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We might all be aliens

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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NASA says we might all be aliens
By Mike Wehner, Tecca | Today in Tech – 2 hrs 8 mins ago
Whether or not you believe in life outside of our solar system, the fact that we are all here means that the stuff we're made of must have come from somewhere. After studying meteorites and discovering ready-made components of DNA present, NASA has concluded that the building blocks of life as we know it may have crashed down on Earth from above.
Researchers at the Goddard Space Flight Center discovered portions of DNA on chunks of crashed space rock in both Antarctica and Australia. The extraterrestrial visitors contained various types of nucleobases, which are thought to be essential in the creation of DNA, and life in general. The scientists were able to isolate the compounds and prove that they weren't created here on Earth. This was particularly important, as critics often cite contamination as the reason for these compounds appearing on meteorites that have been studied in the past.
The team also concluded that certain space rocks — depending on their makeup and speed — work like manufacturing facilities for these biological precursors. The implications of the discovery are far-reaching, and suggest that humanity may owe its existence to a well-placed meteorite in the early days of the Earth, and that without it the planet might be a rocky, watery wasteland
NASA says we might all be aliens | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News
The prominence of the theory of Panspermia(the "insemination" of life on planets via entry of foreign projectiles such as meteorites) isn't anything recent brother.I suggest you look it up and decide for yourself (?).
Actually technically if we are ALL aliens that makes NONE of us aliens....
Who knew Pakistanis had a great sense of humor.I stand corrected and greatly humbled!
If you believe in aliens you've been subjected to mind control such as the American MK-Ultra.
NASA has been doing a fine job but here they pulled the imagination way beyond the logic. I refuse to believe that it all crashed up from above & we came to be.

Darwin has been proved wrong. Stop, pulling his leg with these antics, NASA.
Hindus believe this earth is just a material world there are higher spirutual worlds with more advanced beings :smokin:
Well, considering the way how Earth was created, the impacts from the meteoroids definitely brought the extraterrestial elements and it results the hybrid elements that gave the form of the primitive life.

But this has nothing to do how human beings were extraterrestial life forms.
May be you should all read "Deception Point" by Dan brown.

I have read it. It was fascinating. Too bad the meteorite was fake :D

The Lost Symbol was the most impressive book by Dan Brown I'd say :woot:
we might :D Why NASA don't claim that we might be created by God and there might be a life hereafter lol Ok building blocks of life have crashed down on Earth from above and where above came from? who created it?
Popular fiction and entertainment is full of references to aliens on earth and the stories about aliens and alien spacecraft are all contemporary myths. We are the only intelligent species on earth and aliens won't look like us and unlike on television, they certainly won't speak English.
NASA seeks funds in the name of UFO research,aliens research...billions of dollars and then waste them on wars...cause they dont have secret fund provision i guess......Americans most of them are too dumb they eat from hardeez uptil neck and then while returning home they see lights and flashes cause of over eating and consider them UFO's....some of drive under influence so they see aliens and witness alien abductions....

When you have too much to eat and too little to worry about then sir you do become an alien.
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