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What are the double standards of Holocaust denial and Islamophobia?

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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What are the double standards of Holocaust denial and Islamophobia?
Those who sincerely believe in Western democratic principles should praise Khan for calling out those governments
Andrew Korybko April 19, 2021

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan called on those Western governments that have outlawed negative comments about the Holocaust (a euphemism for Holocaust denial, which his illegal in some states) to also ban Islamophobia and especially any actions that abuse the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This was a bold statement to make since the Holocaust is a hyper-sensitive issue in Western societies, one which some have compellingly claimed is treated very differently than similar historical tragedies.

There’s no doubt that anti-Semitism unfortunately exists and is a form of bigotry that discriminates against people on the basis of their ethnicity and/or religion (sometimes one and the same with respect to Jewish people, other times different when it comes to converts and their descendants). Those who question details about the Holocaust, including what some have argued was the geopolitical exploitation of this genocidal tragedy to justify creating the “State of Israel”, are controversially regarded as anti-Semities by some.

Nevertheless, there shouldn’t be any doubt that Nazi Germany carried out a genocide of Europe’s Jews. This is proven not only by Adolf Hitler openly talking about such plans in his manifesto (Mein Kampf) published over a decade before he started World War II, but also by historical documents, testimonies, and other such evidence. Even so, the Nazis also genocided many other people as well, especially Slavs such as the Poles, Russians, and Serbs who are regrettably almost always left out of discussions about Hitler’s genocidal crimes.

Some members of those victimised nations as well as others who are aware of their historical tragedies feel that it’s unfair that only the anti-Jewish genocide received almost universal recognition as a crime against humanity while the others are mostly ignored. The special treatment afforded to the Holocaust by those countries that ban its denial while imposing no punishments for denying Nazi Germany’s other genocides is therefore already controversial within Europe itself.

Supporters of these double standards usually justify them on the basis that a much larger percentage of Europe’s Jewish population was exterminated by the Nazis than any of the other victimised people. On the other hand, opponents retort that there shouldn’t be any “hierarchy of victimhood” since all victims of genocide are equal and the offense that they feel whenever others deny their similar tragedies should also be banned if governments are already banning such denial whenever it’s directed towards one class of victims.

Respectfully debating these valid points without any intent to discriminate against others or imply a sense of superiority towards their fellow victims should be encouraged in those countries that embrace Western democratic principles, not discouraged or worse due to so-called “political correctness”. In any case, it’s up to each society to decide how to deal with this very sensitive issue, but it’s important for there not to be any double standards lest they risk discrediting that state’s socio-political system.

With this in mind, it can also be said that those countries that ban Holocaust denial shouldn’t have double standards towards similarly offensive actions that disrespect the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Just like some can argue that outright Holocaust denial is everyone’s “right” in a democracy due to the principle of so-called “free speech”, so too can some argue the same about Islamophobic actions such as the ones that were just generally described. To be clear, this isn’t an endorsement of that thinking, merely an observation.

The problem is when double standards are applied towards hate speech, which is what some regard both Holocaust denial and Islamophobia as being. It’s difficult to understand how some governments classify it as hate speech to deny the Holocaust while at the same time claiming that it’s simply “freedom of speech” to deny Nazi Germany’s genocide against other people such as the Slavs, not to mention openly being Islamophobic by mocking the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), burning Qurans, and other such objectively hateful actions.

What Khan just did was challenge those Western governments that impose such double standards towards Holocaust denial and Islamophobia, which is something that very few leaders across the world are brave enough to do. They fear being smeared as anti-Semitic just for discussing this, even though the very principle upon which the Western democratic system rests should in theory provide everyone the right to respectfully talk about this and other sensitive issues so long as one’s intent is to promote justice for all who are oppressed.

Whether he meant to or not, Khan also implied something else that’s very important as well, and that’s the double standards that countries espousing Western democracy usually apply towards those states with different socio-political systems. Quite often, that first category of states aggressively demands that the second one implement certain policies aimed at what the former regard as promoting equality in line with their socio-political visions that sometimes differ from the targeted countries’.
In fact, these demands are even at times backed up by sanctions, whether threatened or actually promulgated. To the contrary, Khan isn’t making any aggressive demands of those countries espousing Western democracy but is simply calling them out for their double standards and asking that they rectify them as soon as possible in order to also protect Muslims’ religious sensitivities just like some of them presently protect Jews’. After all, everyone should be treated equally, especially according to Western democratic principles.

If one country wants to ban Holocaust denial in order to protect Jews’ sensitivities, then they should also ban the denial of Nazi Germany’s other genocides as well as Islamophobia in order to protect those victims’ sensitivities as well. Not doing so, and especially declining to officially explain the reason why (let alone some activists’ political harassment campaigns against those who publicly raise this legitimate question), sends the message that some victims are more important than others and that not all of them are equal.

