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we Germans are stupid......

if you see the ellection results ...we are.... the great coalition did no perfect job but a good one... and they were hurt by left and right populists not realy offering alternatives... and nearly 30% run in that trap (votes for AfD and Linke)

CDu / SPD has run Germany into the mud, split the EU and with your idiotic "do good" politics endangered Europe.

The only thing that matters now is to isolate Germany and hold it incapable. Voring AfD was the right choice for Germans. It destroyed the German ability to attack Europe any further.

Now since Germany is out of the game we can take robust meassurements to counteract against the hordes Merkel invited into Europe.

Btw your Merkel destroys Germany more and more. You live on substance and generate nothing new. Your state can be seen at the airport in Berlin. Or how you treat your dead ones.
we Germans are stupid...

at the federal ellection the old great colaition betwen CDU and SPD recived a major loose in votes and at the end the badly hurted SPD said they our out ...
Finding a new government formed from CDU FDP and Grüne did not went well... every other form of coallition was to bizzar and no one wanted the Linke(ultra left) or AfD (ultra rights) in a possible government... after the failed try to build up a CDU FDP Grüne government the Bundespräsident ordered all partys to his place and told them to move accept the voters desicion .... he special adressed it to his own party the SPD to rethink.
Now that the CDU and SPD talk about the continue of the so called great coalition. The pools suddenly tell that 61% of the Germans like the idea of a great coalition, that are 16% more than a week ago.... why in first place did they vote against it... stupid we...


In Sweden we have a saying
  • ”Eftertankens kranka blekhet”
which might be translated to
  • ”The sick paleness of the reflection on the past”
the worst part of the US ellection is the wiered way of US elections...the candidate with more votes is not in power...
Actually, American model is very good.

Popular vote is a double-edged sword for a society where a candidate is unpopular in a large number of states.

To become POTUS, you not only need a high vote count but you should have a good standing in a large number of states; Electoral College mechanism in short.

Vote count of Hillary Clinton was slightly higher because she drew huge number of votes from New York City and Los Angeles which are among the largest cities in the world.

Please keep in mind that USA is not limited to New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago only; concerns of people living in other parts of the country are equally valid.
CDu / SPD has run Germany into the mud, split the EU and with your idiotic "do good" politics endangered Europe.

The only thing that matters now is to isolate Germany and hold it incapable. Voring AfD was the right choice for Germans. It destroyed the German ability to attack Europe any further.

Now since Germany is out of the game we can take robust meassurements to counteract against the hordes Merkel invited into Europe.

Btw your Merkel destroys Germany more and more. You live on substance and generate nothing new. Your state can be seen at the airport in Berlin. Or how you treat your dead ones.

you are dumb and you know nothing about Germany at all...

Germany is the powerhous of europe nothing happens here without green light from Berlin...were is the mud you are talking about? Italy is in the mud, it sit in the shithole since decades and will never get out of it till they vote for faggots like Berlusconi and other mafiosi... you cant even hande the transport of trash out of your citys...


The airport in Berlin a desaster made by local SPD and Linke politicans ... there the government had no influence.. the airport is build by two states Berlin and Brandenburg lead by incompetent east German ex commies
Not dumb just cant go at fullest potential when in a state of occupation by US
you are dumb and you know nothing about Germany at all...

Germany is the powerhous of europe nothing happens here without green light from Berlin...were is the mud you are talking about? Italy is in the mud, it sit in the shithole since decades and will never get out of it till they vote for faggots like Berlusconi and other mafiosi... you cant even hande the transport of trash out of your citys...


The airport in Berlin a desaster made by local SPD and Linke politicans ... there the government had no influence.. the airport is build by two states Berlin and Brandenburg lead by incompetent east German ex commies

In EU nothing happens anymore that Merkel wants. She is political dead. You are governed by weaklings and idiots. Now shut up and do what you can best, pay our debt and work.
In EU nothing happens anymore that Merkel wants. She is political dead. You are governed by weaklings and idiots. Now shut up and do what you can best, pay our debt and work.

she is not dead....that is only wishfull thinking of here haters... she will build up a new great coalition with the SPD and be chancelor for the next 4 years...and the next 4 years here haters will be *** kicked by here that they will never forget it...

