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We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

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I think alot of Indian Muslims weren't quite pleased with Madani's words to Musharraf.
Infact, I think they wanted to reach out to Musharraf and conduct extensive dialogue.
This person who challenged Musharraf actually got browny points from the people present there and in the rest of India, and actually wanted to disregard Musharraf intentionally, however, I wonder, was that really needed? Because if I remember, Musharraf had no ill intentions or feelings towards Indian Muslims, instead, he wanted to reach out to them and help them if possible aswell because it is a simply known fact that Indian Muslims are a minority in their own country, now being a minority doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's a bad thing, but if you're surrounded by atleast 900 million Hindu's who continue to say that India is secular but in their minds and hearts know that India is mostly Hindu only, I wonder how much problems the Muslim minority will get now and in the near future, discrimination and superiority complexes will continue to play a role.
There was no need to lash out at Musharraf like this Madani fellow did, infact, he tried to insult all of Pakistan with him aswell, and Pakistan consists of 170+ million muslims, far more then living in India, so he better check his facts aswell because he's making a fool out of himself.
Contrary to what you posted Blain, there is indeed a reason why Pakistani Muslims are in denial about Indian Hindu's and Muslims getting along. That is because Pakistan has been founded on the base of the logic that Hindu's and Muslims CANNOT get along.

Thus if they see Hindu's and Muslims getting along in India, the logic for the creation of Pakistan is challenged. And thus, the denial-that Muslims in "Hindu India"(as they are taught in Pakistan) are oppressed. This justifies Pakistan for them.
Do you think anything including the attack on Mumbai by supposed LET crackpots or the violence in Kashmir even comes close to the dismemberment of a sovereign nation by force of arms prior to using proxies to stir up all sorts of violence and murders? We have to live with that image of India. Until and unless your India has done a massive image makeover, to us Pakistanis its outright shameful for you to tell us about the wrongs of waging proxy wars, using violence to cede national territory and the million other charges you have dumped on us.

It would also give better perspective to Pakistani's to know that they had already attempted what India did in '71.

The sending over of Pakistani Army personnel as 'Mujahid's' in Kashmir for starting an uprising AND SABOTAGING Indian Military installations in '65. The Pakistani populace however is conveniently fed a lie that India attacked Pakistan unilaterally and was unprovoked! Please answer that question blain, why are they taught something historically wrong? Why were the war diaries of PA personnel destroyed?

Before that-in 1947, again, PA regulars as Muhajids in Kashmir.

So maybe Pakistani populace should keep these things in mind before thinking about the '71 war which would (rightly) leave a bad image in their mind.
I think alot of Indian Muslims weren\\'t quite pleased with Madani\\'s words to Musharraf.
Infact, I think they wanted to reach out to Musharraf and conduct extensive dialogue.

You think? What is your basis for claiming that Indian muslims are looking to Musharraf for help?

Its really strange, you peoples\\\' reasoning is strange. If an Indian muslim claims that he does not need Musharraf\\\'s crocodile tears, it is interpreted as somehow pandering to the \\\'hindus\\\'.
I wonder if an Indian muslim actually DID approach Musharraf for \\\'help and advice\\\', if it will be interpreted as Indian muslims pandering to Musharraf. I suspect not.

You see not what exists, but what you want to see, sir.

I wonder how many most muslims in Pakistan are waiting to fight for the muslims in India like they did on 26/11.
You think? What is your basis for claiming that Indian muslims are looking to Musharraf for help?

Its really strange, you peoples\\' reasoning is strange. If an Indian muslim claims that he does not need Musharraf\\'s crocodile tears, it is interpreted as somehow pandering to the \\'hindus\\'.
I wonder if an Indian muslim actually DID approach Musharraf for \\'help and advice\\', if it will be interpreted as Indian muslims pandering to Musharraf. I suspect not.

You see not what exists, but what you want to see, sir.

I wonder how many most muslims in Pakistan are waiting to fight for the muslims in India like they did on 26/11.

I think "dialogue" and "help" are two different words, seperate them and you will know what I mean.
People keep posting this "One sided" yapping of a delusional individual. What's on the other side of the coin? Most of the people who watched it live said that Musharraf had an AWESOME response to his blabbering.

Either post BOTH sides of the story or don't post anything at all.

This was too a very AWESOME response.
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What an Imbecilic statement to say to the Ex President of Pakistan, in a hall full of "Intellectuals". He should seriously do some research so that he doesn't come out looking like a clown to the masses. I think HE is the one who should be "Knowing" the fact that Pakistani Muslims aren't less in numbers than the Indian Muslims, but are greater in number than the Indian Muslims. Musharaf probably nodded to save this poor man's "Failed" state of mind.

Thanks for the laugh, Madani! :lol:

Do you have figures to support your argument.
Do you have figures to support your argument.