That arguably goes against the principle of equality that’s supposed to be the bedrock of Western democracies. It discredits that socio-political system and exposes the hypocrisy of their representatives’ demands that other countries promulgate certain policies ostensibly aimed at improving equality in their own societies. For this reason, those who sincerely believe in Western democratic principles should praise Khan for calling out those governments and encouraging them to finally live by the same principles that they demand of others.

simple the difrrence between muslims and jew is too big . jew are running the show of world in every field and muslims are failed in every field .

think about it if khadim rizvi was a nobel winner cosmologist / scientist / physicist his words have 1000s time more valuable in west rather then a Islamist extremist whom sitting on wheelchair and bashing everyone .

the difrrence of stephen howking and khadim rizvi is simple
Just stop being outraged all the time and the issue will go away.

Displaying an exaggerated response just tends to incentivize the offender into creating more offensive pieces and that creates a feedback loop that is impossible to stop.
Zionists have long funded political parties in western countries. If you want laws passed to treat hateful cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as hate crimes, simply make regular political contributions to the campaigns of individual politicians and political parties. Also promise business contracts to politicians families and board level consulting roles to parliamentarians in businesses you have influence in.

Easy done. The zionists have no other special magic formula, they've bought influence.
simple the difrrence between muslims and jew is too big . jew are running the show of world in every field and muslims are failed in every field .

think about it if khadim rizvi was a nobel winner cosmologist / scientist / physicist his words have 1000s time more valuable in west rather then a Islamist extremist whom sitting on wheelchair and bashing everyone .

the difrrence of stephen howking and khadim rizvi is simple

You can target the recent issue but you are totally ignoring the fact what being said here. Islamophobia is the subject and it was created merely as an excuse in the West/US to justify the raids on the countries. Since that hatred was created so no one within the nation will question their acts against any Muslim country; that hatred is now growing bigger than they thought and even eating their own societies as well. For example the rise of hate crimes & racism. Secondly, you should understand that this is an international news & not the Pakistani Siaisat thing. Grow up Imran. The reason for the article is to say that do not push people to become TLP all the time. The growing hatred given birth to the TLP types.
Pakistan PM calls for West to criminalise blasphemy against Islam
PM Imran Khan calls on Western governments to treat insult against Islam’s prophet as it does the Holocaust.


Khan's statement came amid continuing negotiations between his government and the TLP, a far-right anti-blasphemy religious group [File: Mohammad Ismail//Reuters]
Asad Hashim
19 Apr 2021

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for Muslim-majority countries to band together to lobby Western governments to criminalise the insulting of Islam’s prophet, as negotiations between his government and a far-right anti-blasphemy religious group continue.
In a televised address to the nation from the capital, Islamabad, on Monday, Khan said he would lead a campaign of Muslim-majority countries to “convince” Western countries on the issue of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.

“We need to explain why this hurts us, when in the name of freedom of speech they insult the honour of the prophet,” Khan said.

“When 50 Muslim countries will unite and say this, and say that if something like this happens in any country, then we will launch a trade boycott on them and not buy their goods, that will have an effect.”
Khan likened the issue to that of the Holocaust, saying the Western nations had understood that questioning the Holocaust hurt the sentiments of the Jewish community, and that it needed to treat the issue of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad in a similar manner.

Khan’s address came as his government continued to negotiate on Monday with the far-right Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) group, which held days of violent protests last week and abducted several police officers on Sunday as they continued their agitations on the issue of perceived “blasphemy” by the French President Emmanuel Macron.

Since November, the TLP has demanded that Pakistan expel the French ambassador over comments by Macron where he defended a publication’s right to republish caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, an act considered “blasphemous” by some Muslims.

Blasphemy is a sensitive subject in Pakistan, where certain forms of the crime can carry a mandatory death sentence. Since 1990, at least 78 people have been murdered in mob violence and targeted attacks related to blasphemy accusations, according to an Al Jazeera tally.

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Khan blasts TLP protests
Khan denounced the TLP’s violent protests over the last week, which have seen at least four policemen killed and more than 800 wounded, as being damaging to the country.
“My question is: by sending the French ambassador back and cutting all ties, will this stop [this blasphemy]?” said Pakistani PM Khan on Monday. “Is there a guarantee that people will stop insulting the prophet?

“I guarantee that if we do this, if Pakistan does this, then this same thing will happen in another European country on the issue of freedom of expression.”

On Sunday, TLP activists raided a police station in Lahore, Pakistan’s second city, abducting several policemen and prompting a fresh crackdown that saw police fire water cannon and tear gas as they attempted to recover the officers.

Early on Monday, the 11 abducted police officers were released by the TLP, as negotiations between the provincial government in Punjab, of which Lahore is the capital, and a TLP delegation began, the Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed said.

Pir Ijaz Ashrafi, a central leader of the TLP, told Al Jazeera that four TLP activists had also been killed in Sunday’s violence, but Al Jazeera was unable to independently confirm the death toll.
Last week, Pakistan’s government designated the TLP a “terrorist” organisation under anti-terrorism legislation, and said it would begin the process of delisting the group as a political party recognised by the country’s Election Commission.

