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What does the Rise of China mean for the rest of the world?

Yet, those statements have little to do with morality or emotionality. They are factual generalizations. They might not hold true for each and every nations under the umbrella concept of "Western world." However, in historical context, holistically, they hold true.

It is the West that argues about holding the moral high ground. Otherwise, it is almost pedestrian knowledge that international politics is an a moralistic realm. Hence, outside the light mockery and insinuation, you are not making any valuable statement here.

As long as we remember that such "factual generalizations" apply to all of humanity - except China of course. China be speshull.

There is no doubt that the world will be influenced greatly by China's economic rise. But to pretend that it somehow transcends human nature and geopolitics is simply delusional. Anything to sell books, I suppose.
Have not read the book yet, reading the comment section on Amazon is interesting enough.

“Most Chinese know their information is censored. Most Westerners obediently believe they have “freedom of the press” and that censorship is everybody else’s problem. Sadly, Westerners are deluded, gullible and easily manipulated. But this has been true of all citizens of Empire, since the dawn of civilization.”-------Jeff J. Brown

I could not agree more.

Hard copy or kindle?
no option for printed as that is what i prefer. with kindle i have to remove the DRM.
As long as we remember that such "factual generalizations" apply to all of humanity - except China of course. China be speshull.

China is special in its particular historical process and state. Each social formation is special. China is one of the very few with deep, unified ancient culture, politics and social make up -- with lots of progress although it is not linera but through evolution and devolution.

There is no doubt that the world will be influenced greatly by China's economic rise. But to pretend that it somehow transcends human nature and geopolitics is simply delusional.

It is not. In some ways, China is and will be a standard country in its prioritization of national interests. It is and will be a unique country in terms of improved neo-mercantilist and economized foreign policy.

Good for India if every Indian thinks like you. :cheers:

Indeed, it would pragmatically be terrible if it really meant something for India. Ahistoricism, or historical apathy would be something I would wish upon my worst enemy - but still, I do not wish it upon India for some reason.
Dragon’ and ‘elephant’ can peacefully co-exist, says China


Thanks. In fact China can peacefully co-exist with any nation, most disputes can be solved through diplomatic channels.

(India has nothing against China, but we are against the Chinese assisting terrorist and rogue nations).

Disagree, which sovereign nations are considered "terrorist"? Or "rogue?" Defined by whom?
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