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Well done India !

However in total we have more of the low value coal than high value. Which is why India despite having so much coal has to import high quality coal as well to augment supplies. We import from Indonesia and Australia.

There is good bituminous coal reserves to be found in India (higher/closer to say China). Coal India just really sucked for a large part....and demand really started to outstrip supply in recent years under UPA.

However now production is to be ramped up to 1500 MT per year by 2020 using signifcant private mining companies and reform of Coal India.

Refer to:

Indian Economy-News & Updates | Page 346

did you read my original post before mouthing off like a dumbass. where did you see any criticism of Tata? In so far as the takeover being a failure from a british perspective it has been. If you followed british press failure to protect the steel industry has lead to massive criticism of the government and if was not for the conservative government making a meal out of something called "tax credit" this would be main talking point in the country. No one in UK is congratulating Tata. Its an absolute disaster for UK.... not of Tatas making however as I quite clearly said. you make a good point about picking criticism better.... but that point is redundant when no criticism was made in the first place.

TATA came in bought British Steel cheaply or rather took over its debt, learnt the processes and will downsize or potentially leave... what has britain really gained. It is also very likely if this becomes a political hot potato that all the steel plants effected will absolutely be bailed out by the government. British interest being served has been minimal however one could argue that without tata or someone similar it would have been the public purse that would have been carrying BS to this date.

As to why you felt the need to point out Bangladesh steel production only you would know. In case you did not notice I am also British as well as being Bangladeshi and comment on issues as it relates to both countries.

Ok my bad bro, accept my apologies.

BTW, I believe that Tata did pay too much to acquire Corus...but now it has little choice but to ride through the bad global environment and malaise for domestic Steel production in the face of Chinese imports.

I guess only Tata truly knows if the tech they got from Corus for speciality steels was worth it in the long run (just like the tech Tata motors got from JLR acquisition)....we will see how much it links with the Make in India program in say 3 years time....when demand for that increases. Right now a lot is still imported for car and ship production etc.

But its a good company so I think it will be able to weather the storm globally. As for UK steel production we will have to see.

Do you know how much the layoffs are in UK as % of total workforce in Corus/Tata Europe Steel?
Yes indeed. We have plenty of mines. We call them Madaris. Just like Mines need miners we have Talibs mining the one abundant resource Pakistan has - religion.

Actually truth be told Pakistan does not have much in the form of natural resources or at least those resources that a aspiring industrial country might need. Coal zilch. Iron zilch. Oil zilch. Some gas but running out fast.

However we have probably the greatest historical heritage sites in South Asia and in the running for the top 5 in the world. These range from dawn of history Harappa to latter gems like Makli Tombs.You probably know that lot's of significant Sikh holy sites are in PK. Hassan Abdal is not too far from my ancestral home. Add that to some stunning scenery and landscapes we could have tapped this resource and turned Pakistan into a tourist hotspot.

However religious mines put such foolish ideas into the bin.

Great. I spent lot of my time with some great guy's in my earlier days from your community. I have especial respect for Sikhs.

I was under the impression that you have quite a lot of natural resources on Baluchistan
My job involves driving all over UK. While on the M1 I suddenly felt tired - you know the type where your eyes start closing and you go onto a trance. So I got off the motorway at next available junction for Rotherham ( a crappy northen English town ) and once off parked on a side road. I closed my eyes to have a nap.

When I woke up and opened my eyes what did I see staring at me from across the road? A huge stylized sign spelling "TATA STEEL". I must admit for some reason I felt good about that sign. Maybe because the thought of all those racist bigots ( Rotherham has a repuation ) working for Indian company. Jamshedpur was making it's mark in Rotherham.

So well done India.

Ps. I spend 99% of my time bashing India. This is the other 1%.

TATA means large breasts.
The smartest overseas Chinese have returned to China already, see those who established the companies like Tencent, Sohu, Baidu, DJI, etc. Someday, overseas Indians will return to India to help building their own country too.

the process has already started though on a smaller scale
Not really atanz Sb... Being a native of balochistan and having the opportunity to visit mines like Reqo Deq and Sandak I can attest the fact that those mines are full o gold deposits ... One can literally see the gold particles in those rocks !

Apart from that we have semi precious stones .. Which is being exploited by local strongmen ... Illegal mining is also a big issue .. And than those stones are actually sent to India.. Cut,polished and exported as Indian gemstones !

As for the coal .. Balochistan also has coal mines Aswell as sindh .. Yes I agree that the coal isn't of the best quality but it is of the same quality as the Indian ones (just opposite sindh -- India is running coal based power plants on th same quality)...

Salt is another major area!

Oil n gas probably we do (Indians are digging it up From Sistan Balochistan)... Shale gas again..

But the major major problem Pak faces is ..
A) Corruption
B) No investment in mining technology ... And the disadvantaged contracts govt signs with western & Chinese companies and ends up getting ripped off and SC than cancels those contracts like in the case of balochistan gold mines)
C) Exploitation of workers--- Aswell as using Centuries old method of blowing up mines with TNT and getting shyt!
D) Illegal mining or poaching

Illegal mining ne pure south Asia ki maar rakhi hai :cry:
you mean Skin heads Right ?

And not so much Skin heads but above average concentration of what you might call underclass or "trailer trash" to use the American version. No work, fat, inbred, habitual drunkards shagging anything that moves, no aspiration, don't know who the dad was or in some cases even who the mum was and think they hold UK up on their shoulders. When the reality is they are a drag on it like chute behind a jet.
True, I don't know how many Skin heads actually still exist, I believe this was a 80s/90s movement? You don't see that kind of overt racism anymore, it is simply more hidden and implied these days but still very much present.

I think the word you were trying to avoid @Atanz sir is "chav", every incident of racism I (or my family) have encountered has been from these losers and not a "Skin head".

Worse is they meet their exact opposites British Pakistani's next door to them. Only delete the drunkards with religion. The resut of the two equally repugnent worlds colliding is trouble and headlines.

Very true, whenever there is a protest outside the US embassy or something along these lines the BNP/EDL/Britain first are there to stoke the fire. Those on both sides have almost identical upbringings and levels of education, the only difference being their skin pigmentation and hence ideology.
True, I don't know how many Skin heads actually still exist, I believe this was a 80s/90s movement? You don't see that kind of overt racism anymore, it is simply more hidden and implied these days but still very much present

there are some Skin heads orgs but not really strong
Skin heads actually still exist

Yes, your right. They are almost a extinct species. The bottom layer of society is often called the underclass with "chavs" being prized selection.

only difference being their skin pigmentation and hence ideology.

That's very true and the funny thing is both sides are vehemantly against each other little realizing that they share more in common then they think - pigmentation being the main differance. Drink and religion are the respective intoxicants of choice.

India was fortunate in having Nehru at the helm for over 17 years during which time many of the fundamentals of India were laid and nurtured. Secularism being the biggest achievement. Had we had somebody of Nehru's vision during our formative years Pakistan would have been a very chilled out country today.
worst possible time to open thread on tata steel, they are going to fire 1200 workers, its a major news (not tata but steel sector in general) for last 1 week. :p:
I think tata will exit uk and focus on europe.
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