On Monday, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said a second round of negotiations with the group had concluded, and that a third round would begin on Monday evening.
The next stage of talks would include Interior Minister Rasheed and Religious Affairs Minister Noor-ul-Haq Qadri, he said.
Asad Hashim is Al Jazeera’s digital correspondent in Pakistan. He tweets @AsadHashim.

Just stop being outraged all the time and the issue will go away.

Displaying an exaggerated response just tends to incentivize the offender into creating more offensive pieces and that creates a feedback loop that is impossible to stop.
so basically lie down and let them kick you again and again. no response will lead to even worse things, look at christians and their history of no response. There are horrible jokes on ISA AS and God in a lot of western media. there is open blasphemy in loads of western movies and tv series.

obviously, you want the same thing to happen to Islam. please grow up, closing your eyes doesnt make things go away.
Just stop being outraged all the time and the issue will go away.

Displaying an exaggerated response just tends to incentivize the offender into creating more offensive pieces and that creates a feedback loop that is impossible to stop.

Yes, that is one of the components. Recently in Delhi some Hindutvadi leader seems to have made offensive comments on Hazrat Muhammad and instead of Delhi's Muslims seeking intellectual debate with that person these Muslims gathered in bunches and screamed "Ghustakh e Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda". Yaar, that confirms the stereotypes that many in the modern world have about Muslims.
Its Muslim to blame for Islamophobia. Its just now that Imran Khan has spoken about it. For many years, many more influential Arab and Muslim leaders have chosen to keep quiet for either being ignorant or having interests in the West. Remember when Iran took uncompromising stand against Rushdie, no Muslim country was willing to stand with Iran for the fear of being labelled against 'freedom of speech' (whatever that f*ck is!)) or terror sympathizer.

Its unfortunate as well that Muslim countries have used Islam to fight West's imperial wars for their geopolitical interests. The 'jihad' in Afghanistan was actually an American war to hurt Soviet Union. At that time, it was not terrorism as it served West's interest but soon after, it was labeled as such. Come 9/11, Muslim nations again stood with America to fight terror. Oh wait! Wasn't the same AlQaeda a part of freedom fight against the godless Soviet Union!? The same US fought against AlQaeda in Afghanistan but fought with AlQaeda in Syria.

Since we Muslim gave Islam such a bad name and did not stop our religion being abused for short term interests, it became a routine in the West to caricature the Prophet PBUH and Islam in general. Its become so casual now that when we express genuinely hurt sentiment, we are deemed to be against 'freedom of speech'.
Prima facie it doesn't sound like a bad thing being suggested. However, holocaust denial and insulting Muhammad (pbuh) are subtly different categories of hate speech. Where does one draw the line between "abuse/slander" and "critical analysis"? In the west, all historical figures are open to considered analysis in such a way. Free inquiry cannot be stopped.

Indeed, the better argument here is that Jews have gone too far in protecting their sacred matters.

However, it is certainly true that if Jews are continually allowed to place a smokescreen over anything they do or anything Israel does by using the "antisemitism card", then everyone else should be allowed to do the same. Ultimately, Khan is right in pointing out the general double standards at play in Europe. What i'm saying is: It's not holocaust denial that highlights this, but more specifically, the usage of the antisemitism card by Israel to deflect criticism.
Zionists have long funded political parties in western countries. If you want laws passed to treat hateful cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as hate crimes, simply make regular political contributions to the campaigns of individual politicians and political parties. Also promise business contracts to politicians families and board level consulting roles to parliamentarians in businesses you have influence in.

Easy done. The zionists have no other special magic formula, they've bought influence.
This is it!
Understand the system instead of going into debates about idealism.
Influence is bought/purchased in western democracies.
Which is why laws are so skewed and masses led by blind rhetoric. Public relations campaigns are drawn out and unwanted politicians backgrounds researched and exposed.
And for that you don't even need a real constituency or demographic. Scratch the surface and you'll start seeing who funds rival political campaigns. Political Action Committees(PACs) are created and funded by like minded individuals to fund campaigns for or against individuals based on their views or rival PACs!

This is exactly why there is nothing sacred in western society. It all comes down to down and dirty politics! It'll always be a deal with the devil.

Want change?
Put your money where your mouth is and start witnessing it in real time!
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so basically lie down and let them kick you again and again.
Don't even enter the fight.
Burning and looting gives them more stuff to poke fun at:

Look at these Muslims, we make a cartoon and France and they burn Lahore teehehehe."

You can burn down the whole country in outrage and they still won't care.

What do you do when a dog barks at you at a road, do you go after it or just go your way?
Yes, that is one of the components. Recently in Delhi some Hindutvadi leader seems to have made offensive comments on Hazrat Muhammad and instead of Delhi's Muslims seeking intellectual debate with that person these Muslims gathered in bunches and screamed "Ghustakh e Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda". Yaar, that confirms the stereotypes that many in the modern world have about Muslims.
Muslims need to get their act straight and just not shout for the guillotine every damn time.
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