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What China's New Deal with Iran Says About Its Ambitions in the Region

So now you officially became a Chinese resources colony, like Uganda or Zimbabwe. Mabrook. Why it should bother us?
Wait...if this makes Iran a colony of China, Doesn't that make Israel a colony of the US? But here you are barking at everybody else when your country is in the same situation you are falsely accusing Iran of being...smh...logic is always scarce in your arguments.
U should think what will u do when oil age ends.
Wait..havent you been hearing what Iran has been doing all these years under Trump's no-international-Oil-sales for-Iran policy? Iran has already divested THE MOST in the Persian Gulf(relative to other large oil producers) from the oil drilling industry, so you're just trolling Iran for something that isn't true(again).. Iran has channeled those barrels into the petrochemical sector ..and increased gas exports(to Iraq especially)....and then moved to metals(which Trump just sanctioned recently)....
What will u offer then? Carpets and bananas?
Dont worry about that....mind your biz..just pray daddy US can keep subsidizing your state...we are also going broke over here...asset prices like BTC, Gold all up..because of overproduction of fake dollaz....which your Shekel is linked to and living off of...do you get the point??? watch your own boat bro, before you look for holes in other people's boats.
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