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What do you think of Binkov's Battlegrounds opinion on Chinese Fighter Aircraft?


Aug 11, 2019
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PS: It is not my opinion. Just want to know what do you guys think of this famous youtuber's opinion of Chinese fighter jets?

PS: It is not my opinion. Just want to know what do you guys think of this famous youtuber's opinion of Chinese fighter jets?

Some take always from this video:
  1. Only poor countries buy Chinese fighters
  2. Lack of indigenous engine is holding back sales
  3. Russia restrict export of certain aircraft due to engine and other sub system
  4. JF-17 is also manufactured by China but does not operate the type.
Chinese and Russia reach agreement that flankers like J-11 and J-16 are not to be sold to other countries
Only fighter China can really sell is the J-10 at present
if I'm not mistaken, mister blinkov is ukrainian and therefore against anything and anyone even remotely pro Russian. he will play with his words and stats to give the west an upper hand no matter what.

some of his videos and the conclusions he comes to is down right stupid.

for example, in his taiwan video, he straight up assumes that china is going to sail over without having destroyed a significant total of the integrate defences on taiwan therefore all PRC vessels will get shot at leading to massive casualties. because apparently the PLA command is all brain dead and will just sail slowly over and allow their troop ships to be picked off, valuable capital ships like the 055 will come really close to the island in order to use their guns and get shot at in return, instead of you know....long range missiles or better yet, the rocket force can hit taiwan from the mainland. (he assumes like 20% casualties for all chinese vessels- frankly laughable- while taiwan will have all its artillery and armor for use during the landings, like a hundred PRC ships sank vs the assumed 0% casualties among taiwan armor and other land systems). plus china is going to slowly invade one tiny outlying island at a time allowing many, many months for taiwan to amass and mobilize.

even more laughable, he thinks china lacks strike aircraft(what?) and thereby would have trouble suppressing land units and that taiwan could concentrate large numbers of men and armor at the landing sites because you know, the pla and its rocket and air force is going to just...let them, even though all the landing sites are within range of rocket artillery.

Literally brain dead analysis.

i remember another one where he talks about a chinese invasion of Singapore, where he does the same thing of assuming the PLA are all brain dead. like WTF? its one city and in a scenario where no one else interveens, china could very easily flatten every square inch of the city but no he thinks china is going to send its ships close to shore and send in helicopters as convenient target for manpads, and this is over like a 6 month to a year time frame. just the amount of missiles china could make in that time would be enough to cover the city like 10 times over.
He is just a pay troll , carry balls for the western nations.

They are too many of these self bragging youtube channel like the TFglobal who engage in self fantasize bragging of their beloved countries.
He is so far the most knowledgeable Youtube enthusiast about defense related matter that uses English, despite not entirely what he said is true, but so far he is still number one in term of defense knowledge. If any one is not agree, please put another Youtube channel (English speaking) that talk about defense related program made by another defense enthusiast in this thread...........
He is so far the most knowledgeable Youtube enthusiast about defense related matter that uses English, despite not entirely what he said is true, but so far he is still number one in term of defense knowledge. If any one is not agree, please put another Youtube channel (English speaking) that talk about defense related program made by another defense enthusiast in this thread...........
Are you sure? All this analyst are out of point and simply trolling. Lazy analysis with outdated data. I think some already point out many valids point regards to one of his topic regards to PLA invade Taiwan.

He claims to be a former professional soldiers and yet he naively believe PLA marine will enter Taiwan blindly without flattening Taiwan air defense and airforce first.

PS: It is not my opinion. Just want to know what do you guys think of this famous youtuber's opinion of Chinese fighter jets?

Well, for me, watching Binkov is the same as I read your post in Pak Def forum. Both interesting.

This video goes in depth on the woes of Chinese fighter jets on the export market. Why aren't they really selling? Will that change soon? The newest chinese fighter jets are covered, as well as the older models. Watch the video to find out more.
Pakistan, Burma, Nigeria not count?

JF-17 also in contention in Azerbaijan and Argentina.

Pakistan has also bought J10.

Thing is weapons sales of top line fighter aircraft is a limited market and a politically biased market.
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