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We Like Them Dumb And Ignorant


Dec 12, 2008
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We Like Them Dumb And Ignorant

April 2, 2013: There are some common patterns among Islamic terrorists. They tend to be the least educated (often illiterate), least employable, and the least intelligent members of their community (either in the old country or within immigrant communities in the West). While university educated terrorists get a lot of media attention, most ideologically motivated terrorists are poor and illiterate. These deficiencies provide a great motivator to do something desperate, in the off chance it might improve your lot. Thus, most of the violence in the world occurs in countries with low literacy rates. While the planetary literacy rate is 87 percent, it’s only 29 percent in Afghanistan. It's even worse in the Pushtun tribal territories (about 15 percent on the Afghan side, 23 percent on the Pakistan side). The Taliban are a Pushtun movement and the Islamic radicals are determined to keep literacy low. They also believe in prohibitions on women working outside the home and the use of entertainment technology (music and videos, in particular, and don't even try to dance). Modern weapons and vehicles are another matter, as long as women are not operating these devices.

This illiteracy is a key factor in keeping radical Islam going in places like Afghanistan, Somalia (24 percent literacy rate), Yemen (55 percent), and Mali (26 percent). Islamic radicals believe in education but a special kind of education, which is taught in a madrassa (Islamic school) and stresses memorizing scripture and learning how to hate non-Muslims more effectively.

The majority of the Islamic terrorists (gunmen, suicide bombers, and helpers of all sorts) come from madrassas. Such schools are found all over the Islamic world, but the ones that produce the most terrorists are those that teach a conservative form of Islam, usually one that justifies militant Islam, hatred of non-Muslims and a favorable attitude towards Islamic radicalism. There are probably fewer than five million kids attending these conservative madrassas. But these schools turn out thousands of potential terrorists each year.

An extensive study of the madrassas in Pakistan found that only about ten percent of all schoolchildren were attending the religious schools, and less than twenty percent of these schools taught militancy and hatred against non-Muslims. Most of these Islamic schools were concentrated in the Pushtun (tribal) areas. The most dangerous madrasses teach a conservative version of Islam and stress the need to fight infidels (non-Muslims), but they also teach basic literacy and some math. Since most Islamic states have terrible educations systems, parents see madrassas as a viable option.

Even with the 20,000 or so madrassas in a place like Pakistan, you still have over a third of the children not in school. The national literacy rate is 56 percent in Pakistan. The Gulf States only developed high literacy rates in the last few generations, courtesy of all that oil money. Saudi Arabia and Iraq have achieved literacy rates close to 80 percent. But Pakistan and Afghanistan don't have that wealth. Then again, neither does China, which has a literacy rate of 90 percent (as do most of the East Asian nations). It's a culture thing, which is not politically correct to even mention.

Even children going to state schools in Islamic nations will get a lot of religious instruction. Parents who can afford it send their kids to "Western" schools that teach subjects that will help the children get ahead in life. For Moslem nations students are encouraged to study religion, even in college. While many Moslem kids realize that studying technical subjects will do them more good, at least economically, the Islamic nations turn out fewer technically trained graduates, per capita, than in the West.

This attitude towards secular education has left most Islamic nations illiterate, poor, and incubators of terrorism. Trying to change that brings out the wrath of the Islamic clergy, who insist that the best education is a religious one and no education at all is best for girls.

A lot of Western economic aid to places like Afghanistan and Pakistan is for education. Most parents favor this. It's no secret that better educated kids grow up to be wealthier adults. And with an education, you can make it big in the West. But these "Western schools" are anathema to Islamic militants and in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, attending such schools, or teaching in them, can get you killed or maimed.
Madrassas get a bad name and most in the West who rant and rave about Madrassas have never set foot in such places. Madrassas do a lot of good in a poor country like Pakistan. They provide free education and their students can read and write. The need in Pakistan is not to curtail or impede the growth of Madrassas but to expand these seminaries.

I agree that in terms of Real World, Madrassas are not doing enough to impart marketable skills to their students. All they teach is to read and write in Arabic and by default in Urdu ( since Urdu uses Arabic/Persian Script ) and teach religious doctrines. But these Madrassas are in or near each village of the country in the most rural areas and provide this education for free.

So instead of throwing away the baby with the bath water, we should focus on increasing and expanding the curriculum of these Madrassas to include Math and Sciences and other secular subjects so these student can get jobs after graduation.
@Pakistanisage... we should focus on increasing and expanding the curriculum of these Madrassas to include Math and Sciences and othe secular subjects so these student can get jobs after graduation.


but how would that work? Isn't that like mixing religion with education because obviously at the mudrassas, a religious explanation of anything woulf be favored over a scientific one?

Instead of that, wouldn't it be better to invest that money and energy into making more schools? :)
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I remember once John Kerry told students something like: Study hard, or you go to Iraq. It seems US was trying to match those people.
Illiteracy and poverty do not necessarily lead to extremism. There are plenty of poor and illiterate people in the world who live peacefully without causing problems.

Illiteracy and poverty do make people more vulnerable to extremist political ideologies. These extremist ideologies need to be cut off at the source.
I don't know who is the author of this dumb article, but to compare China to Somalia or Afghanistan is height of stupidity.

China's per capita is $8500.

