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Western vaccination program created Delta

Oct 15, 2017
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It was a direct response to vaccines. Vaccines forced it to become more virulent. Delta is optimized for transmission among vaxxed people. It is too deadly for efficient transmission among unvaxxed people. In vaxxed people it behaves the same as common cold coronaviruses and spreads easily, keeping vaxxed people healthy enough to party hard. Delta became dominant when mass vaccination started in western countries. Because most people in the west are vaxxed, only a minority of people in the west are unvaxxed, it gave up transmission in the unvaxxed minority in favor of better transmission in the vaxxed majority.


@nang2 @jamal18 @UKBengali @Mista @White and Green with M/S @dbc @Ziggy1977 @925boy @rambro @FuturePAF @aziqbal @denel @mike2000 is back @F-22Raptor @hyperman @gambit @VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Suika @vostok @TexasJohn @antonius123 @Beast @ChineseTiger1986 @beijingwalker @FairAndUnbiased
@Novus ordu seclorum
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It was a direct response to vaccines. Vaccines forced it to become more virulent. Delta is optimized for transmission among vaxxed people. It is too deadly for efficient transmission among unvaxxed people. In vaxxed people it behaves the same as common cold coronaviruses and spreads easily, keeping vaxxed people healthy enough to party hard. Delta became dominant when mass vaccination started in western countries. Because most people in the west are vaxxed, only a minority of people in the west are unvaxxed, it gave up transmission in the unvaxxed minority in favor of better transmission in the vaxxed majority.


@nang2 @jamal18 @UKBengali @Mista @White and Green with M/S @dbc @Ziggy1977 @925boy @rambro @FuturePAF @aziqbal @denel @mike2000 is back @F-22Raptor @hyperman @gambit @VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Suika @vostok @TexasJohn @antonius123 @Beast @ChineseTiger1986 @beijingwalker @FairAndUnbiased
@Novus ordu seclorum
yes Western vaccination program created Delta, well in India.
please, please, please stop posting nonsense about vaccination , the blood of each person who died because of they followed antivax propaganda and didn't get vaccine is on the hand of the people who distributed nonsense about vaccine.

by the way unvaccinated people are the ones who build mutated viruses
yes Western vaccination program created Delta, well in India.
please, please, please stop posting nonsense about vaccination , the blood of each person who died because of they followed antivax propaganda and didn't get vaccine is on the hand of the people who distributed nonsense about vaccine.

by the way unvaccinated people are the ones who build mutated viruses

Newton's law. Every force makes counter force. Bat virus is most virulent because bat resistance is strongest. Bat body temperature is highest. If you vax, then virus will be more deadly to counter vax. If you don't believe me then go ahead and vax and see what happens.
Newton's law. Every force makes counter force. Bat virus is most virulent because bat resistance is strongest. Bat body temperature is highest. If you vax, then virus will be more deadly to counter vax. If you don't believe me then go ahead and vax and see what happens.

Virologists have said that new variants will be born faster due to mass vaccination. Have had both Alpha and latest mutated version of Delta in UK, but not getting vaccinated.
Virologists have said that new variants will be born faster due to mass vaccination. Have had both Alpha and latest mutated version of Delta in UK, but not getting vaccinated.

Mu is absolutely nasty. If they booster, mu will become dominant.
yes Western vaccination program created Delta, well in India.
please, please, please stop posting nonsense about vaccination , the blood of each person who died because of they followed antivax propaganda and didn't get vaccine is on the hand of the people who distributed nonsense about vaccine.

by the way unvaccinated people are the ones who build mutated viruses

Delta is not from India. Parallel evolution in many places.
Newton's law. Every force makes counter force. Bat virus is most virulent because bat resistance is strongest. Bat body temperature is highest. If you vax, then virus will be more deadly to counter vax. If you don't believe me then go ahead and vax and see what happens.
I have vaccinated three times, all three times Adeno Virus based vaccine , twice Sputnik V and the third dose AstraZeneca and in month God willing I'll go and get the forth dose , this time maybe a vaccine based on recombinant protein like Razi institute vaccine or Spikogen or Suberna 2
Virologists have said that new variants will be born faster due to mass vaccination. Have had both Alpha and latest mutated version of Delta in UK, but not getting vaccinated.
no they appear no matter you do vaccine or not , in fact more likely if people don't get vaccinated as in that case a lot more copy of virus will be made , the vaccine made it harder for older variant to thrive
Mu is absolutely nasty. If they booster, mu will become dominant.
I have already explained how it work
not so new
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Delta is not from India. Parallel evolution in many places.
yeah paralel evolution in many places , with small help from travel agencies , airlines and.....
you yourself connect the dots , it first were seen in India
you yourself connect the dots , it first were seen in India

Irrelevant. Delta evolved separately in many countries when mass vaccination started. Delta is best adapted for transmission in vax people.
I have vaccinated three times, all three times Adeno Virus based vaccine , twice Sputnik V and the third dose AstraZeneca and in month God willing I'll go and get the forth dose , this time maybe a vaccine based on recombinant protein like Razi institute vaccine or Spikogen or Suberna 2

And you will die when you stop vax. The virus will kill you. So what's your point? Why don't you dare to stop vax? Are you afraid to die?
Irrelevant. Delta evolved separately in many countries when mass vaccination started. Delta is best adapted for transmission in vax people.

And you will die when you stop vax. The virus will kill you. So what's your point? Why don't you dare to stop vax? Are you afraid to die?
no my chance of dying is equal to others when I stop vaccine ,probably less but my question is why I want to stop vaccine . I'm fine with it

and by what I saw at hospitals here your theory that delta s adapted to transmit in vaccinated is wrong
Your way of thinking is seriously illogical. I doubt whether you are really Chinese Canadian. You're more like the redneck on an American farm.

Delta appeared in India in October 2020. At that time, the vaccination rate in India was very low, and the highest vaccination rate is in western developed countries and China. If the vaccine led to the emergence of Delta, why did it appear in India rather than those countries with high vaccination rates?
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