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We MUST talk to the TALIBAN!!! — Indian Chef General, Bipin Rawat


Dec 31, 2018
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United States
NEW DELHI: Army Chief General Bipin Rawat here on Thursday said that if several countries are talking to the Taliban and if India has interests in Afghanistan, then it “cannot be out of the bandwagon.

His remarks at the army’s annual press conference comes a day after he stated at the Raisina Dialogue that talks between the Taliban in Afghanistan and the US should happen without preconditions. He added that India has interest in Afghanistan and questioned whether India party to the talks. He, however, pointed out that the same “analogy” cannot be applied to Jammu and Kashmir, where there he says there can be no “third party intervention”.

“If number of other countries are talking to this group, do we have interest in Afghanistan is the first issue. Does India have interest in Afghanistan. If the answer is yes then you cannot be out of... the bandwagon...Our thinking is yes we have interest in Afghanistan and...other people are saying there should be talks... should we have interest in Afghanistan and...other people are saying... there should be talks.... should we in some way also become a party.... Maybe directly... or indirectly involved.” said Rawat.

“Unless you are not sitting on that table, you will not know what is being discussed,” he added.

However, India claims to maintains a policy of “no engagement with the Taliban”. Nations such as Pakistan, US and Russia have been talking with the Taliban. The official “peace and reconciliation process” in Afghanistan entails talks with the Taliban to bring them into the Afghan political mainstream. India’s support to the process was on the condition that it should be “Afghan-led and Afghan owned”.

When asked whether the same thinking can be applied to Jammu and Kashmir, Rawat said, “The same analogy cannot be applied. Jammu and Kashmir is a bilateral issue between two nations. There is no place for third party intervention. Our conditions are clear, come to the negotiation table.”

Former J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Wednesday took to social media to urge the Centre to initiate talks with the Hurriyat. If the Army Chief can advocate for talks with Taliban then why different standards when it comes to our own people? Accept peace offer from Pakistan, initiate dialogue with Hurriyat and other stakeholders put an end to the vicious cycle of violence in J&K.” she posted a tweet.
Taliban in Afghanistan is a unilateral issue. Why is India trying to intervene in the talks? There is literally no connection of the affairs of Afghanistan to the affairs of India, apart from latter wanting the former to remain their lapdog at any cost even while Taliban violence continues.
Taliban in Afghanistan is a unilateral issue. Why is India trying to intervene in the talks? There is literally no connection of the affairs of Afghanistan to the affairs of India, apart from latter wanting the former to remain their lapdog at any cost even while Taliban violence continues.
iron ore mine, Plus Iran is going to mediate for them apparently.
This statement right here sounds so desperate: "We have interests in Uf-GHA-NESH-TAAAN"

Bruh, get the f*ck out of here!! All you have there is a library (no one knows who uses it)!!

Well they did built a National Assembly building some roads that will be useful for future Taliban ruled Afghanistan

*Note I dont like the Taliban ideology they are just useful geo-strategic tools to counter Yankee and Ganga

They should also build gallows where the 'filthy infidels' should be hanged (as the Taliban say).

You can ask Najibullah how it went lol

India already lost this game.

Funny they refuse to talk to Pakistan but realize they have to talk to Taliban.

Goal no. 2 of Taliban after kicking out the West is to get rid of India.

Well as any loser in any game they are desparate from a potential fall out this is why they are trying to use the Iranian card us Pakistanis should not care for their plans tbh let them open a office in Tehran who cares they lost we will be watching eating popcorn as this s...itstorm goes on lol
Like someone else on this forum said...."Beeeeepppp Innnn" :lol:

On a serious note...this is the biggest u-turn I have seen in military affairs after saying that there's no "good or bad Taliban". :disagree:


Now you're saying that we need to talk? All too after your crutches (US military) are being taken away? Good luck with that :D

no one knows who uses it

Or how to :D
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America or NATO did not ask India before invading Afghanistan. Americans or NATO did not send troops to India to fight terror in Kashmir when we were bleeding in the 90's. America has no right to ask India to provide soldiers as India did not ask America to invade Afghanistan. In fact America & NATO sent its Carriers to attack India in 1971.

