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West loss in Kiev ends unipolar world: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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West loss in Kiev ends unipolar world: Analyst

The Western governments’ defeat to Russia over the crisis in Ukraine spells the end to the unipolar world, a political commentator tells Press TV.

“The West lost the Crimea, Russia stood up and now we are seeing a reversal of the whole unipolar world,” E. Michael Jones told Press TV in an interview.

He added that the US plan for Ukraine to join the European Union (EU) “not only failed but it backfired.”

The analyst said the Western governments failed in their attempts to prevent a Eurasian alliance.

“So, I think this is an example of what Hegel would call the ‘cunning of reason’ where wicked men overreach and bring about God’s plan,” said Jones.

Tensions between Russia and the West heightened after Ukraine’s Crimea joined the Russian Federation following a referendum in March, in which 96.8 percent of the participants voted for union with Russia.

The United States and its European allies accuse Moscow of destabilizing Ukraine and have slapped a number of sanctions against Russian and pro-Russia figures.

Russia, however, rejects the accusation, saying the pro-Moscow protests in Ukraine began spontaneously against the new interim government in Kiev.

On Monday, Russia's envoy to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alexander Grushko said the western military alliance is “encouraging” the Kiev authorities to use force against pro-Moscow activists in eastern Ukraine.

In a setback to the US efforts, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev on May 29 signed a treaty for the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union.

PressTV - West loss in Kiev ends unipolar world: Analyst
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