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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

Maybe some of my relatives (and @KAL-EL 's)
I think we Irish should leave the singing (and dancing) to others...yeesh I can't listen to that group.

LOL. I love the irish singing though! Grass is greener on other side I suppose hehe. The Emerald Isle folk are probably tired of green altogether though. :P
They are the one and the same! Shush you.

The glorious word of "Canada" predates the British "proxy" nonsense...

The Queen is the Queen of Canada! So what if she is Queen of other places too? Silly rebel! Bend your knee again to the empire if you know what's good for you!

It's all one big happy family, right? :D
LOL. I love the irish singing though! Grass is greener on other side I suppose hehe. The Emerald Isle folk are probably tired of green altogether though. :P

God I want to kill myself after listening to stuff like that.

I know the Italian's pain when they hear this:
It's all one big happy family, right? :D

See what happens when you stay as part of the family? You don't get chimps, orangutans and broader simian family rising to power.....at worst you get girly-men, but thats about it!


God I want to kill myself after listening to stuff like that.

I know the Italian's pain when they hear this:

Its nuts how over-used that song is. I first heard it as a kid here:

See what happens when you stay as part of the family? You don't get chimps, orangutans and broader simian family rising to power.....at worst you get girly-men, but thats about it!


Oh hush! We will be alright. After all, Churchill said to trust the Americans to always do the right thing - but only after trying everything else. :D
Speaking of pirates/privateers....

At one point we dominated the silly yanks out in the seas, great lakes and st lawrence... (till they simply outgrew us)...

Canada can be that nation again! Make Canada great again!

@VCheng @James Jaevid @Hamartia Antidote @waz @Gomig-21

@Indus Pakistan ... more of that "ideology split" stuff I was on about for North America...this time in a song. Very popular song among Canadian mariners/sailors (my buddy who introduced this song to me...his dad is a Navy veteran)....never forgotten...darn yankee clippers!

While you are at it try not to misgender some one you could end up behind bars for it :D

Couldve been great if French didnt had the smart idea of financing rebellious yanks

Financing rebellious yanks? :P ...it wasn't so much a "smart" idea....rather quite necessary/understandable one by French.

By that point France already was kicked out of North America thanks to "seven years war" bro....which is painful chapter for Quebecois (long term) even today. @Vergennes In fact ...George Washington was loyal (though somewhat undisciplined) british army "redcoat" captain during several incidents that sparked the "Guerre de la Conquête" in the end.

US revolutionary help/assistance by France (incl. sending LaFayette over...and substantial French Naval assistance) was very much a payback to cut the British ego down to size...and set up their pant soiling later even more so at start of 19th century by the corsican "midget". :D Although French suffered as well for it given French revolution in the interim of that.

Root of the issue lies with snobbish British Ego, rather than French assistance :P US would have gotten its independence without the latter...just matter of time.

Concept of Canada (And making it great as I insinuate here, given the climax in the war of 1812) is quite different from earlier British North America (that included the 13 colonies)...which got painfully axed at by the British themselves full of their ego from 7 years war :P.

@Joe Shearer @Indus Pakistan
Yeah, right.

Seder counters dis-ingenuity with dis-ingenuity of his own. Who is Sam Seder again? where did he come from?...and why does he continue the notion of "top marginal tax rates" = be-all end-all (for some sort of correlation extrapolation) just because the MSM reporter is clearly uninformed and stupid on the exact same thing (as the MIT prof correctly pointed out the "devil is in the details")? ....any look into what AOC has brayed at any length on pretty much any subject clearly shows what kind of "devil in the details" is going to manifest as in her "plan"....as fundamentally immoral as it is in the first place (given govt has simply not approached, forget proving, realisation-wise anywhere close to what it has in the docket/extraction rate/deployment it has had ever since FDR and then LBJ ballooned it up....and wants to grab even more of the pie?....yeah no, not with the USSR having happened...and Venezuela happening right now, just to name two natural conclusions.)

I agree Davos is pretty stupid and limited superficial discussion in first palce....just like the globalist concept that Harper was talking about in first place. You dont really need an MIT professor (and there are other MIT professors btw who are pretty dumb/disingenuous too, that would not have fact checked that lady) to see that.

What does this have to do anyway with the globalist elite (incl Sam Seder's big employer) ignoring what the non-anywhere people are saying? In fact striking down Davos and other such "fora" for bigwig globalist anywhere elites (which the rest of the video proceeds to do, so I got bored and stopped) is pretty much agreeing with the notion in Harper's summary. Or were you agreeing with me?
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