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We lost Cricket series, so we must attack Pak military posts


Apr 20, 2011
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This is pathetic, really pathetic on the part of Indian military planners.

What the heck you would gain by attacking a Pak military post in Kashmir in the middle of an @ss freezing winter. What?

What on earth this foolhardy, childish action could do for India? Holy kumbh maila is going on, do some tapassya (spiritual cleansing) instead of shooting bullets, relish the cricket series, or a garma garm cup of tea at the border. Do something positive for gad's sakes. Be human and not an ape. This is what we should say to the war mongers in India and the Mullahtic b@kwas in Pakistan.

Here are some serious and non-serious reasons.

1. "Non-serious reason" We must salvage our national pride after the humiliation of defeat in Pak-India Cricket series.

I mean I was so happy for Pakistan, and India, and this Aman ki asha to see a talk show not on a Mullah, not on an ayatullah, Not even Amreeka, or Jews or hanud. No Siree. Geo and Hamid Mir had a nice talk show on Kirkit ok Cricket. What a breath of fresh air on an otherwise bitter cold and gloomy morning in Pakistan. Hamid Mir the sports head, with Geo's India rep leading an interesting talk from across the border. Sikandar Bakht, and Kamli singing competing songs. What a hoot.

Here is a link for those who may have missed it. BTW the Mullah in this video is talking cricket and not jih@d.

Pak-India Taakra - 3rd January 2013 Full Show on Geo News 03 01 2013 Pakistan v India 3 12 12 - YouTube

Then all of a sudden, when not even 24 hours go by and the same Geo blares with breaking news that Indians attacked Pakistani post. I immediately check Indian media but nothing, nada, zilch, shunni about this incident. Obviously Indian army was doing a media blackout on this.

This is how you make aman ka tamasha instead of aman ki aasha India style.

2. Serious reason. India rattling sabers to gain a better seat in Afghanistan's future setup.

Who can ignore the discussions going on in Washington DC, between Kharazai and Obama. We all know Americans want a quick pullout. I know this from the POV of top planners in DC down to the soldiers posted in a gad awful base near Kandhar.

Indians in this situation feel like a jilted lover. Because most likely they have to pack their bags (well most of the bags) soon after major portion of the US forces leave. Off the billion or so dollars spent in Afghanistan by Indians must not go to waste and thus Washington must pay in hard cash back to Indians. Even though my Indian friends do not like the stereotype of "banya" (a small retailer in the village) mentality, but this is exactly what it is.

The problem with this approach is simply "winning an Afghan penny by losing $100s of dollars to be made from Pakistani trade". Pathetic, just pathetic. What can I say. What on earth can I say.

I just completed a feasibility of importing Indian industrial plants valued in 10s carore (1 caror = 10 million) or 100s of millions. This brings HUGE cost savings (over Chinese, Korean or Western origin) for Pakistanis manufactures and brings HUGE amount of manufacturing jobs to India. Similarly Pakistani industrialist are gearing up exporting 100s of millions of products to NW Indian states.

All that is about to go to dump on pathetic pathetic Indian jingoism in the region. so so $tupid.

Then I feel so sad to see Pakistani and Indian posters come on this board and repeat the vitreol of Indian army chief or totally childish statements by Indian air cheif, or b@stardly statements by some Pakistani Mullah.

What's wrong with us.

Is this how we want to spend next 100 years?

Do some of these jingu dumbo posters think that us Pakistanis will disappear from the Indus valley, or Indians will disappear from the beautiful Ganga valley?

Perhaps they will. But do remember Karma. do remember it. What you wish unto others will get you sooner than later.

Peace to all,

and peace in India and Pakistan during 2013 and beyond.
RIP to the dead Indian and Pakistani soldiers. Time to move on .

And yes, don't chop off dead soldier's heads , it's a war crime.
RIP to the dead Indian and Pakistani soldiers. Time to move on .

And yes, don't chop off dead soldier's heads , it's a war crime.

Please be responsible and do not spread rumors.

Pakistani and Indian soldiers in Kashmir and in Punjab border come from the same stock and share pretty much the same traditions, and thus respect each other let alone the dead bodies. There is no way an Indian or Pakistani jawan will ever mutilate the dead bodies. No way.

And if you still insist, then my dear poster you have not met a Pakistani soldier nor an officer, and certainly not studied the military history of the region.

Next time when Indian army is ready to exchange dead bodies, they need to make sure to involve a third party. That way Indian media will have someone to backup the so-called beheading claims.

Until then,

peace to you, my dear, peace to you.
Please be responsible and do not spread rumors.

