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We will give terrorists the respect they want: Pervez Khattak - PTI ¬ CM

We will give terrorists the respect they want: Pervez Khattak

PESHAWAR - Pervez Khattak, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) chief minister-designate for Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KP) said “we are ready to give terrorists the respect they want”. :hitwall:

“We don’t talk of Talibanisation. We say terrorism exists in the province. It is not known to us who is behind this terrorism. We request all those behind terrorism to work for peace in the province. Whatever respect they want, we are ready to give them. We are ready to reintegrate them into society,” said Khattak, in an exclusive interview with BBC on Saturday.

He doesnt know who is behind the terrorism and he is abt to be the CM of the state ?
He doesnt know who is behind the terrorism and he is abt to be the CM of the state ?

Just be glad these people did not win the national elections. But to be fair to the PTI their main cadre was the urban youth of Punjab and the KPK support was a support by admiration for the man rather than true policies. At this point though it seems like KPK is about to become the Islamic emirate of TTP.
Just be glad these people did not win the national elections. But to be fair to the PTI their main cadre was the urban youth of Punjab and the KPK support was a support by admiration for the man rather than true policies. At this point though it seems like KPK is about to become the Islamic emirate of TTP.

The bottom line is the same - Politicians & Leaders speak different languages before & after elections.
a lesson for them is people living in glass houses shouldnt throw stones at others

Just because they are immature politicians ... Take a look on another claim by them :P


Why has PTI NOT blocked NATO supply? as Promised by Abrar-ul-Haq on 1 june 2013
Just because they are immature politicians ... Take a look on another claim by them :P


Why has PTI NOT blocked NATO supply? as Promised by Abrar-ul-Haq on 1 june 2013

Welcome to democracy.

Pls dont expect this breed to stand by their word.

They will gladly drop their Grandmother for an advantage.
Just because they are immature politicians ... Take a look on another claim by them :P


Why has PTI NOT blocked NATO supply? as Promised by Abrar-ul-Haq on 1 june 2013

well blocking NAto supply wont help too much, they should have made some good security plan in those past 50 days, but nothing new has come out
what an idiot chief minster , after the jailbreak he mouthed off that the incident was an intellegence failure even though the warning was given about it before hand.

Earlier this idiot chief minster had embarassed the police ( Police find Khattak?s remarks in bad taste - DAWN.COM ) and now again another minister of his cabinet has done the same ( Coward police flayed over Dera jailbreak: Our heads hang in shame: minister - DAWN.COM )

yet not a word against the militants , instead talk is of giving them respect ... wah wah kya baat ha

They cant give respect to those who stand for law and order and who have given their lives for the state but want to give respect to those who do treachery against the state

its astonishing the level to sympathy that this chief minster and his cabinet have for the militants

KPK didnt vote for change , they voted to taliban sympathizers
Just because they are immature politicians ... Take a look on another claim by them :P
Why has PTI NOT blocked NATO supply? as Promised by Abrar-ul-Haq on 1 june 2013

Now you are nitpicking, since that was lip service. PTI has finally become a Pakistani political party where the leadership has to make statements it knows it cannot deliver(not because it does not want to but because it simply cant due to various reasons not always under its control)..and that may not be a bad thing for them as they will now be much better players at politics now. However, that does not mean they will not look for alternative or regular scapegoats for their inability to deliver(establishment, conspiracy , etc etc). Making a hospital out of donations where the buck stops with you is a FAR different thing then running a political party or province where there are multiple bucks with each of them trying to be the last stop.
Now you are nitpicking, since that was lip service. PTI has finally become a Pakistani political party where the leadership has to make statements it knows it cannot deliver(not because it does not want to but because it simply cant due to various reasons not always under its control)..and that may not be a bad thing for them as they will now be much better players at politics now. However, that does not mean they will not look for alternative or regular scapegoats for their inability to deliver. Making a hospital out of donations where the buck stops with you is a FAR different thing then running a political party or province where there are multiple bucks with each of them trying to be the last stop.

Batti laganay ka tau hamara hak hai na :D
has PTI submitted any resolution against drone attacks in the national assembly till now?

at ground level they seem to be totally zero on everything, no concrete steps
Welcome to Naya Khyber Pakhtunwala, whats happen if there is Naya Pakistan
i dont know why they have made KPK a playground/ laboratory for all this ****
If anyone other than a PTI guy said the line, it could only be sarcastically.
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