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Western Marine Shipyard limited- a success and promising story of BD Shipyard Industry

BD has GDP/capita of 1200 dollars, few hundred dollars less than India, but with 24 years less of independence.

Who is the failure here?:lol:

Years of mismanagement, license Raj, Nehruvian model of economics resulted in Effed up infrastructure for a major country which is yet to be remedied. They don't call it the 'Hindu rate of growth' for nothing. But Bangladesh is a smaller country and as such more dynamic and easier to change. We shouldn't be too hard on the Indians. How does our fertility rate change to one-third in ten years and theirs doesn't? Mismanagement plain and simple.

And Hindutva nuts have the gall to tell us to stop making babies....:tongue:

In any case -- this is off-topic. Can we all get back to Western Marine - please?

Don't feed the trolls.
Most of us have heard of Western Marine, Ananda, Khulna etc. but there are literally dozens of other smaller "second tier" ship builders in Bangladesh that are growing very fast and producing extremely cost effective vessels.
A contributor over at skyscrappercity is compiling some info on a few of these smaller players.

There are distinct patterns in economic development, take countries like Korea who are now one of most industrialised and dynamic countries. They follow similar paths, first they are mostly agrarian (like Bangladesh still to an extent is) then they start to build specific niche export focused industries such as garments, leather and foot ware (this is the point we are transversing to). Then will come the start of the industrial phase, ship building, white goods and small scale industries automotive components etc followed by knowledge based industries.

Think of it like a train starting, it take a lot energy to start the whole thing rolling. But once it starts it has a momentum of its own, this is what has happened with Bangladesh, it's taken us a while to get the economic train moving, but now your starting to see motion.....advancement in agrarian production (Bangladesh is a net exporter), the maturing of a niche industry (garment exports still have a lot of growth left, we are no2 but soon we will be no1 as Chinese exports decline), leather and foot ware manufacturing exports starting to take off and now the first signs of shipbuilding...
There are distinct patterns in economic development, take countries like Korea who are now one of most industrialised and dynamic countries. They follow similar paths, first they are mostly agrarian (like Bangladesh still to an extent is) then they start to build specific niche export focused industries such as garments, leather and foot ware (this is the point we are transversing to). Then will come the start of the industrial phase, ship building, white goods and small scale industries automotive components etc followed by knowledge based industries.

Think of it like a train starting, it take a lot energy to start the whole thing rolling. But once it starts it has a momentum of its own, this is what has happened with Bangladesh, it's taken us a while to get the economic train moving, but now your starting to see motion.....advancement in agrarian production (Bangladesh is a net exporter), the maturing of a niche industry (garment exports still have a lot of growth left, we are no2 but soon we will be no1 as Chinese exports decline), leather and foot ware manufacturing exports starting to take off and now the first signs of shipbuilding...

Agreed on all points. The Govt. however instead of a net booster has been a net hindrance. One of the yard owners was saying that the completed ship importers (used or new) pay a tariff of 2% while those building ships locally pay a tariff of 12% or more to import steel plates, supplies, diesel motors, piping etc.

Incentives while small play a huge part. Korea has huge incentive structures for shipyards. So does Vietnam and Indonesia where shipbuilding has really flourished.

Most of us have heard of Western Marine, Ananda, Khulna etc. but there are literally dozens of other smaller "second tier" ship builders in Bangladesh that are growing very fast and producing extremely cost effective vessels.
A contributor over at skyscrappercity is compiling some info on a few of these smaller players.


Yes I've seen his posts, quite a knowledgeable fellow he is. Most of the smaller yards in your link (except Karnafuly and FMC in Chittagong near where Western marine is which are very large) are growing quite fast and rapidly adding slipways and shipbuilding halls. Inshallah when these yards get done expanding, this will be a great source of employment for not only themselves but also for their various suppliers. The smaller yards are concentrated around Keraniganj and MeghnaGhat (Bashundhara and Meghna Group especially) and they are close to the mother lode shipyard in that area (Ananda Shipyards and Slipways) which is again very large.

And we haven't even started talking about the other hundreds of yards building smaller (700DWT and under) vessels for inland/brown water use who could also come up.
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Agreed on all points. The Govt. however instead of a net booster has been a net hindrance. One of the yard owners was saying that the completed ship importers (used or new) pay a tariff of 2% while those building ships locally pay a tariff of 12% or more to import steel plates, supplies, diesel motors, piping etc.

Incentives while small play a huge part. Korea has huge incentive structures for shipyards. So does Vietnam and Indonesia where shipbuilding has really flourished.

Yes I've seen his posts, quite a knowledgeable fellow he is. Most of the smaller yards in your link (except Karnafuly and FMC in Chittagong near where Western marine is which are very large) are growing quite fast and rapidly adding slipways and shipbuilding halls. Inshallah when these yards get done expanding, this will be a great source of employment for not only themselves but also for their various suppliers. The smaller yards are concentrated around Keraniganj and MeghnaGhat (Bashundhara and Meghna Group especially) and they are close to the mother lode shipyard in that area (Ananda Shipyards and Slipways) which is again very large.

And we haven't even started talking about the other hundreds of yards building smaller (700DWT and under) vessels for inland/brown water use who could also come up.

I have never liked politics and do not trust politicians from any of the major parties. True this government is more of a obstacle to the development of this sector and has never really had any interest in nation building, only helping themselves get rich at the expense of the nation and helping indian interests.

