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We won't stop building in the South China Sea says China

In fact China maintains stability in the SCS. Without China's development efforts, the region is mired in poverty, backwardness and sovereignty problems. With China's presence, East Asia is safe from being plundered by certain powers that have been experimenting on the West Asia and Africa for decades.

China has been simply managing the situation. There is no need to get overexcited. Foreign policy is the job of sound-minded, cold-blooded people; not of the likes of Hillary Clinton. In the end, pragmatist, scientific and historical mind wins.

China has just declared that the island construction is to continue. And it explicitly stated that the construction involved both military and civilian facilities.

Now what is the US response? Fly yet another bomber across "China's 12NM"?

How naughty!


Commentary: China plays constructive role in maintaining stability in South China Sea
2015-11-20 11:200

BEIJING, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- As a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), China has been committed to preserving the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and to safeguarding peace and stability in the region.

Over the past weeks, the United States has sailed two warships, including one carrying Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, through the South China Sea in what the Pentagon claimed as "freedom of navigation" operations.

The U.S. move of sending navy vessels without China's authorization into waters adjacent to China's Nansha Islands not only threatens China's sovereignty and security interests, but also undermines regional peace and stability.

Carter, however, said in a recent speech that China has posed a threat to the "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea and taken measures of "challenging the international order."

The U.S. defense chief's arbitrary accusation obviously goes against common sense as the international order should not be unilaterally defined by any single country.

The current international order has been jointly established by the international community with the United Nations as its core, on the basis of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

The fundamental principle regarding the international order is mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, equal treatment and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Just as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has said, China has long played an active role in and made remarkable contribution to promoting world peace and development and properly resolving international and regional issues.

Under relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, China launched the task of carrying out anti-piracy escort missions in the Gulf of Aden off the waters of Somalia in late 2008.

In addition, China has also completed the operations of escorting the shipping of chemical weapons out of Syria for destruction and helped many countries deal with natural disasters.

The Chinese navy's pragmatic exchanges and cooperation with other countries have ensured the safety of some strategic maritime passages in the world.

As most of the region's flow of commerce in foreign trade passes through the sea lanes in the South China Sea, it is in the fundamental interest of all coastal countries, including China, to preserve the freedom of navigation in the area.

In order to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation, China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been endeavoring to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), and striving for the signing of a full code of conduct (COC) in the waters as soon as possible.

Moreover, a lot of countries in the region and the Asia-Pacific as a whole will benefit from the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, a development strategy promoting openness, inclusiveness and win-win results.

Facts have proved that China, instead of doing any harm to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, has provided public services to ensure the safety of all vessels sailing in the waters.

At a time when the whole world is pursuing peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, China will firmly stick to its path of peaceful development, which serves its fundamental interests and meets the common aspiration of all countries and people in the region.

It is advisable for Washington to contribute more to regional peace and cooperation, rather than making waves in the South China Sea and then pointing a finger at others on trumped-up charges.

True. SCS in the 70s-80s had a lot of Vietnamese pirates. The overseas Vietnamese can attest to that.
Well that's good we not stop doing our diplomatic actions against expansionist china and once you proven to the world arrogance and expansionist attitudes it will cost you guys a lot
Well that's good we not stop doing our diplomatic actions against expansionist china and once you proven to the world arrogance and expansionist attitudes it will cost you guys a lot
We said many times, expansionist is not in our blood. However we will fight to preserve what's rightfully belong to us as any country will do. There should be no double standard. Just because we are big doesn't mean we should share our territorial rights to you. Did the US shared their territorial rights with their neighbor? No, why should we? That's the beauty of this question, my friend. LOL
Well that's good we not stop doing our diplomatic actions against expansionist china and once you proven to the world arrogance and expansionist attitudes it will cost you guys a lot

It's not expansionist attitude but protective attitude. China is protecting and defending territories that it considers her own, like I said a billion times.
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Well that's good we not stop doing our diplomatic actions against expansionist china and once you proven to the world arrogance and expansionist attitudes it will cost you guys a lot

The world has biggest headaches than Philippines inconclusive and prematurely dead theatrics, I am afraid.

China is, by the way, not being expansionist, but protectionist. This is something we should have done long before but some other greater concerns did not let it happen.
It's not expansionist attitude but protective attitude. China is protecting and defending territories that it considers her own, like I said a billion times.

Ya in chinese characters your taking our seas our property as your own why is that not expansionism? Do you even know what that word means? Again you 50cent troopers have failed to understand logic and failed to make the world see your point of view which is illogical to begin with.

The world has biggest headaches than Philippines inconclusive and prematurely dead theatrics, I am afraid.

China is, by the way, not being expansionist, but protectionist. This is something we should have done long before but some other greater concerns did not let it happen.

Ya you guys with your arrogance isis and famine etc
Ya in chinese characters your taking our seas our property as your own why is that not expansionism? Do you even know what that word means? Again you 50cent troopers have failed to understand logic and failed to make the world see your point of view which is illogical to begin with.

Ya you guys with your arrogance isis and famine etc

1. Well in China's view you are taking their seas and their property as your own, so that's expansionism.

2. I am just posting my own independent comments. And besides I think 50 cent troopers post in more popular websites like YouTube (?) and comments sections in popular news website. Defence.pk is really niche and I think it's not effective for any sort of propaganda. So your logic is kaput.
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We said many times, expansionist is not in our blood. However we will fight to preserve what's rightfully belong to us as any country will do. There should be no double standard. Just because we are big doesn't mean we should share our territorial rights to you. Did the US shared their territorial rights with their neighbor? No, why should we? That's the beauty of this question, my friend. LOL

That is Chinese weakness imo
1. Well in China's view you are taking their seas and their property as your own, so that's expansionism.

2. I am just posting my own independent comments. And besides I think 50 cent troopers post in more popular websites like YouTube (?) and comments sections in popular news website. Defence.pk is really niche and I think it's not effective for any sort of propaganda. So your logic is kaput.

Oh please don't give me that its simply no other nation can claim a whole sea as its own
Oh please don't give me that its simply no other nation can claim a whole sea as its own

It is not the whole sea. It is the physical features on that sea. China is ready for the join exploration and development of the resources. But, for the ultimate geopolitical security of a great power, China will establish a strong grip on the region for power projection and regional safety/stability.

This geopolitical concern is something that small powers are stripped off, to their own advantage. Hence why you find it hard to understand.
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