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Wg Cdr Yunus - First Pilot In Kedarnath.

brother our neighbours have some grave misconceptions that muslims hate india and are unpatriotic , these articles help in clearing their little confusions.

The pilot in question is an employ for GOI, hence just doing what he's paid to do......what are you people trying to prove.

It's just like saying, a Hindu ambulance driver took a injured Muslim man to hospital......big deal. !!
The pilot in question is an employ for GOI, hence just doing what he's paid to do......what are you people trying to prove.

It's just like saying, a Hindu ambulance driver took a injured Muslim man to hospital......big deal. !!

Its our idiotic media which is trying to make a story out of nothing. The pilot has done his duty and he moves on, but our blabbering media needs something to keep the 24 hour non stop circus going on and hence this piece of crap news article. So much for freedom of press and media in India.
:pissed: :hitwall:
The pilot in question is an employ for GOI, hence just doing what he's paid to do......what are you people trying to prove.

It's just like saying, a Hindu ambulance driver took a injured Muslim man to hospital......big deal. !!
lol i think it would be really hard for you guys to digest the fact that muslims in india do join the armed forces and serve the nation because they believe they are indians first every thing else comes later , the moment you hear the word 'indian muslim' you imagine a bunch of miscreants protesting against the indian govt and asking for a total shutdown, no thats just kashmiri's , indian muslims are a lot more productive and patriotic.

Sab milkey bolo...

Hindu. muslim, sikh, isai... apan main hum bhai bhai!!!
The pilot in question is an employ for GOI, hence just doing what he's paid to do......what are you people trying to prove.

It's just like saying, a Hindu ambulance driver took a injured Muslim man to hospital......big deal. !!

What are you trying to say ?

Ayub khan, Yahya Khan, Zia & Parvez Mush were also employees of GOP.

Did they follow the rules when they overthrew Govts ?

Not everyone does what he is paid to do . Did the above mentioned Gents do what they were paid to do ? ...No

Lets not read too much into nothing.
What are you trying to say ?

Ayub khan, Yahya Khan, Zia & Parvez Mush were also employees of GOP.

Did they follow the rules when they overthrew Govts ?

Not everyone does what he is paid to do . Did the above mentioned Gents do what they were paid to do ? ...No

Lets not read too much into nothing.

And so was Colonel Shrikant Purohit.....and all others who indulge in fake encounters.

Matching a chopper pilot with the likes of some COAS, you certainly have an issue with your Apples and Oranges.
Most Indian news reporters are !diots who always try to squeeze religion into everything.

But a good answer by the Wg Cdr -- “In the Air Force we are taught only one religion – to be Indian. That is what IAF pilots are trained to be.“

And it is the only thing that matters .
Even after 66 years of Independence................Its the destiny that the Political class have got success to rule India by same policies of Britishers......Divide & Rule...............Based on Religion,Caste,Language..............etc.
BS "self - righteousness" thread.
kudos to the pilot thoh....and the others who are risking their lives to save others
Even after 66 years of Independence................Its the destiny that the Political class have got success to rule India by same policies of Britishers......Divide & Rule...............Based on Religion,Caste,Language..............etc.

What has the political "class" got to do with this report? If anything, you should blame the journalist "class".

Or stop viewing people as belonging to classes or castes or other categories. Look at politicians as individual politicians, journalists as individual journalists, engineers as individuals engineers and so on, instead of classes.

Indians have to stop blaming politicians for everything. Especially for the failures of individuals or society at large. In this case, it was a reporter who was at fault, not a politician. And definitely not any class.
And so was Colonel Shrikant Purohit.....and all others who indulge in fake encounters.

Matching a chopper pilot with the likes of some COAS, you certainly have an issue with your Apples and Oranges.

I am crystal clear with my Apples & Oranges as I am with all other fruit.

The rank , designation & role does not matter - what matters is what he does & does not do.

To that end the IAF Pilot scored higher than the COAS's .
See, this kind of religious backward thinking was the point I was criticizing yesterday.

That reporter should be slaped.
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