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what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

What Action against Pasha and Kiyani?

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All military chiefs should resign including Ghaddari and Gilani and Pasha as well....cuz they have gone too far in trusting US and got screwdup....big time....Their asistants shold go home too cuz they were sleeping too.....:azn:
lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz see how many Indians voted so whats the use of such a poll where bharatis are voting lolzzz as if Kiyani and Pasha are from Indian army.

what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani? - View Poll Results

such polls on forums are just a waste of time where fakesters from your enemy country come and poke their long nose

I dont understand why they dont have any self respect, only one guy was reasonable enough who admitted that he casted vote by mistake. and more it makes me wonder how they can talk of issues for so long that doesnt even concern them ?
anyway as a Pakistani or an observer one must see that they both are on extension and if they resign or not they are going to leave their posts on expiry of their extension.

if they resign then in my personal view the new ones will need a long time to come up with policies. they will have to face with dilemma either to continue the current policy on WoT or announce end being an ally to US WoT.

change of faces can push america back, they will have to start all over again with new people.....

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

do these polls show who has voted?

yes, I marked that option...
All military chiefs should resign including Ghaddari and Gilani and Pasha as well....cuz they have gone too far in trusting US and got screwdup....big time....Their asistants shold go home too cuz they were sleeping too.....:azn:

in true sense. all should resign.
I dont understand why they dont have any self respect, only one guy was reasonable enough who admitted that he casted vote by mistake. and more it makes me wonder how they can talk of issues for so long that doesnt even concern them ?

:)))) because the killings of cops by farmers , the protests getting violent by farmers dont concern these bharatis these would have if took place in Pakistan.
:) YES. thats the thing and thats why US will try blocking their resignation

I m not so sure, lets see how the events unfold... but Im sure indians would be the one disappointed, they want our relations to end with USA, you can note the tone of these indians, they are consistently targeting our Institution by emotionally blackmailing us...
I m not so sure, lets see how the events unfold... but Im sure indians would be the one disappointed, they want our relations to end with USA, you can note the tone of these indians, they are consistently targeting our Institution by emotionally blackmailing us...

On the contrary, Indian would love Pak to remain engaged with the US.

Benefits :

1. Keeps China away if not out.

2. Pak invariably goes thru the worst periods when engaged with US and when it is dropped afterwords.

3. US needs India too so leverage is maintained.
Kiyani , Pasha and Air chief should all resign ... its their responsibility to protect us which they have failed to do on more then one ocassion now ... IF they don't resign there is a message for the upcoming generation ... do mistakes and u will get away with them ... Let's see are PA generals about DHA plots and perks or they hav some shred of responsibility left in them . NO MORE EXTENSIONS PLZ for anyone ever ....
Kiyani , Pasha and Air chief should all resign ... its their responsibility to protect us which they have failed to do on more then one ocassion now ... IF they don't resign there is a message for the upcoming generation ... do mistakes and u will get away with them ... Let's see are PA generals about DHA plots and perks or they hav some shred of responsibility left in them . NO MORE EXTENSIONS PLZ for anyone ever ....

Apologies for barging in...

But will the people asking for resignation of the establishment, first clarify, for what crime do they want this people to resign?

1)Was it failure to detect the SEALS intrusion?
2)Was it failure to detect Osama's presence?

For Point 2 above, US has clarified that they dont have any reason to belive (so far) the PAK establishment (GoP and Armed forces) had any prior knowledge of his presence. But they are disecting the material collected at the Abotabbad site. So i beilieve its prudent that citizen's of Pakistan wait some more time, before demanding the resignation.

As for Point 1, im convinced its more of a smart work done by the US covert team. I'm also convinced they would have done the same operation (If required to) in any other country, be it India or Europe. Why, any AF worth its salt, today carries such capabilities to some extent. I had mentioned in one of my earlier post that such covert operations (with the stealth technology claimed to have been used) with terrain hugging choppers in hilly area of abottabad would have been very hard to detect ... same could have been the story in India's hilly terrain as well. So why blame your armed forces?

Instead of asking for quick justice, it makes more sense, if you form a joint parliamentary commitee and probe the complete incident - including what support system was available to Laden. Let the commitee do a thorough probe and submit its report in the house. You can then start suitable judiciary actions against the guilty.

Use this to bridge the gaps, instead of using this as excuse to vent your anger at your armed forces and GoP. Resignations will imply that the concerned persons are default guilty. Dont do that. Probe and Find out.
Nothings just shot them.. pata nhi Pakistan mein yeh politics ki paleed nasal kab khatam hougi..
Resignation obviously.However it is upto the authorities to decide. I have read in the Urdu newspaper today that most likely Intel chief will resign. It will be a good step if he does that. Moreover Air chief should resign as well. He gave a strange statement today that our radars were not jammed rather they were turned off that day. I don't know how true it is.

This was a false news which has been denied by PAF spokesperson.

In my opinion Pasha should continue his services and Kiyani and Rao should be asked to resign. You make the head right, the whole body starts functioning well. Pasha is a very capable person and he takes orders from Kiyani and if Pasha was on fault, he'd have been fired long ago but if Kiyani fires him or get court marshaled he may spill the truth and what has been happening behind the scene. Kiyani and Rao both must go.

Kiyani and Rao both should be fired from a drone.
to all pakistanis please cool down shouting wont make difference.....first assess the situation and then action .....dont try to act as fools....CIA wanted to humiliate and disturb pak people and army .....and with u people talking against army .....completing the CIA task all by ur self are u crazy? rmrmber in WAR u hit the enemy and if they hit u back then instead of crying think about new strategy to counter the treat and please be united ......FARD QAIM RAB-TE-MILAT SE HA AUR KUCH NAI>>>>>MOJ HA DARYA MAIN AUR BEROONE DARYA KUCH NAI
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