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What are some cultural differences between Bangladesh and West Bengal?

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well in Visa Ban thread according to Bharatis you are real Bengalis and in this thread the bharatis are real bengalis :D

Its funny how quickly indian bengalis can change colours just to prove their point. Its doesn't matter though as we never take them seriously.
We have got another gem of a thread today after the visa ban one yesterday. Mark my words this thread is going to have over 300 replies before 12 am tonight.
On topic our culture is the true Bengali culture. Its irrelevant what Kolikata guys follow. Their culture is being polluted by their deliberate incorporation of north indian ritual and customs.
On the other hand we have been protecting the true Bengali heriltage.

I would like to quote one of my dear comrade if I am allowed to. "We are not a myth. We are the pure one. We are the assuras of this land. We are not a myth. None can stop us. This land belongs to us only. We are not a myth" :hang2:

There is nothing real and fake bengali.. those who speak bengali language is bengali..Culture has more to do with language than religion..
Bangladeshis are just jealous that they can't have kolkata, as the economist article said - epicentre of everything bengali. :lol:
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