Look what happen to faggots like T. May in the UK... populist bs...today only 41% of UK voter would vote for Brexit again...the stupid brits did run in the populist trap and pay now a high price for that shit...
CDu / SPD has run Germany into the mud, split the EU and with your idiotic "do good" politics endangered Europe.
Lol Germany has ruined EU? U must be smoking some strong stuff. With Britain out Germany and France are the only pillars on which EU stands. It is all the dead weight that ruined EU like Greece and other minor countries that don't carry their weight. U should be thankful to Germany. They are among one of the hardest working ppl in all of Europe.

The only thing that matters now is to isolate Germany and hold it incapable. Voring AfD was the right choice for Germans. It destroyed the German ability to attack Europe any further.

Now since Germany is out of the game we can take robust meassurements to counteract against the hordes Merkel invited into Europe.
Lol u lot need Germany more than u realize. U think u can isolate Germany and that's somehow better for u? It will be better for Germany if it didn't have to pull all these dead horses. Go ahead and take ur "robust measures" and see where that gets u.

Btw your Merkel destroys Germany more and more. You live on substance and generate nothing new. Your state can be seen at the airport in Berlin. Or how you treat your dead ones.
Merkel is no fool. Not only she made the right moral choice accepting refugees who were caught in the middle of chaos through no fault of their own but it was also good for German economy in the long run. Germany needs immigrants because of serious demographic challenges, especially within the labour force. Yes there is a risk with letting them into ur country but that risk exists with any population even the native one. Anyone can go nuts at any time. I for one respect Merkel for doing what's right for Germany and making the morally right choice knowing that it could mean the end of her political career.
we Germans are stupid...
Without reading it full...I agreed...you people fails to clarify holocaust propaganda and helps Jews to secure / snatch lands of Palestinians in the name of victims of Germany.
Lol Germany has ruined EU? U must be smoking some strong stuff. With Britain out Germany and France are the only pillars on which EU stands. It is all the dead weight that ruined EU like Greece and other minor countries that don't carry their weight. U should be thankful to Germany. They are among one of the hardest working ppl in all of Europe.

Lol u lot need Germany more than u realize. U think u can isolate Germany and that's somehow better for u? It will be better for Germany if it didn't have to pull all these dead horses. Go ahead and take ur "robust measures" and see where that gets u.

Merkel is no fool. Not only she made the right moral choice accepting refugees who were caught in the middle of chaos through no fault of their own but it was also good for German economy in the long run. Germany needs immigrants because of serious demographic challenges, especially within the labour force. Yes there is a risk with letting them into ur country but that risk exists with any population even the native one. Anyone can go nuts at any time. I for one respect Merkel for doing what's right for Germany and making the morally right choice knowing that it could mean the end of her political career.

Inviting hordes of 3rd worlders led to BREXIT, led to the split with eastern europe and absolute dissens of Europe.

Merkels idiocy to first invite one million savages in Europe led to a massive rise in terrorism here. Her idiocy to believe other EU nations will accpt those people made the split even bigger.

She suffers from same problem as evry long time ruler. She is detached from reality. Her own country hates her. In eastern germany they spit on her.

We currently save Germany from its own idiocy. Thats what you dont get. Its Italy that made dirty deals with Libyan mafia who now sell those migrants on slave markets. Its Italy that fought the migration, blocks NGO and holds migrants out. All while Merkel in her "Nazi complex" had not the guts to say "ENOUGH".

In 2015 800.000 migrants flooded Germany and the Germans were at Merkels throat. Its nations like Italy, Hungary and Austria who saved her ***.

Germany needs no immigrants. Those who come cant read and write. They cost them 40 billion per year and are a massive burden. She now even pays money to get rid of them.

Automatisation leads to the simple fact that germany loses millions of jobs in near future. Letting millions of 3rd worlders in who you cant provide houses was no "moral choice". It was to put pressure on her own people, to lower wages and create instability. Lower social security. Her little experiment run out of hand. I honor the east Germans who fight that bitch. She cant go there anymore without being labelled words i dont want repeat here.
Modern-era Germany is a mere shadow of its former-self. Getting rid of Angela Merkel would be a step in the right direction.

More importantly, Germans should really STOP feeling sorry for what happened in WW-2. There are a number of states out there with violent history. Germany needs to rediscover its nationalism and emerge as a powerful independent country once again.

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