Pakistani and Indian soldiers in Kashmir and in Punjab border come from the same stock and share pretty much the same traditions, and thus respect for each other. There is no way an Indian or Pakistani jawan will ever mutilate the dead bodies. No way.

And if you still insist, then my dear poster you have not met a Pakistani soldier nor an officer, and certainly not studied the military history of the region.

Next time when Indian army is ready to exchange dead bodies, they need to make sure to involve a third party. That way Indian media will have someone to backup the so-called beheading claims.

Until then,

peace to you, my dear, peace to you.

Tell that to the wife of Lance Naik Hemraj who along with the rest of his family burnt his headless body .Now you may say indians did it , but whatever , it's your word against mine here , so no point.

Please be responsible and do not spread rumors.

Pakistani and Indian soldiers in Kashmir and in Punjab border come from the same stock and share pretty much the same traditions, and thus respect each other let alone the dead bodies. There is no way an Indian or Pakistani jawan will ever mutilate the dead bodies. No way.

And if you still insist, then my dear poster you have not met a Pakistani soldier nor an officer, and certainly not studied the military history of the region.

Next time when Indian army is ready to exchange dead bodies, they need to make sure to involve a third party. That way Indian media will have someone to backup the so-called beheading claims.

Until then,

peace to you, my dear, peace to you.

I know for sure beheadings and counter-beheadings have taken place for a long time.

And even though Indian and Pakistani soldiers from the Punjab region are supposedly of the same stock, I suppose many things are different. And Pakistan does not source its soldiery exclusively from Punjab nor India..more so on Indian side.
whenever there is any such incident at LOC then boht countries or their armies give different accounts of the incident while accusing the other of initiating the hostilities. Its difficult to get the neutral picture of the incident.
@FaujHistorian, mate, you have raised some very interesting and valid points. A well deserved JR.TT title upgrade!
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Problem is the kind is warmongering Indian tv channels broadcast. It's sickening. I don't know how Indians can tolerate that. Throughout this episode of LoC since last week, Pakistani channels covered it maybe a few times and of which I came across it like two or three times.

Indian channels on the other hand are on back to back hate filled warmongering. This type of irresponsiblity is uncalled for from such influential sources.
Should get a brigade of canadienne UN peacekeepers most likely the Vandoos on LOC problem solved instead of debating hours of dead rhetoric. @FaujHistorian.
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Problem is the kind is warmongering Indian tv channels broadcast. It's sickening. I don't know how Indians can tolerate that. Throughout this episode of LoC since last week, Pakistani channels covered it maybe a few times and of which I came across it like two or three times.

Indian channels on the other hand are on back to back hate filled warmongering. This type of irresponsiblity is uncalled for from such influential sources.

You are right . They even take cricket matches so seriously and bash their team day and night if they ever lose any match..they create so much sensationalism and biased reporting
in my country shia-sunni,muhajir,pathan killing each other name of islam so unit the pakistani civilean we should provoke india to beheaded their soldier because only 3 thing unit pakistani civilean and local terrorists organization .1.anti-india 2.anti-jew or anti israel 3.anti-america stance
You are right . They even take cricket matches so seriously and bash their team day and night if they ever lose any match..they create so much sensationalism and biased reporting

Good day raja.pakistani

Well I don't know about their media but its difficult to discuss any issue with them on this forum without them resorting to personal insults with exception to few members. So cool story, i went to there forums to check their perspective and understand their history as grandpapa origin is from there, and believe me indienne defence forum discussion is terrible and very insulting and are very unhelpful. So going back to my point, i think there media plays a big role in how they view the world, NDTV to me in contrast to western network and the pakistani GEO network seems like its run by amateurs and as you mentioned all about the sensationalism. In one of their broadcast, I noticed that they literally stretched the screen to get their viewer attention about some news, seriously who does that.

Edit: since i criticized indiennes, have to get off soon, going to be bombarded with responses worse than napolèan's 2nd winter in russie, so please have mercy on me in advance :)

in my country shia-sunni,muhajir,pathan killing each other name of islam so unit the pakistani civilean we should provoke india to beheaded their soldier because only 3 thing unit pakistan civilean and local terrorists organization .1.anti-india 2.anti-jew or anti israel 3.anti-america stance
@raja pakistani, ^^ , get my point
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Should get a brigade of canadienne UN peacekeepers most likely the Vandoos on LOC problem solved instead of debating hours of dead rhetoric. @FaujHistorian.


Oh by the way, there are international monitors on LOC already. They may not be in the very sector where things went wrong, but they are available on short notice.

Pakistan has already suggested calling them in to find the facts.

Indians totally and blindly refuse.

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