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We were screened for coronavirus upon landing in Pakistan. Nobody checked when we returned to JFK.


Mar 3, 2019
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United States
We were screened for coronavirus upon landing in Pakistan. Nobody checked when we returned to JFK.
  • Author: Vanessa H. Larson, The Washington Post
    | Opinion
  • Updated: 1 hour ago
    Published 1 hour ago

The area for TSA screening of travelers at JFK airport's Terminal 1 is relatively empty, Friday, March 13, 2020, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

“Are you guys being quarantined?” asked one friend after another after my husband and I arrived back in Washington, D.C., last weekend from an eight-day trip to Pakistan.

In fact, while we've decided to self-quarantine for two weeks out of concern about the covid-19 pandemic, no government official ever told us to do so - it just seemed like the right thing to do. Nor did we receive any sort of screening at the airport when we returned to the United States, despite flying into New York - the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, with over 25,000 reported cases and more than 200 deaths as I write this.

The disconnect between the illness's mounting human toll and this seemingly lax approach to incoming international air passengers has opened our eyes to the federal government's insufficient response to the coronavirus and caused us to ask why our country, with its vast resources, seemingly can't - or won't - take the coronavirus as seriously as it should.

When we arrived in Pakistan on March 13, we each underwent a temperature scan at the Islamabad airport. We also had to fill out a form asking if we'd been in China or Iran, two countries hit hard by covid-19, during the previous 14 days. We were asked to check boxes indicating if we had a fever, cough or shortness of breath. Though 2 a.m. was probably a low-traffic arrival time, it was a painless, organized process, not a major inconvenience.

So we were shocked when we arrived Saturday at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport to discover that no covid-19 screening measures or advisories about quarantining awaited us. We simply got off the plane and proceeded to the U.S. citizens' line, as if returning from any normal overseas trip. We did our customs declaration (Are you bringing in any food?) at an electronic kiosk. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer who scanned our passports (and who was wearing gloves) asked us a couple of questions about where we'd been and what we'd done in Pakistan. My husband was kept back for a few minutes of additional questioning, which appeared to be motivated more by security concerns than health. No one said a word about quarantines.

After that, we breezily made our way through baggage claim and customs. As we went through security in the nearly empty airport before our connecting flight to Washington, we noticed fraying posters warning travelers about the transmission of measles - an almost comical indication of the outdatedness of the public health messaging.

Surprised, I tweeted about the lack of screening and up-to-date directives at JFK, and within minutes, the airport's official Twitter account replied directly to me: "Hello Vanessa, All decisions re: the screening of international passengers arriving to the US are made by federal agencies including @CDCgov & @CBP," and provided a link to their websites.

Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Heather Swift then replied: "Vanessa. Pakistan is not in Europe, Iran or China and therefore does not fall under the 212f order OR the quarantine." She referred to the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act recently cited by the White House to deny U.S. entry to foreign nationals who have been in those parts of the world.

I appreciated the direct response, but given the reach and scale of the coronavirus pandemic and the exacerbating factor of air travel, limiting screening on arrival and official quarantine recommendations to travelers coming from only a few locations seemed, well, ill-advised. If a country with fewer resources, such as Pakistan, can implement temperature checks for incoming travelers, why can't the U.S.? (On Monday, Pakistan was added to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's high-risk country list.)

Travel by its very nature involves getting out in the world, and I'll freely acknowledge that my husband and I didn't practice "social distancing" while abroad. We were in Pakistan for a friend's wedding, where, over three days of events - mostly outdoors, thankfully - we mingled with other guests who had come in from Singapore, Dubai, California, Chicago and elsewhere in the country. (We had considered canceling our trip, but left Washington just before anxiety here about covid-19 had really set in.)

We also spent four days traveling around Pakistan in the confines of a private car, with a tour guide and driver, in addition to taking taxis and Ubers, eating at restaurants and visiting historic attractions - normal activities for tourists, but all best avoided in light of the current pandemic. Indeed, we ended up changing our tickets to come home earlier than planned, fearing that we'd be stranded abroad, or worse.

