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What do u think is the way forward for Pakistan?



New Recruit

May 18, 2012
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I mean, how can we improve our defence,foreign relations, education, and what is the best way to defeat terrorism out of Pakistan?

Also, how do u think, we can make the most out of our provinces/areas:
How can we make the living standards, infrastructure, tourism better in:
Gilgit-Baltistan(great potential for tourism)
Azad Kashmir

Do u think we should make FATA a province, yes what should the name be of the province?

Let's discuss about it, in a proper way!

The Lion Of Religion
Build a national identity to promote strong social cohesion, unity and peace.

Ban on all religious parties + anyone using religion to compete in politics.

reduce the influence of religion in affairs if state - separate of mosque and state.

Take out the manipulated and rootless history from national text books and replace it with the true history of the region starting from the ancient period. Islam came to Pakistan just like Christianity, Bhuddism and Hinduism also came. There is nothing special about the invaders in the name of Islam when much of the rural Pakistan is still adheres to jahilya era customs and traditions.

A strong national economic policy to promote industrialization, manufacturing, services and high tech sectors of Pakistan.

The tribal areas need to be integrated into the society at fifth province, time to modernize or face the force. No more idotic pukthoon wali codes and "ealaqa ghair" status. Similarly no more Waderas and Sardars in Sindh and baluchistan. These people should be asked to pack their bags and leave. If they want to feel like an emperor they should find an island to buy. Dubai has got some for sale.

Deweaponisation of entire country, disbanding of all political partners and much larger integration under a limited 2 or 3 party system.

Reach a settlement with Afghanistan, our national security lies in mutual respect of each other interest. Presence of NATO, Ruskies and Americans don't help anyone else. Indians will find no place in Afghanistan if Pakistan can come to accept the reality of government in Kabul. Build a strong regional alliance with China, CAR, Afghanistan and Russia.

Kashmir has been forever occupied until India or Pakistan can afford to wage a war and annex a portion from another. Does not work out in the regional interests. Better to reach a settlement and improve the lives of Kashmir citizens. The forever growing population of Asia can turn Kashmir into an international security risk of not tackled correctly.

Pakistan and India will forever live in each other neighborhood. Sinister designs against each other are in nobody interest. Time to end the obsession and take a civilized approach to problem solving.

Terrorism thrives because since the day of Independence until now, we have regarded tribal regions as an alien part of the country and putting too much trust on the tribal leaders with very little government input. The result, no jobs no industry and only mullah economy. When someone has to send his kids to a madrassah for making ends meet, then its a ripe recruitment ground for terrorist activities. The reason why general population of India has very little motivation to engage in subversive activities is because India has put a strong emphasis on education and skill development.

Few years ago I had a chance to attend a luncheon hosted by Saudi-French Business Forum, attended by number of French diplomats and various dignatries, CEO's etc. The word of TOTAL Middle East CEO still echo in my mind.....

"we see Pakistan has a land of limitless opportunity..it has one of the world largest young population and when you look at that as a petroleum giant that means engineers, doctors, consumers and skilled workers. These people are going to get married, have a family and will be buying cars, laptops, furniture, everything. And Total has raw material for every walk of life...We are investing today for the future."
Put all the feudal , criminals , mullas and old Politicians on a boat and send them some where else , out of Pakistan. after getting ride of them then Pakistan might have bright future.

Conventional wisdom is that the middle class is the driver of stability, democracy and the economy, so we need to identify the elements who are most opposed to the rise of the middle class.

The finger points squarely at the feudals (the mullahs and self-serving politicians are merely their accomplices). That is where India did the right thing after independence, and the root cause why Pakistan is stuck in a time warp. Note that the industrialists are generally in favor of a rising middle class since it forms both the market for their goods, as well as a source of qualified talent to keep the business competitive.
Reforming the economic and administrative framework, like Deng Xiaoping did for China. Basically, reforming the system itself.

Do the majority of Pakistanis support tax reform or land reform?

Also, Pakistan is rich in minerals. Mining these minerals can give Pakistan a nice cash flow, and this money should then immediately be re-invested in education/infrastructure etc.
Build strong ties with china and India and please control your govt from falling again and again to dictatorship. Democracy is weak and non performer in the beginning but once it starts working it produces nations that become world leaders in innovation and development. Pakistanis need patience and show some trust in their govt. Stop killing each other and see one day Pak will become a true developed muslim nation.
Put all the feudal , criminals , mullas and old Politicians on a boat and send them some where else , out of Pakistan. after getting ride of them then Pakistan might have bright future.

We better ship them to Antarctica or Africa!
Conventional wisdom is that the middle class is the driver of stability, democracy and the economy, so we need to identify the elements who are most opposed to the rise of the middle class.

The finger points squarely at the feudals (the mullahs and self-serving politicians are merely their accomplices). That is where India did the right thing after independence, and the root cause why Pakistan is stuck in a time warp. Note that the industrialists are generally in favor of a rising middle class since it forms both the market for their goods, as well as a source of qualified talent to keep the business competitive.

You raised an important point there. Fedualistic socialists like bhutto made it a life aim to target industrialists. Zardari is following suit.

I find it rather insulting is that the fauj we love to sing about all day and support them with our tax money is unable to counter a few rag tag talibaboons or tactically take out a few stupid feduals?

This is one of those points where political islam blundered very well. Most of the feduals joined Quaid e Azam in his support of Pakistan to protect their own interests and lordships.
In short a few pointers :

Get real
Stop living in the past
Keep religion where its supposed to be - do not wear it on the sleeve
Accept realities - reconcile to your geography
Nurture national institutions not personalities
Focus inwards - hard decisions needed
Take everyone along
Also, a zero-tolerance policy on Terrorism and insurgency (as the stick).

Which needs to be backed up with plenty of economic development (as the carrot).

Problematic elements can either get the carrot or the stick, the choice is up to them.
My top ten recommendations:

1. Secularism
2. Secularism
3. Secularism
4. Secularism
5. Secularism
6. Secularism
10. Secularism

But for whom?

Making 1% of the population happy at the cost of potentially pissing off more than 50% is not going to grow the nation.

Its just going to ensure the 1% disappears even quicker.
You raised an important point there. Fedualistic socialists like bhutto made it a life aim to target industrialists. Zardari is following suit.

While I have great love and admiration for ZAB, he did have his faults, not least about the East Pakistan debacle. I am ambivalent about his socialist tendencies: certainly, extreme laissez faire capitalism needs to be reined in, but private entrepreneurship must also be supported.

I find it rather insulting is that the fauj we love to sing about all day and support them with our tax money is unable to counter a few rag tag talibaboons or tactically take out a few stupid feduals?

I would also like the army to take out the feudals, but I can understand why they can't do it. Can you imagine the uproar, especially from the liberals and the global media, if the army did such a thing? International pressure would force the army to restore the feudals back to their perch. The feudals hide behind the charade of democracy, and are supported by their foreign champions of "democracy" who wish to keep Pakistan mired in this morass. Propping up dictators is not the only way to keep a country down.

That is why the only way out of this mess is through a civilian, democratic revolution. Once the right leadership with the proper mindset comes to town, getting rid of the feudals is a piece of cake. Carefully tailored legislation can make their life so miserable that they would willingly surrender their lands unless they can provide proper restitution to their serfs.
I would like to mention how thrilled I was to read the posts from Gin ka Pakistan, somebozo and Developereo. Aap ke muh mein ghee sakkar.

Please do not read nuances and undertones into this. Please read this as genuine appreciation of very mature and insightful points of view.

My respects to the gentlemen posting.
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