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The greater problem is this: Another blogger added, “Chinese people are still dreaming that a lord will come and implement justice.”

A 'lord'? Why not the people themselves hold their governmental officials accountable? That word 'lord' should be a worry because it hint at the collective mindset of the Chinese people.

Chinese people are famous for its rebellious nature. In Chinese history, many dynasties are brought down by nation wide rebellions:秦,汉,唐,宋,元,明,清...

We have famous saying:王侯将相,宁有种乎?none is born as a king, duke, general or minister.

Government can always be changed and none will last forever if it does not work for the people. If you have not seen the change yet, then it is only that it has not reached the boiling point. 不是不报,时候未到。
The greater problem is this: Another blogger added, “Chinese people are still dreaming that a lord will come and implement justice.”

A 'lord'? Why not the people themselves hold their governmental officials accountable? That word 'lord' should be a worry because it hint at the collective mindset of the Chinese people.

Gambit's making xenophobic statements about people he have never spoken to in their language.
. .
Thats when the champions of democracy up the west are increasing soviet style communication survellience. SOme irony that is!
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