Statistics are all over the place, But here's a couple of sources.


Pakistan: 160,829,453
India: 153,349,279

NationMaster - Islam > Population (most recent) by country

Pakistan: 156,491,617
India: 138,188,726


Pakistan: 164,160,046
India: 154,500,000

Muslim Population by Country: Introduction - Hajj

Pakistan: 157,547,348
India: 129,631,727
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I think alot of Indian Muslims weren't quite pleased with Madani's words to Musharraf.
Infact, I think they wanted to reach out to Musharraf and conduct extensive dialogue.
This person who challenged Musharraf actually got browny points from the people present there and in the rest of India, and actually wanted to disregard Musharraf intentionally, however, I wonder, was that really needed? Because if I remember, Musharraf had no ill intentions or feelings towards Indian Muslims, instead, he wanted to reach out to them and help them if possible aswell because it is a simply known fact that Indian Muslims are a minority in their own country, now being a minority doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's a bad thing, but if you're surrounded by atleast 900 million Hindu's who continue to say that India is secular but in their minds and hearts know that India is mostly Hindu only, I wonder how much problems the Muslim minority will get now and in the near future, discrimination and superiority complexes will continue to play a role.
There was no need to lash out at Musharraf like this Madani fellow did, infact, he tried to insult all of Pakistan with him aswell, and Pakistan consists of 170+ million muslims, far more then living in India, so he better check his facts aswell because he's making a fool out of himself.

Since you dont live in India, you will never understand Hindu-Muslim friendship. Its always gonna be rocket science for you. Muslims in India dont think Hindu's are their enemies. And they would never need to. They have been together in ups and downs of Indian history.
Let me remind you, when Godhra happened, you had more Hindus protesting for the Muslims than Muslims themselves.

MalayMishra is right. A state born and brought up on Hindu-Muslim hate, will never recognize secularism.
Next time Musharraf goes to India, especially during a tit for tat crises, he should bring his SSG stick with him and not take such disrespectful comments from un-educated hindutva maulvi's posing for the audience and their masters. What a lame and un-inspiring comment to come at a time when all Musharraf wanted to do was close the chapter on this nauseating eye for an eye nonsense and bring things back on track towards reconciliation, in fact he was broadly addressing Indians not Indian Muslims, who are always perched on their high horse with their noses turned up towards Pakistan, much more disrespectful than Hindus or Sikhs in most cases.
What a dumb molvi.He should have bothered to check stats first.I think Musharraf did not say that we have more muslims because he did not want to embarrass molvi.
Next time Musharraf goes to India, especially during a tit for tat crises, he should bring his SSG stick with him and not take such disrespectful comments from un-educated hindutva maulvi's posing for the audience and their masters. What a lame and un-inspiring comment to come at a time when all Musharraf wanted to do was close the chapter on this nauseating eye for an eye nonsense and bring things back on track towards reconciliation, in fact he was broadly addressing Indians not Indian Muslims.

SSG is not gonna close Musharraf's ears. He was not assaulted physically. He faced a verbal war. We didnt ask him to come to India. A true general should able to deflect that. It takes more wit than body armour to win a debate.

And now that Maulvi has spoken the truth, you think hes a Hindu in disguise. You would never understand. Malvi is not representing views of Pakistan but views of Indian muslim. And those are not going to change whether you like it or not
SSG is not gonna close Musharraf's ears. He was not assaulted physically. He faced a verbal war. We didnt ask him to come to India. A true general should able to deflect that. It takes more wit than body armour to win a debate.

And now that Maulvi has spoken the truth, you think hes a Hindu in disguise. You would never understand. Malvi is not representing views of Pakistan but views of Indian muslim. And those are not going to change whether you like it or not

I meant that I want Musharraf to bring his balls to the debate and not take flak from intellectual nobody's. Like many pseudo-intellectuals in our region, the maulvi wanted to derail the discussion instead of incite honest debate and thus understanding.
And now that Maulvi has spoken the truth, you think hes a Hindu in disguise. You would never understand. Malvi is not representing views of Pakistan but views of Indian muslim. And those are not going to change whether you like it or not

I don't think hes a Hindu in disguise, but I do think he has his masters. If these are the views of Indian Muslims, then they are the biggest roadblock to peace between our two nations. They are used as pawns to deflect honest debate before it can even take place by their masters.
Muslim Indians are well aware how pakistani punjabis have solved the problems of bengalis, sindhis, baluchis and setting out to solve currently the problems of the pashtuns. They know how religious ideology can be misused to rule others in the name of brotherhood. They are far safer in India than the bengalis and baluchis have been at the hands of pakistani punjabis. Madani just made this quite clear without being as brazen and disrespectful to his hosts as Musharraf was about their "condition". Next time even that might be conveyed. There was no doubt that Musharraf was shaken and went to a condescending response.
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