Afghanistan's per capita is $1000

Somalia's per capita is $600

I don't know who is the author of this dumb article, but to compare China to Somalia or Afghanistan is height of stupidity.

China's per capita is $8500.

Afghanistan's per capita is $1000

Somalia's per capita is $600


That's only recently though.

Our economic boom only took place in the last two decades or so. Before that our per capita was about the same as the ones above.
REALLY??!! people who spent their entire life on education don't want to strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up?

It's almost as if education somehow improves one's judgement!!

This is shocking, I don't know how to react.
@Pakistanisage... we should focus on increasing and expanding the curriculum of these Madrassas to include Math and Sciences and othe secular subjects so these student can get jobs after graduation.


but how would that work? Isn't that like mixing religion with education because obviously at the mudrassas, a religious explanation of anything woulf be favored over a scientific one?

Instead of that, wouldn't it be better to invest that money and energy into making more schools? :)

Yes my dear , it would be better.

And that is the key. More money to invest if you have more money.

The problem is that Pakistan does not have more money.

So we have to be smart with the limited resources we have and make our money stretch.

Well the madrassas already have the infrastructure so now we can spend money on few good teachers.

I have a plan to leverage technology and provide secular education at these Madrassa through satellite link up to these mosques and madrassas, which is a lot cheaper than the building 100,000+ new School buildings and staffing them with 500,000 teachers.

You have to think like a Businessman and find innovative ways to leverage the 21st century technology.

They also get a "bad name" by those in the West who do set foot in them: link

The problem is that the people from the West who do set foot in those places are people like you who already have an AGENDA and go there to prove or score a point. I am sure if an unbiased person walked in those places with an open and unbiased mind , they will find that these institutions are doing a lot of good for our country with very meagre resources of their own.

See it is very easy for me to prove that you have an AGENDA because in four years you have started hundreds if not thousands of threads which are all Anti-Islamic or Anti-Pakistan. Show me one thread which you started that showed Islam or Pakistan in a Positive light. How is it possible that 25% of Humanity ( nearly 2 Billion People ) are 100% devoid of Goodness ?
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The problem is the ones that set foot in those places are people like you who already have an AGENDA and go there to score a point. I am sure if an unbiased person walked in those places with an open and unbiased mind , they will find a lot good that these instuitutions are doing for our country with very meagre resources of their own.
To my mind, that's exactly what happened - so I conclude you didn't read the article I linked for you, or if you did you couldn't find a single example to support your preconceived notions - the sort of AGENDA you find so reprehensible in others, if not in yourself, yes?
Yes my dear , it would be better.

And that is the key. More money to invest if you have more money.

The problem is that Pakistan does not have more money.

So we have to be smart with the limited resources we have and make our money stretch.

Well the madrassas already have the infrastructure so now we can spend money on few good teachers.

I have a plan to leverage technology and provide secular education at these Madrassa through satellite link up to these mosques and madrassas, which is a lot cheaper than the building 100,000+ new School buildings and staffing them with 500,000 teachers.

You have to think like a Businessman and find innovative ways to leverage the 21st century technology.

I completely understand. It's just that you are completely correct, such a bad name is given to them that it's hard to look at them from a difference perspective. I guess it comes down to there being a difference between use and abuse; while some are abused, there are some that are being properly used and are good for the country.

Think like a businessman huh? dw I got you :D LOL
To my mind, that's exactly what happened - so I conclude you didn't read the article I linked for you, or if you did you couldn't find a single example to support your preconceived notions - the sort of AGENDA you find so reprehensible in others, if not in yourself, yes?

The difference between you and I is I know Pakistan and everything that happens there.

You just read few articles written by so called experts on Pakistan who spent a weekend in Pakistan and now this person and yourself both consider themselves so-called "Pakistan Experts".

I have no doubt that you are not here to learn or experience anything but to peddle your Zionist propaganda just like Wall Street Journal, Washington Post or New York Times. In the last 4 year, the thousands of threads you started were all Anti-Pakistan Threads. Show me one that had a positive message about Pakistan.

So you tell me if you have an AGENDA or not ?

I have lived over 35 years of my life in the US and I know the AGENDA of the ZIONIST controlled media so please spare me the SOB story. Continue to vomit your venom and your Poisnous ZIONIST PROPAGANDA.
I completely understand. It's just that you are completely correct, such a bad name is given to them that it's hard to look at them from a difference perspective. I guess it comes down to there being a difference between use and abuse; while some are abused, there are some that are being properly used and are good for the country.

Think like a businessman huh? dw I got you :D LOL

You know, it is so easy to show any society as the most depraved society in the World.

I can go to a weekly social meetings of Witches or Devil worshippers here in New York and show their activities and then write an article in a Pakistani Newspaper that Americans get together once a week to worship devil. Would that be a fair depiction of American People ? Using an anomaly and projecting on the whole population would mean that I have an AGENDA to show Americans in a bad light, wouldn't it ?

And yet, this is precisely what these Media organizations do when they have an agenda. They will find an anomaly and try to project that as a norm. I am not saying that there are no evil people in Pakistan nor am I saying that all Madrassas are heaven on Earth with the most peaceful people.

I am saying that vast majority of these Madrassa are religious Seminaries teaching religious doctrines to their students ( 99.9% ).

It is not fair to take anomalies and present them as norms. But some Western media with an agenda to defame Pakistan do that routinely and without shame.

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