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Aug 8, 2009
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A. What is the benefit of blocking facebook? there are other alternate ways of accessing resources.

B. The reason of blocking fb is not just to restrict locals accessing those contents but to show that we can not tolerate such acts of blasphamey. its a symbolical act of showing grunt.

A. But don't you think this restriction will highlight us as fundamentalists and intolerant nation globally, and this blocking will promote the people involved in such activities to do gear up for more massive efforts of similar nature in order to provoke us, ignite us.

B. But don't you think that if we have not blocked the site, they have the reason to aggessively accelerate the pace of activities as no one raise voice against it. They will not stop either way, who can stopped them from doing what they are? It is just one's own conscious effort may be very small but in right direction to register his protest against fb who has not banned the contents from day one.
Regarding your question about fundamentalism. My friend your this very concern signifies your intents. You are vary of being called fundamentalism but not considering that they are trying to maligning your faith, not privately but publicly. One having heart and feelings has to respond to such actions with his all of his strengths.

A. OH you mean suicide attack....another 9/11!!!!

B. You are taking this discussion in wrong direction. i didn't mean this. What I am trying to say is that one has to do conscious efforts in order to protect/guard his base but in the same time he should not become extremist.

A. So blocking fb and revoking masses right to information is in your senses a conscious effort to protect the faith, the base.
What do you think about internet and its infrastructure and all the technological developments. We daily use internet and technologies, these all are the resultants of intellect and efforts of the very same people who fuel these activists. There is no contribution from Muslim world in this domain. I should say there is no contribution in any of the modern era domains. And you say that blocking and filtering fb, which contributes barely 1% of global fb traffic, will register the protest.

B. this is very good questions. See every one is a responsible of his own deed as per Islam. so if muslims are not contributing in modern sciences and not own any of the technological advancements of current era it does not mean that they should allow Non-muslims to ruin their pillars of faith.
Given that, I am not defending the zero count of muslim world in scientific development. First message to our beloved Prophet (SallallahuAlaihiuwassalam) was about education (READ). Being muslims we should acquire knowledge of all modern sciences, take part in research. promote research based culture, focus on education, invent technologies build tecnological infrastructures that can compete with current days technologies, build fb and like (unracist,unbiase verions).


Believe in Allah, his game is bigger than thiers'.
A. What is the benefit of blocking facebook? there are other alternate ways of accessing resources.

B. The reason of blocking fb is not just to restrict locals accessing those contents but to show that we can not tolerate such acts of blasphamey. its a symbolical act of showing grunt.

Ahh, My Goodness. Such a simple thing and still its so hard for most of Pakistanis to understand.

Its just a protest and it has been temporarily banned, we are not gonna die if facebook was not there. It is just to show that we are highly offended with that competition and those 12,000 cartoons of our Prophet (P.B.U.H) and we just took a stand, its not about restricting access to it.

And every human being has a right to protest, it also comes from the same western Gods.

In my personal opinion too facebook should be banned, because if you raise voice against any wrong doings of any western country or if you just try to offend western public such pages are immidiately removed from the website then how all the hate communities against Muslims our Prophet (P.B.U.H) and such pages exist so easily !!

Why this double standard!! Just because every one knows that if you offend them then you are really in a big mess and just wait to get spanked ,.. and spanked really hard!!

Im busy with my work at the moment, so i would request those who are so concerned of it do find a story from dawn news.
Which shows that a Pakistani student made a page stating I love hitler and it was immediately removed and that student's account was permenantly banned and the reason stated was, which he showed to the news channel as well that No hate speeches are allowed.

And I just wonder that how low are we and how low we consider ourself that How high we have raised issue just about a recently banned website, no matter if it is the biggest social networking website but what it is at the end of the day !! just a social networking website !! What difference its existence causes to us as a nation!!

I hope facebook offends Indian public atleast then my country fellows will learn how to protest.
^dude! I am really really thankful to you for this great post.. So far i was really confused how to behave because I thought that if I oppose FB ban than i will be called Liberal which I hate to be called, on the other hand i will be called extremist and this is too I hate to be called. But this post has atleast gave me a right direction to think.
^dude! I am really really thankful to you for this great post.. So far i was really confused how to behave because I thought that if I oppose FB ban than i will be called Liberal which I hate to be called, on the other hand i will be called extremist and this is too I hate to be called. But this post has atleast gave me a right direction to think.

