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What does China gain from friendship with Pakistan?

阿叉 摩羅差;1275429 said:
Pakistan is a means to an end.

Rightly said, but you discovered it too late buddy ....
Apart from using Pakistan to counter India , what else does Pakistan has to offer to China?

In all modern technical fields China is one of the most advanced countries in the world so China does not gain anything in that regard.

unfortunately , Pakistan's economy is not doing that great so not a lot of money to spend.
etc etc

Inspite of this what are the reasons behind such close proximity?

Plz enlighten......

Well you see some people know what the meaning of friendship is........when nobody was with the chinese ,we where.
What did pakistan gain from the chinese in the 50s-60s-70s....hardly anything but we where still friends.
I am pretty sure that all economic and social indicators put pakistan ahead of china in those years but we where still on very good terms.
It just happens that our freindship with china has paid off.
You also seem to forget that china bordrers pakistan so why should we not have close ties with a country that has never done anyhting against out interests.:pakistan::china:
What really amazes me is that no matter how corrupt or USA puppet Pakistan's government was or is, relationship with China has always been excellent considering that getting Pakistan on its side can have the greatest of influence in USA's foreign policies to contain China .... (and im pretty sure USA must have tried and is still trying in whatever way they can)...

Pakistan gave unconditional support to China when they had few friends and little impact on global stage and China has shown that appreciation with similar unconditional support in all matters at all times .... This friendship is exemplary at national stage in whole world ....
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It is hard to believe that such level of friendship exists between two countries. Unless there is a mutual benefit I don't think the friendship lasts longer. Unlesse this is a unique case where China and Pakistan are setting up examples to the world
It is hard to believe that such level of friendship exists between two countries. Unless there is a mutual benefit I don't think the friendship lasts longer. Unlesse this is a unique case where China and Pakistan are setting up examples to the world

Normally the people closest to you is your family and then after that you have close childhood friends.
As you get older you make new friends and other peole who are associates and colleagues but you will nearly always ask be closer to your childhood-best friend then anybody else.
Now going off the above in 1950, Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Republic of China or Taiwan and recognize the People's Republic of China,so where a bit like the childhood friend.
Pakistan had nothing to gain from being friends with the chinese back then and the chinese had nothing to gain also.......and from that foundation of being friends becauce we like each other and get on will last a lot longer then the friendship based on some ulterior motive.
Its just pakistan good fortune that its childhood friend has become a billionaire.
In my opinion the question" what China will gain from friendship with pakistan" is in contrary to the definition of friendship. friendship is not for gaining something it is meant for care , affection and sacrifice However apropos to what pakistan has, i think this is may answer :-
1. Its Strategical location in the region.
2. Direct access to Arabian sea via Gawadar port.
3. A population of 17 Billion people(A good market for any country's product).
4. Its value in the Muslim World .
5. Nuclear power.
6. Close proximity to CAS.
7. Trust and Reliability .
8. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
China respects Pakistan's system and sovereignty, and vice versa. The U.S. gets cozy with Pakistan only when it needs to, and gives it the boot at all other times.

China-Pakistan relations have never soured precisely because we do not interfere with each other's internal affairs and thus are able to form a mutually beneficial relationship.
what does China gain from friendship with Pakistan?

business Investment and an alliance to counter india.
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