Even when asked in the past India has rejected to send our soldiers for war in other country. It's not our territory. If any terrorist crosses our border or harms India, we will take action. We already are fighting a war inside our country which drains billions of dollars.

We are not Pakistan who takes orders from others. Pakistan jumped into the war to appease America & the Sheiks. We are an independent nation who can take independent decisions which always would be in the interest of our country not to appease anybody.

America thought they can solve Afghanistan, they tried with their acts, and we did not interfere. In the past we only went to Kashmir because the Kashmiri leadership invited us in 1947 to fight & it was in our interest. We only went into Goa on the invitation of the people & leadership to vanquish the Portuguese in 1961. We went into Bangladesh war in 1971 because the leader invited us & it was in our interest. We sent our troops for the Sikkim Amalgamation because the people & opposition requested us in 1971. We sent our troops to Sri Lanka in 1987 on the request of it's Gov.t. We sent our troops to Maldives in 1988 on the invitation of the Gov.t after an attempt for coup . We went into Nepal on the invitation of it's Gov.t in 2015 for relief mission. We raided Myanmar & carried a cross-border operation along the India–Myanmar border and destroyed two Militant camps because terrorists killed our soldiers in 2015.

Same in Afghanistan, We did what was right on the invitation of the Afghan government. We focused on development & prosperity of Afghan people. America dealt with the Taliban, so we had no interest in involving in the NATO or superpower’s decisions or acts. We implemented our policies which suited us, when NATO fought Taliban. If America had involved us before striking Afghanistan, we could have played our role as the partner & team member, not after creating a mess & no idea how to solve it now.

Now if America wants to leave, it has no business to tell India what we should do. If America cannot solve, they can leave. We will take charge & do it our way because Afghanistan & Iran wants India to. How we solve it will be based on our interests & making sure we don’t get into bloodshed & spoil our relations with our partners. Iran invited India because they cannot solve it & they fear more trouble if NATO pulls out, same with the Afghan Gov.t. Pakistan cannot solve it, because neither the people, Gov.t or Taliban would accept, as Pakistan has Afghan blood on their hands & have played double standards with everybody, so even Taliban considers Pakistan as an unreliable partner.

India has remained neutral & has respect with all, so everybody will listen to us. The Taliban won’t listen to Pakistan, because Pakistan dreams to be their boss. Pakistan wants Taliban as their slaves & rule Afghanistan. Taliban’s relation with Pakistan is as long as, you fund us & do what we say, we will put up with you, neither they wanted to take orders from Pakistan nor want your involvement. Pakistan thinks, they are the only party who can solve Afghanistan, fact is nobody else thinks so. Everybody thinks India is the country who can solve Afghanistan including Russia. They won’t be able to do anything without India’s involvement or influence.

So don’t worry about whether we talk to Taliban or use our own methods. Before our stand with Taliban suited us as we were not engaging with them, now we do what’s in our interests as we are given the leadership role, not what Pakistan wishes or America wishes, even if it’s changing the entire policies & stand. We are problem solver not problem creator & most important we don’t do things or take decisions to please others.

Note: I should not be disclosing this. This must be a surprise. But anyway let it be.
We may even use force, but we don't want NATO America or anybody on the ground. This is also a possibility just to keep foolish Pakistanis informed in advance. You people like always celebrate too early on small developments. There is lot in-store for Pakistan. Have patience & let nature take its course.
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America or NATO did not ask India before invading Afghanistan. Americans or NATO did not send troops to India to fight terror in Kashmir when we were bleeding in the 90's. America has no right to ask India to provide soldiers as India did not ask America to invade Afghanistan. In fact America & NATO sent its Carriers to attack India in 1971.

Even when asked in the past India has rejected to send our soldiers for war in other country. It's not our territory. If any terrorist crosses our border or harms India, we will take action. We already are fighting a war inside our country which drains billions of dollars.