No mentioning of thanks. please just spread the word.
no. the reason for blocking facebook is to deny them economic access. in other words to not allow them to make money off us. and its a fair trade. neither have we acted with any violence nor have we denied them their freedom to insult our prophet. all we are doing is telling them to get out of our house. arent we free to do that? or is freedom a thing which only belongs to west?

we need to fight them on economic front as that is the only place where it hurts them. if we dont then get ready for tomorrow when u ll be seeing drunk Muhammad cartoons characters just lik how u see Jesus (son of God in their belief) cartoon characters.
Pakistan Facebook ban not the answer

Since "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!" was announced on 20 May, those associated with its creation have been rushing around to distance themselves from the ensuing controversy. Cartoonist Molly Norris has announced, "I am NOT involved!" Apparently, Facebook user Jon Wellington used her cartoon to create the group. But even he has stepped back, "Ya'll go ahead if that's your bag, but count me out." It's not so easy to step away from these developments, however.

With a widening crackdown threatening Pakistan's 20 million internet users – Facebook was blocked first, on Thursday YouTube and Wikipedia were added to the list, and now Twitter – the Facebook ban is about more than a simple social networking site. While everyone, including the US state department, seems to want to clean their hands of this situation, neither Facebook nor Muslims can afford to step back. The question is, how to step up?

Illustrations of the Prophet Muhammad are blasphemous in Islam. It is clear – and has been for some time – that the transnational Muslim community does not respond well to depictions of their beloved prophet, and neither is this breaking news. The violence and fury that resulted from the publication of 12 editorial cartoons by a Danish newspaper in 2005 are well-known. To whimsically revive the issue on the world's largest social networking site is an irresponsible poke-in-the-eye. Against this backdrop, then, the juvenile attempt to mock a holy figure in one of the world's largest religions deserves serious attention.

While sensitivity to drawings may seem irrational to non-Muslims, many religions and cultures have sore spots that the world has learned to respect. Freedom of speech is a right, but this right is not befitting of irrationality. It should be treated like any other right afforded by civil liberties: with responsibility. And when it is abused, an apology or some form of resolution is in order.

According to its own terms, conditions, and precedents, Facebook should have removed the group. Facebook's policy makes it clear that obscene content and the triggering of hate material toward any group, individual, or religion will be banned and removed. Last year, Facebook was quick to honour requests by Italian authorities to shut down a page dedicated to Massimo Tartaglia, the man who allegedly punched Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi at a political rally in Milan. No such urgency found its way to the controversy behind the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" page: only yesterday did Facebook shut it down.

Unfortunately, because Facebook did not initially ban the page – despite requests – Pakistan banned Facebook. But Pakistan has millions of internet users and the banned sites constitute 25% of internet traffic. Many Pakistanis are asking why the sites were banned in their entirety, when the government might have launched a more effective and moderate response, including banning individual pages where possible.

It may have never occurred to the government that the most effective response would have been to actually allow Pakistanis, in consonance with Muslims worldwide, on Facebook to express their own outrage. Muslims had already created Facebook groups in protest and such a viral campaign would have been a much more powerful, compelling, and dignified response than the reactionary shutdown. And it may have sparked more: negative images of the prophet could have been countered by using Facebook and YouTube to communicate his positive significance to Muslims in new and creative ways.

Ironically, the current debacle provides Pakistanis with the best opportunity to demonstrate that Muslims can communicate their way out of a crisis. As Monis Rahman, head of one of Pakistan's largest internet companies states, "There are too many assumptions being made about Pakistan's vibrant, educated internet community." But if westerners fail to note that this community exists in Pakistan, it's because their voices have been drowned out by Pakistan's reactionary authorities.

Now is the time for Pakistan's internet community to engage in an organized and compelling dialogue: if not with the offenders, then most certainly with the rest of the world that is watching. Pakistanis need to take back the internet, and do for social liberties in Pakistan what the Lawyer's Movement once did for civil rights. At the same time, they will demonstrate to Muslims that there is a third way: organized communication is a more effective response to conflict than violence or silence.

News of the ban on Twitter came as the keys on this unrestricted mac typed away. The question is: where does this end? Pakistan is not Iran – where rock music, western movies, and associating with the opposite sex can earn fines and lashes. But with Pakistan's internet authorities hunting out "sacrilegious content", it's not just about caricatures anymore. From the protests against drones, to frequent rallies by the religious right, Pakistanis have demonstrated their strength on the streets. Now is the time to demonstrate their power on the internet.

Pakistan's Facebook ban is not the answer | Bilal Baloch and Nadia Naviwala | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
so y doesnt facebook do it now? y has this issue become a freedom of speech issue when tens of thousands of muslims have already reported that page without any success.
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