However I hope private yards can still do well, it's a key sector that can bring industrial growth. It just amuses me to see how it galls the "hindutva" lot seeing their Muslim neighbour progress. Think how much more we could achieve if there was a government or a leader that actually had an interest in the nation.

(Back on topic)

What I would like to see in the medium term is investment in Khulna yard to build at least 4-6 type 56 corvettes with Chinese help and then use that experience to design and build 4-6 larger and more advanced (at around 2000-2300 dwt range) follow on corvettes.
Snip ...
What I would like to see in the medium term is investment in Khulna yard to build at least 4-6 type 56 corvettes with Chinese help and then use that experience to design and build 4-6 larger and more advanced (at around 2000-2300 dwt range) follow on corvettes.

You're right.
  • Bangladesh is getting two 056 class corvettes (1500 DWT) and building two more at KSY for sure using Chinese blueprints. Building more should not be an issue provided money is there.
  • That experience can be used to build larger corvettes or even smaller frigates for use for us or friendly navies at KSY.
  • With Chinese help, KSY can start building 054B class (5000 DWT) after 056 class about five years down the line. 054B is a very modern and large Chinese stealth frigate (with VLS) and effective littoral deterrent and an excellent replacement for Bangabandhu.
  • We need two/three ships of 054 class as an effective deterrent to any naval blockage and a good aggressive response to any Myanmar Junta stupidity.
  • PN has already built one F22 Zulfiquar class frigate (PNS Aslat) locally using Chinese help which was a 2500DWT ship.
  • Building of up to 10,000 ton destroyer in Bangladesh is not a problem at either Western Marine or Ananda. They _have_ already designed and built ships of similar size and complexity for much more finicky buyers. The Indian Ambassador Pankaj Saran visited Western Marine late last year to check this threat out. Looking back now - there is no other reason for him to do this. India is not going to order ships from Bangladesh. I'm sure Hasina pressured the company otherwise they would not allow him on the property. Can you imagine the Bangladesh ambassador being allowed to visit Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) in Kolkata or Mazagon Docks in Mumbai? Snowball's chance in hell.
  • For KSY it may be a bit of a challenge because they don't have experience building/planning warships larger than 2500 DWT. They were planning to build a much larger new yard downstream of the current location and may have already bought land to build one.
  • Planning, Logistics, ECM countermeasures and weapons integration in a warship is where we need Chinese help. This will be new for us as it was for PNS Aslat and PN.
  • Our labor cost is more competitive than India's, Vietnam's or any other shipbuilding country's bar none.
  • We can use this experience to build smaller specialized warships and become the new hub for OPV's, LPC's, corvettes and smaller frigates for navies in developing countries.
  • The idea is to provide well-paying 'living wage' jobs to our bright shipwrights - and upgrading our level of industrial competency using shipbuilding.
  • An image of the smaller 056 (JiangDao) and larger 054 class (JiangKai II) are shown below.
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The Indian Ambassador Pankaj Saran visited Western Marine late last year to check this threat out. Looking back now - there is no other reason for him to do this. India is not going to order ships from Bangladesh. I'm sure Hasina pressured the company otherwise they would not allow him on the property. Can you imagine the Bangladesh ambassador being allowed to visit Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) in Kolkata or Mazagon Docks in Mumbai? Snowball's chance in hell.

A big :lol:
BD has GDP/capita of 1200 dollars, few hundred dollars less than India, but with 24 years less of independence.

Years of mismanagement, license Raj, Nehruvian model of economics resulted in Effed up infrastructure for a major country which is yet to be remedied. They don't call it the 'Hindu rate of growth' for nothing. .

Really ?Indian GDP per capita is 150 % of yours.Now shut up,will you ?
Really ?Indian GDP per capita is 150 % of yours.Now shut up,will you ?
Hindutva turd returned for further verbal flagellation I see.... Shall we begin ?

Your gdp figures are a figment of your hindutva turdy mind ..... No one takes them seriously .... You should check out what Angus Deaton the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics has to say about your nonsensical bogus data.
indutva turd returned for further verbal flagellation I see.... Shall we begin ?

Your gdp figures are a figment of your hindutva turdy mind ..... No one takes them seriously ....

Says who ?
Hindutva turd the answer to your question is in my response.....

ভাই এই বেকুব-কে আমি ইগনোর লিস্ট-এ দিয়ে দিয়েছি। খামাকা এর ওপর সময় নষ্ট করে লাভ নাই. পাগল ছাগল-এর অভাব নাই এই দুনিয়ায়।

ঈদুর মেরে হাত গন্ধ করে কি লাভ?

তাছাড়া অ্যাডমিন-রা তাকে চিনে গেছে। প্রায়-ই দেখি তার পোস্ট অটোমেটিক ডিলিট হয়ে যায়.....
Hindutva turd the answer to your question is in my response.....

Your wahhabi compatriot started the discussion on GDP,kid.

Anything more to say?

ভাই এই বেকুব-কে আমি ইগনোর লিস্ট-এ দিয়ে দিয়েছি। খামাকা এর ওপর সময় নষ্ট করে লাভ নাই. পাগল ছাগল-এর অভাব নাই এই দুনিয়ায়।

ঈদুর মেরে হাত গন্ধ করে কি লাভ?

তাছাড়া অ্যাডমিন-রা তাকে চিনে গেছে। প্রায়-ই দেখি তার পোস্ট অটোমেটিক ডিলিট হয়ে যায়.....

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