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Western anti Russian propaganda Backfired? 3 times more people watched Sochi than Canadas Olympics

watched a bbc coverage on sochi.. they tried to make it funny by using alan davies... not funny at all..
jokes are labourious and boring..

expect better from beebs
Aren't the west the champion of free media? Well, the so called free media aren't so free after all. Not only western media ran a negative campaign against Sochi Olympics, most of the western head of states boycotted the opening ceremony, this is against the spirit of Olympics. Ultimately an insult to International Olympics Committee. International sport events should never be allowed to be politicized.
The mind boggles at some of the things being said on this thread...
A few of the chinese members seem to be very bitter about something.
I seriously doubt any you guys saying London is racist have actually been there, its one of the most multicultural cities in the world. To meet one racist is rare but then to generalise an entire city of 8 million people.

You all criticise the west and seem to imply that china and russia are the last bastions of human rights.
It's a little sad if I'm honest, lose the chips on your shoulders.

Don´t take those internet warriors serious. Their hate speech against the west is fed from a minority complex

Aren't the west the champion of free media? Well, the so called free media aren't so free after all. Not only western media ran a negative campaign against Sochi Olympics, most of the western head of states boycotted the opening ceremony, this is against the spirit of Olympics. Ultimately an insult to International Olympics Committee. International sport events should never be allowed to be politicized.

You are very wrong with that. Russia is a dictatorship and it is our freedom of speech that allows our media to show that. Our politicians travel on the expense of tax money. I´m glad that both, our chancellor and our president, did not travel to Sochi. Why should german tax money be wasted for Putins propaganda show?

The olympics comitee is so corrupted, its an insult against itself.
You are very wrong with that. Russia is a dictatorship and it is our freedom of speech that allows our media to show that. Our politicians travel on the expense of tax money. I´m glad that both, our chancellor and our president, did not travel to Sochi. Why should german tax money be wasted for Putins propaganda show?

The olympics comitee is so corrupted, its an insult against itself.

Dictatorship or democracy, Olympics is Olympics. Sochi Olympics shows that your freedom of speech isn't truly free.

If IOC is corrupted and an insult to itself, why did Germany participate? You're just insulting yourself. And you paid your own expenses to insult yourself.
The mind boggles at some of the things being said on this thread...
A few of the chinese members seem to be very bitter about something.
I seriously doubt any you guys saying London is racist have actually been there, its one of the most multicultural cities in the world. To meet one racist is rare but then to generalise an entire city of 8 million people.

You all criticise the west and seem to imply that china and russia are the last bastions of human rights.
It's a little sad if I'm honest, lose the chips on your shoulders.
Nah. I've been to UK but that is different than living there. UK and most of Europe will be overrun by Muslims in 30 years, why should we be bitter?
Nah. I've been to UK but that is different than living there. UK and most of Europe will be overrun by Muslims in 30 years, why should we be bitter?
What? Overrun? Under 5% of the UK population are muslims. You'll probably need to wait a little longer than 30 years.
Besides loyal to Britain and being a muslim are not mutually exclusive.
I heared the russian openeing was a complete failure. Just 4 rings lighting and all that.

Anyways, the games should have not given to russia. Now all complain how bad evrything is managed in russia, but that was clear from the beginning.

Mr. Superior Westerner listen to Lindsey Vonn talking about Torino Olympics village and how pathetic it was. Apparently it smelt like sewage, people got sick from the food and whatnot. from 2:00 :lol: At least the Russians are doing better than you Italians. ;)

Lindsey Vonn recalls ‘amazing’ Olympic openings - Video on TODAY.com
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The mind boggles at some of the things being said on this thread...
A few of the chinese members seem to be very bitter about something.
I seriously doubt any you guys saying London is racist have actually been there, its one of the most multicultural cities in the world. To meet one racist is rare but then to generalise an entire city of 8 million people.

You all criticise the west and seem to imply that china and russia are the last bastions of human rights.
It's a little sad if I'm honest, lose the chips on your shoulders.

Nice to see some rationality and maturity in a sea of batshit insanity :tup:
Russia is an enemy state to the West, and likewise.

It's quite normal.
It's true, we are enemies. But in Russia is never being anti-Western hysteria and lies during the Olympics! It is not noble and not ethical!
It's true, we are enemies. But in Russia is never being anti-Western hysteria and lies during the Olympics! It is not noble and not ethical!
a russian talking about morals, noble and ethical! Thats something new :D

Beside that, we don´t care what you do during olympics. This olympic games are bad organized anyways. So why stay silent about that?
a russian talking about morals, noble and ethical! Thats something new :D

Beside that, we don´t care what you do during olympics. This olympic games are bad organized anyways. So why stay silent about that?
You know, meanness, baseness, deceit, hypocrisy - qualities inherent in Western nations. Everubody knows that since his childhood.
A game - the best of those that have been so far.
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