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What does Russia now want in Afghanistan? Peace or further discord

Naheed Janjua

Jan 19, 2017
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The formation of the Russia-China-Pakistan Trilateral Dialogue is a welcoming development and a good initiative, however it has been questioned and looked upon with suspicion by Afghanistan, India and the US, with particular reference to Russia’s growing interest and involvement in the peace process.

The Afghan government expressed concern and displeasure over the meeting and questioned why Afghanistan was not involved in the discussion and that it was the state’s prerogative to decide who should be on the sanctions list.

read more: What does Russia now want in Afghanistan? Peace or further discord
A joint , Military option , to take over Afghanistan would be welcomed by Pakistan all out war and we integrate the region as province
Well considering the present situation where we are already engaged in eternal conflict for last 30 years I personally favor a 1 Major war with Afghan and get this over with

We are just dealing with few rouge leadership around may be 100-200 war lords Trumped up to be head of that nation

Turkey should do same with its KURD problem one major offensive all out war

Send all these KURD and Rouge Terrorist to Trump , notice he does not want anything to do with these people

Trump should create a "SAFE zone for these refugee in Washington DC"

May be Malania can make them cake and tea and keep them entertained
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Well considering the present situation where we are already engaged in eternal conflict for last 30 years I personally favor a 1 Major war with Afghan and get this over with

We are just dealing with few rouge leadership around may be 100-200 war lords Trumped up to be head of that nation
We are almost out of this mess..We just need to strengthen our borders and stay away from Afghanistan internal issues.No its not 100 or 200 its mentality..The same Taliban will also fight you along with 100-200 war lords and thousands of supporters in Pakistan.
Na, we already have enough not a single paksitani should die now because of afghanistan... More than 50,000 is enough.
Respect your opinion every one has a different prespective how to solve things

I like how Russia approaches the problems their approach is always practical

I would have tried to capture all these culprits and locked them up , the rest .... ship them out to Trump make a Trump tower and Let him give all these folks a appartment in his trump tower
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What Russia wants is pretty simple; they want america and its side kicks and cronies for hire out. Same reason they are warming up to Turkey. They don't want any american influence in their backyards. Same goes for China.
Russia wants peace ensuring USA is out of Afghanistan.
very positive move we need Russia to take an interest in this region -- Americans have only brought chaos and radicalisation.
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