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What does being a liberal mean?

And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her
surah baqarah 2: ayat 282
https://islamqa.info/en/20051 an awesome answer perhaps u can give 2 minutes to..and also it relates my older posts regarding both genders possesing superioirty in their natural roles
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Original gets recognition , rest is dispensable.
@Mentee you know i hate your one liners
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Well liberalism is more or less of an attitude about life. A liberal tends to support different views and will often change as they feel necessary for the situation, most liberals don't care about wars and defense and some don't care about the country, we're better off with nationalism tbh.
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is this somehow a bad thing:what:

Well it depends upon the situation, in my opinion we ought to remember the wars in history and the terrible tragedies our enemies (India in this case) wrought, and still are trying to destabilize our great country.
Islam teaches us that the middle path is the best path. Being on extreme of either side is bad. Liberals are just too extreme, but in the opposite direction of terrorists.

But most people, like you or me, who are the silent majority, do not have extreme views. We get on with our lives as per normal

Majority is silent Indeed, extremists either side of the scale whether religious or liberal tend to be the loudest idiots who can't live and let live.
Well it depends upon the situation, in my opinion we ought to remember the wars in history and the terrible tragedies our enemies (India in this case) wrought, and still are trying to destabilize our great country.
nukes are deterring enough and no one is asking the state to reduce the strength of the armed forces.
Liberals kisi ke saggay nahi hotay
have any thing constructive to add instead of these baseless one liners.
nukes are deterring enough and no one is asking the state to reduce the strength of the armed forces.

have any thing constructive to add instead of these baseless one liners.
we decrease size of forces and our enemies keep on incrzing ? :pissed::pissed::pissed:
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