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What does China want from CPEC?

My question is where China taking any sort of risk ?
35 billion invested on energy projects by Chinese companies where guaranteed return rate of 17 percent
Remaining 15 billion if FDI would have compelled China to use the gawder port and cpec roads but they cleverly converted it in to loan project ..If Chinese are for road transportation Chinese companies would have invested in road project ..They already know it's only for local consumption and China wanted emergency route .. Chinese requirements fulfilled by Pakistani taxpayer money .. Recently Malaysia rejected these kind of proposal should be enough eye opener to all ..I am not saying China has motives against Pakistan but case is China wanted an emergency route and Pakistan said OK with taxpayers money ..
Pakistan needs these routes for its own use too.second since its loan and not Chinese ownership that means Pakistan is free to charge and change corridor tax per its need on china
As for power project they pay from own income not GOP
Yes there are but all of these are firmly anchored with the US orbit. Pakistan on the other hand represents a solid ally since 1950s. If Pakistan can rise it is win win for both China and Pakistan. Italy and Greece are on another continent from USA but they recieved considerable help by USA post war, Washington nurtured these countries to be part of the new US world order. America is a superpower exactly because it has strong allies across the globe.

Furthermore although Pakistan might be some distence from China's coastel cities but it is adjacent to the Chinese far west. This region will need to get developed and Pakistan will fit into scheme very well. CPEC connects with Chinese Sinkiang.

This is where you are wrong. If you read @Cybernetics post Chinese thinking is long term and does not think in terms of win/loss. Your thinking is based on the present reality and as such myopic. All you can think of is "access" and "contingency" because you can't look beyond today.

How about opening your mind and thinking bigger and over the horizon. Pakistan is a 200 milion country. If China helps it to stand up down the road it could be a vast market with huge trading potential via the CPEC with China. This would represent the emergence of a new trading corridor which then could multiply by linking up with Iran and other Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and markets furher afield. If you read the OP it talked about Chinese wish not to challange the present trading order built under US purview but build up new route. This is where the OBOR comes in. What I find is most Indian's because of the rivalry cannot think of Pakistan in such terms and can instead either see it as a "access" alleyway or "contingency". Not as a possible quality in it's own right.

Not quite. They are based on what is reasonably expected and to a degree there is element if gambling. Those who get it right do well.

Finally the more the USA pushes to be a strategic partner with India the more the Chinese will push for Pakistan. The more the Pakistan and Chinese confluence rises the more the USA will invest in India. Both are being 'groomed' by these giants; contrary to what peole might say here both have taken this opportunity with both hands. There are differances between both dynamics. USA is a superpower at it's apex and on the other side of the world. China on the other hand is rising power and adjacent to Pakistan. Pakistan is better placed to benefit from this emerging world order.

Being smaller it can rise faster in the Chinese wake and being closer enjoy greater synergy. The only potential spoiler is how well Islamabad elites rise to this challange.

This is exactly what came to my mind. The reason is hatred can be so intense that it can blind people. Such thinking can only think of Pakistan as a "door mat" or a "contingency ladder". They overlook the vast potential of Pakistan itself. Just to give you one idea. Pakistan has one of the largest irrigated systems on earth but agriculture is performing poorly. The other day I read a article about Chinese hybrid wheat which has shown great results in Pakistan. If modern technology and better use of irrigation become widespread in Pakistan the country could see massive increase in agriculture productivity. New crops like olive oil are showing enormous potential.

The Indus region in antiquity was a rich source of agriculture and wealth. We know from Achaemenid Persian records that Indus region contributed huge amount of taxes to the royal treasury at Persepolis. There is no reason Pakistan cannot repeat the past greatness of this region. Indeed there are deep historical ties between China and Pakistan. Just on the suburbs of the modern capital Pakistan, Islamabad is the ancient site of Taxila. In ancient times Taxila was one of the world's earliest universities. Students came from far and wide. It was from here that Greek and Chinese travellers brought and exchanged ideas. Buddhism in fact moved from Taxila north along the Silk Road into China.

Today Taxila is the start point of the Hazara Expressway which heads north to link up with Karakorum Highway terminating in China. This is the modern iteration of the ancient Silk Road and one of the legs of CPEC. We hope new ideas will flow south into Pakistan from the remarkable Chinese experiance in the last three decades.
Arkadashim!!! If the thinking process of your Eastern neighbors were that sophisticated, would they have allowed Kutubeddin Aybek face a fragmented enemy forces to begin with!!!! And, that too due to a dispute over a marriage of a King to the daughter of a neighboring King!!!!!

Let China sleep, when she wakes up the world will cry - Napoleon Bonaparte!!! As if Pak is duty bound to secure the world of Napoleons.....
To be honest,
1) China hopes to establish a pipeline for oil and natural gas transportation from PAK Gwadar Port to Xinjiang, China;
2) China hopes that both Chinese and Pakistani economy will benifit from this CPEC and PAK intetnal situation become a more stable and PAK itself an affluent ally;
3) China hopes to expand its influence in the Indian Ocean and constitute a deterrent to India..
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The defining ideology of the United States is liberal democratic capitalism, which results in Washington believing, among other things, that creating mutually beneficial global trade relationships is the key to establishing a peaceful world order. Trade, in the American view, is meant to benefit all parties involved as a means of keeping the peace amongst them.

By contrast, China’s view of trade has largely been one of a system that it has no problem gaming to its own benefit, and discarding when its rules become inconvenient.

The writer is either a retard or being deliberately obtuse. How can anyone say that with a straight face? Especially wrt to the present trump u.s. regime?
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