We are not Pakistan who takes orders from others. Pakistan jumped into the war to appease America & the Sheiks. We are an independent nation who can take independent decisions which always would be in the interest of our country not to appease anybody.

America thought they can solve Afghanistan, they tried with their acts, and we did not interfere. In the past we only went to Kashmir because the Kashmiri leadership invited us in 1947 to fight & it was in our interest. We only went into Goa on the invitation of the people & leadership to vanquish the Portuguese in 1961. We went into Bangladesh war in 1971 because the leader invited us & it was in our interest. We sent our troops for the Sikkim Amalgamation because the people & opposition requested us in 1971. We sent our troops to Sri Lanka in 1987 on the request of it's Gov.t. We sent our troops to Maldives in 1988 on the invitation of the Gov.t after an attempt for coup . We went into Nepal on the invitation of it's Gov.t in 2015 for relief mission. We raided Myanmar & carried a cross-border operation along the India–Myanmar border and destroyed two Militant camps because terrorists killed our soldiers in 2015.

Same in Afghanistan, We did what was right on the invitation of the Afghan government. We focused on development & prosperity of Afghan people. America dealt with the Taliban, so we had no interest in involving in the NATO or superpower’s decisions or acts. We implemented our policies which suited us, when NATO fought Taliban. If America had involved us before striking Afghanistan, we could have played our role as the partner & team member, not after creating a mess & no idea how to solve it now.

Now if America wants to leave, it has no business to tell India what we should do. If America cannot solve, they can leave. We will take charge & do it our way because Afghanistan & Iran wants India to. How we solve it will be based on our interests & making sure we don’t get into bloodshed & spoil our relations with our partners. Iran invited India because they cannot solve it & they fear more trouble if NATO pulls out, same with the Afghan Gov.t. Pakistan cannot solve it, because neither the people, Gov.t or Taliban would accept, as Pakistan has Afghan blood on their hands & have played double standards with everybody, so even Taliban considers Pakistan as an unreliable partner.

India has remained neutral & has respect with all, so everybody will listen to us. The Taliban won’t listen to Pakistan, because Pakistan dreams to be their boss. Pakistan wants Taliban as their slaves & rule Afghanistan. Taliban’s relation with Pakistan is as long as, you fund us & do what we say, we will put up with you, neither they wanted to take orders from Pakistan nor want your involvement. Pakistan thinks, they are the only party who can solve Afghanistan, fact is nobody else thinks so. Everybody thinks India is the country who can solve Afghanistan including Russia. They won’t be able to do anything without India’s involvement or influence.

So don’t worry about whether we talk to Taliban or use our own methods. Before our stand with Taliban suited us as we were not engaging with them, now we do what’s in our interests as we are given the leadership role, not what Pakistan wishes or America wishes, even if it’s changing the entire policies & stand. We are problem solver not problem creator & most important we don’t do things or take decisions to please others.

Note: I should not be disclosing this. This must be a surprise. But anyway let it be.
We may even use force, but we don't want NATO America or anybody on the ground. This is also a possibility just to keep foolish Pakistanis informed in advance. You people like always celebrate too early on small developments. There is lot in-store for Pakistan. Have patience & let nature take its course.

Retarded post. And what is up with the foot note? No one is asking you to spill your indian garbage on this forum. Go somewhere else and post.

@waz @Horus ... please take care of this offensive footnote, and warn this poster to behave or go elsewhere.
O pippin my lovely pippin.

yesterday , you do not want to have gay sex in your army, that is a serious contempt of Superme court of India.

Now you want to talk to Taliban, where your Prime minister clearly do not want to (as per Modi very famous "Good and bad Taliban" utterances)

From outside, its looks like a soup of a country India where everyone going in different tangents.

Get your act together pippin. Time of firing your gun using Uncle Sam shoulders is coming to an end. Better man up and prepare for the worst. And best, if the gob can be kept shut.
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