying 🤣
LOl, why we need to cry? 1.4 billion population is still too big for China's limited land and resources, even half the current size would be still too many. you guys can enjoy your drugs.
LOl, why we need to cry? 1.4 billion population is still too big for China's limited land and resources, even half the current size would be still too many. you guys can enjoy your drugs.
As long as you produce more than are getting killed you are doing ok. Chinese have no mojo and have lost the race. 100 years from now Chinese man will be displayed in US museum in endangered section 🤣

China should legalize drugs that increase mojo
The population of the United States is growing, but much of it is coming from immigration and refugees. That's not a good model in the long run.
100 years from now Chinese man will be displayed in US museum in endangered section 🤣

China should legalize drugs that increase mojo
lOl, China has been around for 5,000 years and how about US? 25 years from now US will become a Latino country, racism and too much diversity will definitely lead to massive social division, and lack of racial and social cohesion will in the end bring down that country.

Ah yes...Mayor London Breed claiming she wants to fix things....oh she fixed things alright..made life easier for criminals.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announces cuts to police in new city budget​

The mayor announced a $120 million cut to the police and sheriff's department.

Breed says her own car was broken into, as CNN questions whether S.F. is ‘failed city​

San Francisco Mayor London Breed Claims Walgreens Is Only Shutting Five Stores to Cut Costs

..and more importantly
The measure's main effects were to convert many nonviolent offenses, such as drug and property offenses, from felonies to misdemeanors. These offenses include shoplifting, writing bad checks, and drug possession. The measure also required that money saved as a result of the measure would be spent on "school truancy and dropout prevention, victim services, mental health, and drug abuse treatment, and other programs designed to keep offenders out of prison and jail."[4] The measure included exceptions for offenses involving more than $950 and criminals with records including violence or sex offenses

hmm...I wonder why there is an increase in shoplifting and drug use...can't think of a reason why...just eludes me...not like they would be stupid enough to greenlight it....

Do we think these nitwits will be smart enough to repeal Prop 47? Yeah right! They'll take things right to the bottom instead.
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Beautiful democracy, freedom to guns, violence, drugs, robbery, thefts....
lOl, China has been around for 5,000 years and how about US? 25 years from now US will become a Latino country, racism and too much diversity will definitely lead to massive social division, and lack of racial and social cohesion will in the end bring down that country.
Past existense is no guarantee for future. China existed for 5000 years and Dinosaur existed for millions of years and guess what happened to them 🤣.
Dinosaur also thought it will exist for ever

US plan is to replace with immigrants ehich can cause some problem but China has no plan whatsoever. China plan is to replace peole with AI and robot, which is even a million times dumber plan than immigrants. Robot cant consume and contribute to gdp and soon even Chinese who thought of having kid will decide to adopt robot kid which doesnt cry or doesnt poo 💩 💩 at night.

See you in museum 100 years from now 👋
See you in museum 100 years from now 👋
Lol, You ignorance about the Chinese history is expected, and I doubt you can live to see anything 100 years from now.

Why China shouldn’t worry about its first population drop in decades: it has fallen much further before, and always bounced back​

  • China’s population fell in 2022 for the first time since the 1960s, and while more people means a larger workforce and GDP, the Chinese shouldn’t be too anxious
  • War, famine and disease have caused millions of deaths in recent Chinese history, but the population as always bounced back and gone on to grow further

Published: 7:45am, 2 Jun, 2023


Primary school students salute the national flag in Yantai, in China’s Shandong Province. China has recently reported a drop in its population for the first time since the 1960s. Photo: Getty Images

The persistently low birth rates in some Asian countries have prompted their governments to spend profligate amounts of money to reverse the trend.

South Korea has spent more than US$200 billion over the past 16 years to boost its population, while Japan has pledged to set aside US$150 billion of the country’s budget for child-related policies.

China, which has just been overtaken by India as the world’s most populous nation, saw its population slip to 1.41175 billion at the end of 2022 from 1.41260 billion a year earlier. The last time the country recorded negative population growth was in the 1960s.

I’ve never had any desire to be a parent, and I’m glad I live in a society where voluntary childlessness isn’t seen as a moral defect.

Personal disinclinations aside, I’m not sure I want to bring a child into an overpopulated world of environmental degradation and depleted resources, where bellicose nations with extinction-level weapons threaten the human race with yet another world war.

Continuing the family line and leaving my genetic legacy to future generations isn’t all that important to me. Each of us have four biological grandparents, eight great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents … going back a few hundred years you’ll have thousands of ancestors.

A few thousand years more, and you’ll find that we are all related. I don’t think my DNA is so important to the human gene pool that I simply must pass it on.

So why do governments encourage citizens to have more babies? In the simplest terms, a bigger population with more working-age people to produce more goods and services leads to higher economic growth.
Conversely, a low birth rate means a country’s workforce gets smaller, and the cost of looking after the ageing, non-working population increases.

For the Chinese government, economic performance is of vital importance. It therefore comes as no surprise that it has taken measures to stem the low birth rate.
As early as 2016, it abolished the one-child policy, in place since 1980, partly to balance China’s female-to-male sex ratio. In May 2021, the government even eased restrictions to allow women to have up to three children.

China has always had a large number of people that accounted for a sizeable proportion of the human population – 25–30 per cent of the world’s total in any given time.

The first census was recorded to have occurred around 2,800 years ago, but no extant data exist. Available census records of successive dynasties in the imperial period (221BC – 1912) show that in the 1,800 years between the Western Han (202BC – AD8) and Ming (1368–1644) dynasties, China’s population had remained relatively stable at around 50 million people.

The country’s population saw a sudden, twofold increase in the late Ming dynasty, breaching the 100-million mark in the late 16th century. Explanations for this exponential growth range from improved methods of census taking to the introduction to China of high-yield crops from the Americas by the Portuguese and Spaniards around that period.

The population continued to grow in the Qing dynasty (1644–1912), reaching a peak of 430 million in 1850. The 20th century was a century of rapid growth. In 1982, China’s population reached 1 billion for the first time.

The above numbers belie the multiple periods in China’s past when its population decreased because of wars, famines and pestilence.

The fall in numbers could be shocking – for example, 430 million in 1850 to 341 million in 1912, a loss of 89 million people in six decades due to cataclysmic events such as the Taiping Rebellion. But as we see, the numbers always bounced back strongly.

While I don’t believe that population and economic growth should be pursued at all cost, history suggests that China doesn’t have to worry too much about its population trajectory.

Past existense is no guarantee for future. China existed for 5000 years and Dinosaur existed for millions of years and guess what happened to them 🤣.
Dinosaur also thought it will exist for ever

US plan is to replace with immigrants ehich can cause some problem but China has no plan whatsoever. China plan is to replace peole with AI and robot, which is even a million times dumber plan than immigrants. Robot cant consume and contribute to gdp and soon even Chinese who thought of having kid will decide to adopt robot kid which doesnt cry or doesnt poo 💩 💩 at night.

See you in museum 100 years from now 👋
Why you Indians are so worried about Chinese population decline all the time ? You people should be worried about the population explosion in your homeland India, soon all the slums will not be enough to house them.
Why you Indians are so worried about Chinese population decline all the time ? You people should be worried about the population explosion in your homeland India, soon all the slums will not be enough to house them.
You are right, but luckily for us China will have lot of empty land and no one around to use it. India population is on track for 2-2.5 billion and China’s is on track for 500 million 🤣🤣, we can snatch all the land we need.
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