In the week or so we were in Pakistan, the number of coronavirus cases there spiked from around 20 to over 400, although those figures, according to reports, were considered serious undercounts due to insufficient testing. Most of the country's early cases came via religious pilgrims returning from the hot spot of neighboring Iran - some of whom were reported to have been poorly quarantined - but there is now community spread, with more than 900 cases identified.

En route back to the United States, we had a 14-hour layover in Doha - where we couldn't leave the airport because Qatar had several days earlier banned entry to all foreign nationals - and then spent another 14 hours on a plane packed with people scrambling to get home. Most passengers, like us, were wearing masks, and no doubt others were bracing for rigorous arrival procedures. That day-long stretch alone made us nervous enough about potential exposure that I actually wished for a temperature check or some kind of assessment when we landed.

Upon arrival in New York, I checked my phone for the latest news: Pakistan had suspended international flights; within days, its government had suspended domestic flights as well. While sacrificing freedom of movement might seem extreme, it seemed clear that Pakistani authorities were willing to take aggressive steps in the name of public health. Here, as medical professionals risk their lives and ordinary citizens are sheltering in place, it's hard to understand why one of the busiest airports in the United States still seems set up for business as usual.
If that's true about JFK airport, than no wonder NYC is in such a mess today.
An American journalist lauding Pakistan's airport screening measures while criticizing the USA's. I believe the American diplomat that tested positive for Covid 19 was also identified by Pakistani screeners (not 100% sure on that).
Who would have believed this few years before in time of "do more" or 'failed state" and this by Washington Post reporter.
Exact same situation at O'Hare Airport in Chicago as well. Their were no temp checks or anything, I guess unless you're from EU, China, Iran and South Korea. They just let everyone just do the immigration and go straight to baggage claim area and done.
We were screened for coronavirus upon landing in Pakistan. Nobody checked when we returned to JFK.
  • Author: Vanessa H. Larson, The Washington Post
    | Opinion
  • Updated: 1 hour ago
    Published 1 hour ago

The area for TSA screening of travelers at JFK airport's Terminal 1 is relatively empty, Friday, March 13, 2020, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

“Are you guys being quarantined?” asked one friend after another after my husband and I arrived back in Washington, D.C., last weekend from an eight-day trip to Pakistan.

In fact, while we've decided to self-quarantine for two weeks out of concern about the covid-19 pandemic, no government official ever told us to do so - it just seemed like the right thing to do. Nor did we receive any sort of screening at the airport when we returned to the United States, despite flying into New York - the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, with over 25,000 reported cases and more than 200 deaths as I write this.

The disconnect between the illness's mounting human toll and this seemingly lax approach to incoming international air passengers has opened our eyes to the federal government's insufficient response to the coronavirus and caused us to ask why our country, with its vast resources, seemingly can't - or won't - take the coronavirus as seriously as it should.

When we arrived in Pakistan on March 13, we each underwent a temperature scan at the Islamabad airport. We also had to fill out a form asking if we'd been in China or Iran, two countries hit hard by covid-19, during the previous 14 days. We were asked to check boxes indicating if we had a fever, cough or shortness of breath. Though 2 a.m. was probably a low-traffic arrival time, it was a painless, organized process, not a major inconvenience.

So we were shocked when we arrived Saturday at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport to discover that no covid-19 screening measures or advisories about quarantining awaited us. We simply got off the plane and proceeded to the U.S. citizens' line, as if returning from any normal overseas trip. We did our customs declaration (Are you bringing in any food?) at an electronic kiosk. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer who scanned our passports (and who was wearing gloves) asked us a couple of questions about where we'd been and what we'd done in Pakistan. My husband was kept back for a few minutes of additional questioning, which appeared to be motivated more by security concerns than health. No one said a word about quarantines.

After that, we breezily made our way through baggage claim and customs. As we went through security in the nearly empty airport before our connecting flight to Washington, we noticed fraying posters warning travelers about the transmission of measles - an almost comical indication of the outdatedness of the public health messaging.

Surprised, I tweeted about the lack of screening and up-to-date directives at JFK, and within minutes, the airport's official Twitter account replied directly to me: "Hello Vanessa, All decisions re: the screening of international passengers arriving to the US are made by federal agencies including @CDCgov & @CBP," and provided a link to their websites.

Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Heather Swift then replied: "Vanessa. Pakistan is not in Europe, Iran or China and therefore does not fall under the 212f order OR the quarantine." She referred to the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act recently cited by the White House to deny U.S. entry to foreign nationals who have been in those parts of the world.

I appreciated the direct response, but given the reach and scale of the coronavirus pandemic and the exacerbating factor of air travel, limiting screening on arrival and official quarantine recommendations to travelers coming from only a few locations seemed, well, ill-advised. If a country with fewer resources, such as Pakistan, can implement temperature checks for incoming travelers, why can't the U.S.? (On Monday, Pakistan was added to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's high-risk country list.)

Travel by its very nature involves getting out in the world, and I'll freely acknowledge that my husband and I didn't practice "social distancing" while abroad. We were in Pakistan for a friend's wedding, where, over three days of events - mostly outdoors, thankfully - we mingled with other guests who had come in from Singapore, Dubai, California, Chicago and elsewhere in the country. (We had considered canceling our trip, but left Washington just before anxiety here about covid-19 had really set in.)

We also spent four days traveling around Pakistan in the confines of a private car, with a tour guide and driver, in addition to taking taxis and Ubers, eating at restaurants and visiting historic attractions - normal activities for tourists, but all best avoided in light of the current pandemic. Indeed, we ended up changing our tickets to come home earlier than planned, fearing that we'd be stranded abroad, or worse.

In the week or so we were in Pakistan, the number of coronavirus cases there spiked from around 20 to over 400, although those figures, according to reports, were considered serious undercounts due to insufficient testing. Most of the country's early cases came via religious pilgrims returning from the hot spot of neighboring Iran - some of whom were reported to have been poorly quarantined - but there is now community spread, with more than 900 cases identified.

En route back to the United States, we had a 14-hour layover in Doha - where we couldn't leave the airport because Qatar had several days earlier banned entry to all foreign nationals - and then spent another 14 hours on a plane packed with people scrambling to get home. Most passengers, like us, were wearing masks, and no doubt others were bracing for rigorous arrival procedures. That day-long stretch alone made us nervous enough about potential exposure that I actually wished for a temperature check or some kind of assessment when we landed.

Upon arrival in New York, I checked my phone for the latest news: Pakistan had suspended international flights; within days, its government had suspended domestic flights as well. While sacrificing freedom of movement might seem extreme, it seemed clear that Pakistani authorities were willing to take aggressive steps in the name of public health. Here, as medical professionals risk their lives and ordinary citizens are sheltering in place, it's hard to understand why one of the busiest airports in the United States still seems set up for business as usual.
They may have installed this, all countries have this installed, middle Eastern &all major airports in Pakistan..

Not sure. Thermal scanning is only effective if you have fever which you may not have early in the infection, so some infected will get through. It is better than nothing in my opinion.
Exact same situation at O'Hare Airport in Chicago as well. Their were no temp checks or anything, I guess unless you're from EU, China, Iran and South Korea. They just let everyone just do the immigration and go straight to baggage claim area and done.

No concern because one or more of the weaker strains of the covid-19 virus made their way around USA before and during the 2019-2020 flu season being misdiagnosed as the flu, offering herd immunity to those that got sick or were asymptomatic. Most of what is in the US is the weaker COVID-19, not the modified covid-19 that is more lethal and contagious that hit China, Iran and Italy for deliberate reasons.

This explains many things, like why testing was deliberately not done sooner to find out US was already hit. And why USA had a month ago and before 5 strains out of 5 of COVID-19, while China was limited in their strains. Because COVID-19 originated from US.

Did cover up ever happen in US with media not reporting on it:


I have a feeling USA was doing better at terrorism than this.

I don't know why I feel USA is so relaxed.
Probably more flights land at JFK in a day then the total number of flights that land in the whole of Pakistan in one month, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of travellers per day, who can possibly screen them all ?

Who would have believed this few years before in time of "do more" or 'failed state" and this by Washington Post reporter.
This is a good example of how, despite the best of intentions, negligence or misses happen even in countries like the US.

So everyone wondering about the movement of Pakistani pilgrims through Taftan, if it can happen in the US it can happen in Pakistan.
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